defcon 29 cfp

It increases in severity from DEFCON 5 to DEFCON 1 to match varying military situations. It’s that time of year again—the DEF CON Call for Workshops is open! 7/29/14. PS: Do you have an idea for a DEF CON village? Last but not least, we’re launching DEF CON Training! The DEF CON 29 Call for Everything is Open! We will use the email addresses you included on your application (unless stated otherwise). DEFCONs are a subsystem of a series of Alert … Submit to host a contest or event. HOW TO GET YOUR SUBMISSION QUICKLY REJECTED: DEF CON 29 CTF Qualifying Event: HXPCTF. Custom 3D printed swag? Be quick about applying as we are closing the doors May 15! The time has come! Topics: 1 Posts: … Posted 2.5.21 . Submit in one text file only, do not submit each section individually. We have dozens of presentations to arrange so we ask that you be available for speaking at any time during the conference. Want to release an exploit, tool, demo? Fresh DEF CON T-shirts for the (hopefully washed) masses? Do you want to create a space for people to get together and work on a shared interest? 3) I understand that I may receive payment on-site at the conference. Abstract In some rare cases, I may be required to complete a W8 (Non-U.S. Citizen) or W9 (U.S. Citizen) before payment is issued. Call for Everything Call for Artists Call for Badge Designers Call for Papers Call for CFP Board Reviewers Call for Contests & Events Call for Villages Call for Demo Labs Call for Music & Soundtrack Call for Workshops Call for Trainers Call for Parties & Meetups Vendor Application Press Registration. Yes or No. Please remember to credit prior works and acknowledge others. To submit your talk, please cut and paste the submission form below into the body of an email or within a single .txt file and send it to talks[at]defcon[dot]org. As for how to actually make a presentation, that's the same as making a presentation anywhere - there are a lot of online resources on public speaking skills, as well as organisations like Toastmasters. If you are releasing vulnerabilities, please break them down and abstract as a vulnerability database would. The "Live" portion of this will be done between 6PM (PDT) and whenever we all pass out. What do you bring to the table, how will you or your presentation(s) contribute a new perspective to the content at DEF CON? We will post more details on this later, but for now we wanted to let you know that DEF CON will be hosting pre-registered full day paid training courses at DEF CON. What about Demonstrating the tool you spent all year working on? If your talk is accepted you can continue to modify and evolve it up until the last minute, but don't deviate from your accepted presentation. iii. I would expect to announce the CFP in January, maybe the start of February. Please read the "So you want to be a Sponsor” FAQ. They're a really good deal if you're actually using it multiple times or have plans to go to … B. Afrika oder Nordamerika) und versucht sich gegen die anderen im thermonuklearen Krieg zu behaupten. We answer inquiries and take applications for just about everything you might want to do at DEF CON. We are the group of people who select the talks and workshops that will be presented at DEF CON 26. The website for the Defcon Monero Village 2020. Yes or No Please cut and paste your submission into the body of an email or within a .txt file. Temporary description until one is provided: Taking over the CTF this year we have the "Legitimate Business Syndicate" prepared to run CTF at Defcon. I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere, or if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication by DEF CON Communications, Inc. and that I will promptly supply DEF CON Communications, Inc. with wording for crediting the original publication and copyright owner. a vendor or sales pitch, a talk on the keeping of goats, etc.) If I am selected for presentation, I hereby give DEF CON Communications, Inc. permission to duplicate, record and redistribute this presentation, which includes, but is not limited to, the conference proceedings, conference CD, video, audio, and hand-outs to the conference attendees for educational, on-line, and all other purposes. Do you consent to allow DEF CON to forward your completed submission to relevant DEF CON Village lead(s) for their consideration for village content? The following are common issues identified in talk submissions: Sponsor a Village? Submit a Training. Is the tool currently public? Please provide a simple bibliography and/or works cited. September 2006 erschien. 