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One of the bodies identified on the scene bore a strong similarity to photos of Ernesto Sosa, believed to be the Cartel’s top man in Miami. /prophecy/2020/10/the-real-mafia-that-controls-the-entire-world-and-soon-the-new-world-order-excellent-video-must-see-2514595.html. Awesome Videos Explaining The Plan To Take Down America! Great Video By ODD TV. The Mark of the Beast and the Timing of the Rapture Revealed!”, /christian-news/2020/02/is-the-nimrod-antichrist-leading-us-down-a-path-to-destruction-in-conjunction-with-the-false-prophets-is-the-coronavirus-the-beginning-of-the-end-are-we-two-events-away-from-the-great-tribulation-2584286.html, “The Little Horn Is Coming to Stick it to All of Us! Elijah Is Prophesied To Return Before The Dreadful Day Of The LORD. Must See Video!! Dallas is one of the original four that emerged in 2011. Might be time to clear the decks there. Though a boy with a gentle spirit, growing up was tough, due to being twice the size of other children his own age. I have serious issues with the formatting of the dates in the databases and Memo client. Head Scars of Obama 100% Match Akhenaten Hieroglyph! "Just kill them," Bill urged, but this wasn't Goodwin's style. The Selling Off Of America. Helping Each Other By Sharing This Important Information – Already Blocked In Some Countries. Mayor McKendrick - “McKendrick in 2017 - As I prosper, so will you". Occasional government contractor Murkywater has recently bought up several old military properties, in the US and abroad. /christian-news/2021/01/john-wrote-it-very-simple-excellent-video-2592173.html. It’s All About Your DNA! This could be a coincidence but you strike me as a man who doesn't believe in coincidences, and neither do I. /prophecy/2020/11/covid-vaccine-injury-halts-astrazeneca-trial-when-people-suffered-from-neurological-problems-and-lost-their-connection-with-god-another-volunteer-in-oxford-dies-from-covid-vaccine-great-videos-2515824.html,, The French Certainly Know How To Organize A Revolution And Know Who’s Who & Who’s Jew! Andre discusses Pastor Wickstom and the Posse Comitatus and his appearance on the Donahue show above. The Truth About The Elites Who Are Trying To Enslave And Kill Us! /christian-news/2020/11/cains-satanic-seed-line-the-two-seed-line-doctrine-without-two-seedlines-there-is-no-need-for-a-savior-in-christianity-banned-videos-confirming-how-eve-was-beguiled-by-the-serpent-2590849.html. Excellent Video For The Truth! /prophecy/2020/10/kabbalah-sabbateanism-chabad-lubavitch-the-illuminati-awesome-video-2514865.html. According to field reports, the other members of the gang call this one “Clover". ResumeMatch - Sample Resume, Resume Template, Resume Example, Resume Builder,Resume linkedin,Resume Grade,File Convert. I was also about to tell you that I’ve encountered rumors of a new weapon that may be of interest to us, a shotgun called the ‘Admiral’. Proof Covid Was Planned Years Ago !! Five High Watch Days In January 2021. Yesterday the LAPD were called in to a possible homicide at the Sunset hotel. The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 Documentary – Great Video! /prophecy/2020/11/age-of-deceit-1-fallen-angels-and-the-new-world-order-2-alchemy-and-the-rise-of-the-beast-image-3-remnants-in-the-cyber-hive-earth-great-videos-by-face-like-the-sun-2515934.html. He was regarded as KIA at Bu Prang, and it might have been better for the world if he had. /christian-news/2020/12/a-true-american-hero-who-fought-to-preserve-the-white-christian-race-was-murdered-no-surprise-george-warned-us-who-was-behind-destroying-america-the-same-people-that-destroyed-germany-came-to-amer-2591850.html. Great Videos To Understand How America Was Subverted From Within! Even though the PAYDAY left the scene transporting what looked like some kind of large explosive, Deputy Callaghan was denied his request to follow in pursuit until further assistance