2) I will submit a final Abstract and Biography for the DEF CON website and Printed Conference Materials by 12:00 noon Pacific time, June 15, 2021. If you wish to send your submission encrypted via PGP please use KeyID:3A276723 for Nikita(at)DEFCON… Co-Speaker(s) Email Address(es): The Dark Tangent & DEF CON Staff, Contests, Events, Villages, Parties, Talks, Workshops, Vendors, Press, Music... and more! The DEF CON Demo Lab is a dedicated area for hackers to show off what they have been working on, to answer questions, and even coax attendees into giving feedback on their projects. We'll select the top submissions and give you the space to help make it happen. Primary Speaker Email Address: 3) I understand if I fail to submit a completed PDF presentation by July 15, 2021, I may be replaced by an alternate presentation or may forfeit my honorarium. Are you submitting this or any other topic to Black Hat USA? It is the submitter's responsibility to remove any PII from any attached slides, white papers, or supporting materials, and to appropriately sanitize any metadata in the provided content. To submit CFP for the conference, click the [submission link] under the title above. Incomplete forms will be rejected. The following questions intend to answer what level of participation you are comfortable with considering these circumstances. Submit early so we’ve more time to help you. something All of the insanely awesome DEF CON events don't materialize out of thin air, so that's where YOU come in. July 19, 2017 at 11:29 pm. Yes or No. Submissions without an abstract, detailed outline, bio. If you are submitting multiple talks, please submit them as separate emails. Under which license? This abstract is the primary way people will be drawn to your session, but should not give them the entire content of the talk. If yes, please specify how many and why. Any questions or concerns you have? Would you be interested in doing both? Would you like your submission sent in anonymously to the review board? Are there any other special equipment needs that you will require to successfully present your talk? Note: Your abstract will be used for the website and printed materials. It is the submitter's responsibility to remove any PII from any attached slides, white papers, or supporting materials, and to appropriately sanitize any metadata in the provided content. If Yes, Please indicate the dates/times and restriction. Please note: We accept few 105 minute talks, your submission will need to breakdown the time requested within your content outline. $9.99 In den Warenkorb. Have you submitted or do you plan on submitting this topic to any other conference held prior to DEF CON? Let people know who you are and why you are qualified to speak on your topic. References will be posted online with your talk information. Have any of the speakers spoken at a previous DEF CON? Did you discover something the world needs to know? July 29th thru 31st, 2005. v. q&a. Would you like to see 30,000 hackers wearing a badge you create? If selecting the $300 payment as my honorarium, I must provide a valid name and postal mail address so that the payment may be mailed. More and more we are seeing submissions that are well suited for cyber security industry conferences, developer conferences, or local meetups but may not align with the board's view of the DEF CON spirit. Include the vendor(s), product(s), and version(s) affected here: 9. I, (insert primary speaker name), have read and agree to the Agreement to Terms of Speaking Remuneration or I will forfeit my honorarium. PREV POST The Rise of Machine Learning and Social Engineering Attacks. If you haven't already, we recommend you read the CFP announcement for DEF CON before you begin, to get a feel of the theme and goals for this year's content. Is it a full tool suite, a plugin, proof of concept exploit, update to existing tool, or something else? Additional files that may help in the selection process should be included. Im Fall eines nationalen Notfalls stehen sieben verschiedene Alarmstufen zur Verfügung. Veröffentlichung: 29. We are not asking for a complete presentation for this initial submission and full slides will only be required if you are selected for presenting. 4) I will include a detailed bibliography as either a separate document or included within the presentation of all resources cited and/or used in my presentation. If you want to plan ahead these dates are also listed on the CFP … Length of presentation: (20 minutes, 45 minutes, 105 minutes) ", and every year they do. * You may delete any content that is preceded with "Note:" Cover any professional or hacker history that is relevant to you and the presentation, you may include past jobs, tools that you have written, etc. From IOT Village: >> << Make sure to follow IoT Village on Twitch to get updates about our talks that go live on May 28th and 29th along with the talks that will be hosted there later this year for our @defcon CFP!!! Fill out the form and apply - immortality awaits. Great, consider applying now, the deadline is May 1st! To tweak the minds of hackers from around the world, we work hard to fill the halls & servers of DEF CON with events to feed your curiosity and hone your skills in every way imaginable. I, (insert primary speaker name) understand that DEF CON's official Press Liaison & Staff may contact me. If you are submitting a panel, it’s encouraged to list what each panel member will contribute to on the outline, as well as the estimated time budgeted for those bullet points. (Feel