arrived. /prophecy/2020/11/the-jesuits-and-the-assassination-of-jfk-eric-phelps-on-the-jesuits-fascinating-videos-2-2515903.html. Breaking down his movement, style and technique, it is obvious that “Chains" is ex-military. Wake Up Stupid, It’s The Jews! This wealth of easily fenced stones made it a natural target for the Payday gang. The Real Star Wars! Carl Sanders – Man Who Invented RFID Microchip Speaks Out: Mark Of The Beast 666. Dr. Chuck Missler Talks About Esau And The Edomites. The Crowhouse: The Coming Zombie Apocalypse! Look Who Is Behind The Curtain! The mayoral elections are coming up soon and I don’t need to remind you how this looks. /christian-news/2021/01/babies-are-born-alive-at-5-6-months-old-with-beating-hearts-and-having-their-hearts-cut-out-without-any-anesthesia-sacrificed-for-use-in-vaccines-shocking-interview-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr-2592680.html. He was one of the most notorious gamblers and cheaters in the city, making the rounds of the casinos and preying on holiday makers and newlyweds alike. You Will Be Surprised!! The Greatest Hoax in History! Awesome Video For Truthseekers! /prophecy/2020/12/the-vaccine-scam-of-the-covid-conspiracy-great-video-on-the-world-affairs-update-2516954.html. /prophecy/2020/11/scooby-doo-the-covid-hoax-whistleblowers-the-covid-doesnt-exist-excellent-videos-2515475.html. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. Tracked ‘Til Death’ – ID2020 – “Digital Vaxines” – The Digital Currency Beast System Is Upon Us. Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race. /prophecy/2020/10/could-trump-be-the-transmigrated-aleistair-crowley-druidic-witches-illuminati-antichrist-peace-plan-church-of-satan-trump-gorgoyle-great-videos-2515091.html. They’re likely to become the spine of my force. The Continent Of Mu Was Destroyed And Sunk And The Remnant Of The 144,000 Saints (Rev 7/14) Were Saved That Did Not Pollute And Corrupt Their DNA With The Nephilim. Awesome Videos! Awesome Video! Great Video By The Watchman. They’re damn near indestructible. For his affinity for explosives and capability with hardware, we consider this one to be the Technician in the group. /prophecy/2020/11/all-wars-have-been-bankers-wars-britain-helped-orchestrate-ww1-and-ww2-with-the-bankers-against-germany-due-to-jealousy-as-prophesied-great-eye-opening-video-2515656.html. /prophecy/2020/10/now-that-we-have-nimrods-head-from-the-tomb-of-gilgamesh-the-vatican-now-has-the-head-of-nimrod-in-a-jar-ready-to-resurrect-him-using-cern-pickled-in-a-jar-at-the-vatican-are-they-going-to-resurrec-2514807.html. What Did People In Masks Die From? Freight railroads are vital to the U.S. economy, and are often used to transport coal and oil across the country. The Museum is a solid building, with only a limited number of options for breaking in. Excellent Video! /prophecy/2021/01/bombshell-globalist-new-world-order-plan-classified-covid-depopulation-of-earth-document-read-by-italian-doctor-must-see-banned-video-2517674.html. Enough Is Enough With Dr. Amanda Vollmer! As per your instructions I have prepared a small team, which stands ready. Skin Name ASC The Cult of Saturn And The Black Cube! I shouldn't be surprised by the beating they gave Mr.Sturr, but that was brutal even for them. /christian-news/2020/11/murder-by-injection-the-medical-monopoly-great-videos-by-eustace-mullins-warning-for-today-2590771.html. Why do jews hate White people?! Crimefest 2 Safe /prophecy/2020/12/dr-lorraine-day-discusses-health-the-covid-hoax-the-truth-about-vaccines-and-the-noahide-laws-coming-to-your-town-soon-great-june-7-2020-interview-video-2516290.html. Great Video! Excellent Videos! Only Messiah Jesus can save you! And they’re not just decked out well. False Prophet Francis Proclaims Lucifer As God In The Catholic Church. /prophecy/2020/11/urgent-vaccine-information-share-with-everyone-you-know-today-excellent-video-2515565.html. Christians This Is Your Wake Up Call! The Prophecy Of Daniel, Bel & The Dragon In the Apocrypha And Who They Are