free to elaborate as needed, you can change your mind up until we make a final decision about in person.) My contact information will not be given to third parties without my consent. Note: Additional supporting materials such as code, white papers, proof of concept, etc. Use this to inform attendees about how technical your talk is, what tools will be used, what materials to read in advance to get the most out of your presentation. Presentation Title: The defense readiness condition is an alert state used by the United States Armed Forces. - The deadline to submit requests are important, late submissions likely won’t be accepted. Apply for a press badge (Opening April 1st) No, I (insert primary speaker name), don't want to be contacted by DEF CON's press staff for any reason. Primary Speaker Name: Bill Blunden Primary Speaker Title and Company (if applicable): -na- Primary Speaker Email Address: (hello there General Alexander!) DEFCON kaufen. (DEF CON itself doesn’t have sponsors but…) Want to sponsor a Party? Note: This is your opportunity to directly address the DEF CON review board as to why you think your talk is good for our hacker con. DJs, shredders, yodelers - if you have what it takes to move the DEF CON crowd, read the rules, fill out the application and show us what you’ve got. Good luck! Are you into teaching a few dozen people how-to : analyze malware, lockdown techniques, hardware hack, build a badge, disassemble, or crash testing and triage? Especially art with strong DEF CON vibes. 1). * We work to accommodate special requests regarding speaking time-slots, but cannot guarantee any specific availability. Until then we need you to help us plan! All of the insanely awesome DEF CON events don't materialize out of thin air, so that's where YOU come in. Every night at DEF CON we have multiple rooms throwing parties with people who share the same passions. Every year hundreds of dedicated hackers put their heads together and ask themselves one question "How are we going to do it bigger, and better, than last year? As detailed above, I, (insert primary speaker name), have read and agree to the Grant of Copyright Use. Yes or No If you’re interested in being an official DEF CON trainer please submit an application before May 1st. Attendees will read this to get an idea of what they should know before your presentation, and what they will learn after. DEF CON staff, and other speakers would be able to see your email address once you accepted the invitation. We know it's been a thing for years to "cancel" Defcon, but this year it really happened. We would adhere to all health and safety guidelines, so the better we can understand them the more informed our assessment will be. Are you interested in being entirely online, with no interest if there is an in-person possibility? * Pseudonyms are acceptable for submissions; however if you are selected we will need your real name in order to register you and to complete your speaking honorarium payment. If you have not received confirmation of your submission after two business days of submission, please check your spam folder, whitelist, and search for mail from nikita[at]defcon[dot]org, then contact us again at talks[at]defcon[dot]org. If you wish to send your submission encrypted via PGP please use KeyID:3A276723 for Nikita(at)DEFCON(dot)org, Found here: NIKITA PGP After a completed CFP form is received, speakers will be contacted if there are any questions about their presentations. Be afraid. Posted by. Please do not submit your application in .pdf, .docx, .odf, mdf, or any other formats, else it may delay your review. We’re looking for folks to send in their submissions for hands-on workshops that are four (4) hours long. If you want to plan ahead these dates are also listed on the CFP … (Feel free to elaborate if needed, you can change your mind up until we make a final decision about in person.) In Großbritannien verwendete man analog hierzu den BIKINI state. (Please answer for each speaker &/or panel members.) You must provide a detailed outline containing the main points and navigation through your talk - show how you intend to begin, where you intend to lead the audience and how you plan to get there. There's no denying it, it's 2021 and DEF CON will be here before we know it, so let's get this party started. Y/N Bill Blunden DEFCON 22 CFP Submission. Are there any contingencies that might prevent releasing the exploit (e.g. We have a lot of spaces to fill with groovy sounds, and we want your help. June 29, 2019 PGP key: valid 2020 Jan 15, to 2024 Jan 01 Fingerprint: BC5B CD9A C609 1B6B CD81 9636 D7C6 E96C FE66 156A Tags: appsec , cfp , village Stay for an hour, or never leave, the choice is yours, and we're all about choice. We request that applications are in plain text only to avoid disfiguring formatting errors. Re: DEFCON 20 Paper question Cot's answers are great. CFP Daddy - 101 Guy. Submit to the CFP by May 1st with a good outline. Das Festival wurde 2003 erstmals am Strand von Almere in der niederländischen Provinz Flevoland veranstaltet. The Dark Tangent CFP, information, and more. Until then we need you to help us plan! If Yes, please elaborate. You would want to read the entire submission without having to look up acronyms or research prior works. Das Festival dauerte bis zum Jahr 2012 jeweils 12 Stunden und fand in der Zeit von 11.00 bis 23.00 Uhr statt. Defcon ist ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel aus dem Hause Introversion Software und basiert auf dem Film WarGames. GitHub is where people build software. Your outline should be in simple text. You can read more about the CFP submission process and FAQ at: Call Index. In this call for participation we have NEW questions for the COVID-19 era that will be used in deciding how much interest people have in remaining on-line only, hybrid, or in person only. I consent to be contacted in order to arrange interviews with the media. I understand that I will be responsible for my own travel expenses, unless prior approval is made with special exception. Got some vintage gear? < OR > Jeder der bis zu 6 Spieler übernimmt eine kontinentale Landmasse (z. The unofficial subreddit of world's largest hacker convention! You might have noticed, but incase it wasn't obvious, we like Art. It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness for the U.S. military. Please read and accept these terms by inserting your name where noted. DEF CON is unique and so are the visuals we use on our programs, cd's, banners, podiums, t-shirts, stickers, etc. We love to feature artists from our community - if you've got some artistic skills and you want to try your hand at getting your work shown off at DEF CON, consider applying to be an official DEF CON artist by completing the following application. I'll have a full post on the forums as soon as I have the final details but for now we are sending notices to speakers. If you're someone with mobility issues or issues with heat exposure, consider taking a taxi or staying put in one casino during peak-temperature times. If your talk is accepted you can continue to modify and evolve it up until the last minute, but don't deviate from your accepted presentation. Send us an email at info [at] defcon ]dot[ org. Presentation Information See you at DEF CON! Submissions where the outline is not significantly more detailed than the abstract and/or bio. If yes, please list which conference(s) and their dates. Primary Speaker Name or Pseudonym*: General Track --- Track for topics covering all aspects. If you are submitting multiple talks, please submit them as separate emails. to me-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA1. You would have hundreds of submissions to evaluate and so the most complete ones would stand out to you. something else Backup Email, in case of communication failure (optional): Submissions with incomplete application forms. When you use special formatting, it looks awful when it is uploaded into our review system. Y/N Hopefully this helps Defcon come back this year in person. Please introduce your tool briefly and explain what it does: Yes or No. If you’re looking to share your open source project with the DEF CON audience in the Demo Labs, please note: The CFP closes May 12, so the moment for procrastination is officially past. The review board likes submissions that include references to prior works and research you used in developing your presentation. Maybe you don't want to invest an entire weekend, and single serving insanity is more your speed. 9. Presenter Information Signed Submission Agreements You know you want to have a track of yours into the hands of DEF CON attendees. Filed Under: DEFCON Updates Like it? 1) I will submit a completed presentation, a copy of the tool(s) and/or code(s), and a reference to all of the tool(s), law(s), Web sites and/or publications referenced to at the end of my talk and as described in this CFP submission for publication on the DEF CON media server, to be released the day of the conference, by 12:00 noon Pacific time, July 15, 2021. ( site ) , ( Registration ), ( twitter ) Do not add decorative section breaks or ascii tomfoolery to the application. Teilen Einbetten . Be very afraid. Put yourself in the shoes of the DEF CON Review Board. With that in mind your submission must contain all the following information as contained in the form below. Not just the one playing in your head as you navigate the venue in search of more things to hack, either. We need people who are going to host the events we all enjoy so much. Please read the Vendor Application This is in addition to the existing speaker payment method you choose. should be sent along with your email submission. But if you're late to the party, fear not! If yes, please explain the demonstration. In all of our calls for participation we have NEW questions for the COVID-19 era that will be used in deciding how much interest people have in remaining on-line only, hybrid, or in person only. vendor relationships, coordinated disclosure delays, visa approvals, etc)?

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