Today. Would require someone with very special connections. Packed into a van, surrounded, we should have ended this there. William Henry Gates III = 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 666. Pervywood ~ Part 6 ~ Royal Flush. It is possible that this assassination was also linked to two other incidents - a meth-operation in a forest shack, and a shoot-out in a neighborhood ruled by The Cobras gang. Proof That The Vaccines Were Ordered Before The Lockdown. Oxy Powder - Natural Colon Cleanser! The Serpent raped Eve in the Garden of Eden and she produced Cain a hybrid race into the world. /prophecy/2020/10/the-jew-is-the-problem-ejected-from-over-109-locations-excellent-video-2514798.html, The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white race which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in. The Teuer dealership had recently received a shipment of the latest model, the Falcogini. Suspect Database. The Benevolent take their security extremely seriously, and their preparations are some of the best we at the Bureau have seen. Awesome Videos! The Mendoza’s were almost in bed with the Bureau too. Jews Have Been Kicked Out Of 109 Locations Including 79 Countries Throughout History! New World Order – Pope Francis Kissing The Hands Of Rothschild & Rockefeller. (Jeremiah 11:14). Great Videos! /prophecy/2020/10/the-new-world-order-plan-discussed-in-detail-by-whistleblower-who-was-killed-by-the-illuminati-the-plan-is-materializing-before-our-eyes-awesome-videos-2515112.html. Hell, I almost feel sorry for the clowns when this guy gets on the scene. Jewish Nazis & The Protocols Of Zion. Great Videos To Understand How George Soros Is Funding The Refugees To Weaken The White Christian Nation And Incite Race Wars! /prophecy/2020/11/bombshell-evidence-that-covid-is-testing-chromosome-8-human-dna-faulty-pcr-test-humans-are-the-virus-ground-breaking-videos-banned-by-youtube-including-the-latest-with-amandha-vollmer-phenomen-2515319.html. I think with a little creativity with purchase req’s and a review of admission protocols, I can get more of these guys on the street. Eric is good. /prophecy/2020/12/fritz-springmeier-illuminati-bloodlines-demons-aliens-dumbs-human-blood-sacrifice-rituals-mind-control-exposing-the-new-world-order-agenda-awesome-videos-2516416.html. Wake Up – TV Is Casting A Spell On You! Brian PainterSpecial Analysis Operations, Payday Task Force, Washington D.C. Subject: FWD: [SPAM? The Fiasco Of The 1976 ‘Swine Flu Affair’. /prophecy/2020/11/the-dark-winter-operation-warp-speed-exposed-awesome-video-to-help-you-wake-you-up-2515737.html. Donald Trump Wants Albert Pike Statue Put Back Up. Great Videos! Doctor Died Mysteriously 3 Months After This Presentation! The Tribulation or Daniel’s Last Week began on May 27, 2016 when 3 cargo ships sank over 3 days drowning 700 migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. /prophecy/2021/01/the-coming-new-world-and-the-global-reset-expected-in-january-2021-five-high-watch-days-in-january-2021-excellent-video-2517582.html. From the few corroborated accounts we have, “Wolf" does not appear to be a US national. See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled. Free to everyone to learn the truth. Cathy O’Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim Tells Of Her Experience As A CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon Level Trauma-Based Mind Control Slave. Watch While You Can! /prophecy/2020/12/gang-stalking-voice-to-skull-testimony-by-private-security-whistleblower-seattle-is-a-big-hub-for-electronic-warfare-against-citizens-of-america-excellent-videos-2517073.html. Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie! Lastly, allow me to say it is a great honor to be working with an officer with your track record, sir. Pastor Transforms Church To ‘Strip Club’ To Avoid COVID-19 Restrictions! The involvement of the Payday gang has not been reliably established, but is highly suspect. /christian-news/2020/12/scripture-and-historicity-the-parable-of-the-wheat-and-the-tares-great-video-2591029.html. I also wanted to express my gratitude for your vote of confidence in endorsing my candidacy for the Secret Service. The New World Order Communism by the Backdoor – Great Documentary Video! /eu/2020/12/hellstorm-the-true-story-of-the-nazi-genocide-excellent-video-2665716.html. Part of the GenSec specials we sometimes call in. Excellent Video! /christian-news/2020/11/find-out-the-real-story-behind-the-swastika-before-it-was-adopted-by-the-nazis-learn-the-truth-hidden-from-you-about-your-european-israelite-heritage-excellent-historical-informative-video-on-one-2590622.html. RE: August Lindenhurst, goods inspection? /christian-news/2021/01/moses-the-mount-and-starships-awesome-video-2592169.html, /christian-news/2021/01/the-greatest-commandment-awesome-video-2592156.html, /christian-news/2021/01/the-second-commandment-excellent-video-2592160.html, /prophecy/2021/01/operation-warp-speed-ahead-the-spiritual-war-for-your-soul-excellent-videos-by-shaking-my-head-enter-the-stars-2517330.html. We’ve known about Gage for years. Their kit is variable. Excellent Video! The image of his silhouette holding the AK high, backlit by flames, became iconic, and Zaytsev was ordained as a Hero of the Russian Federation. Abraham A Father Of Many (White) Nations!! Notes: Christ knows how much money was poured into this program. Conducted early in the morning, this bank job carries all the hallmarks of a classic job by the Payday gang. Definitive Proof That Messiah Jesus Was White And Not A Jew! Who Will Be The Future King Of Israel? Censorship has dramatically increased! The History Jews Do Not Want You To Know: Judaism Is Bolshevism, Communism & Marxism And Are Detailed In Their Jewish Babylonian Talmud For World Domination And Enslavement Of Humanity! "The Dragon Lords will never survive, " one of his rivals bragged. Notes: These guys….I first saw them deployed in Boston. Another Vaccine Casualty Via Lethal Injection! We were getting a steady signal from it, but we lost it. 5, p 41. Find Out What Is Below The Vatican! Masks do not protect you nor others. From the report submitted by the LVPD, it appears that the Payday gang came very prepared for this one - zeppelins, inside men, limos and a custom-built drill so big it needed heavy power and coolant. What they found was the Payday team attempting to extricate a disoriented pilot from the scene. This means they can soak more damage and pack a harder punch. Excellent Video! Excellent Video! The War On Truth And The Battle For Freedom! Catholic Confidential | Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed! But, given all of this, the owners are being very cagey about what they Payday gang took. /christian-news/2020/12/how-obama-won-the-war-against-christmas-and-rolled-out-satan-lucifer-clause-from-snaketivty-to-the-church-of-lucifer-to-childhoods-end-to-supernatural-we-can-see-a-major-change-took-pla-2591131.html. Excellent Videos! Trump does not have any arrows in his quiver as he is a windbag and will bring down America to her knewws without firing a shot just like Cyrus took down Babylon without firing a shot. Donald Trump Tells Us That He Is Going On An Incredible Journey! The man took them and then drove straight out of town. Eustace Mullins Exposes The New Neo-Zionist World Order And Traces Them All The Way Back To Caanan. Subsequent mentions of the name kept the legend alive, though, until very recently, there was not even a concrete description of this shadowy figure. Isaac Newton’s Prophecy; Crossings And Chaos; “100% PROBABILITY” of Asteroid. /christian-news/2021/01/woman-slams-the-4-vaccinazis-at-connecticuts-required-school-immunizations-hearing-fda-vaccine-insert-lists-autism-as-adverse-reaction-gardasil-vaccine-causing-ovarian-failure-flu-shot-kills-heal-2592700.html. Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related, RE: Homicide in Los Angeles - Possibly PAYDAY related. Excellent Video! Excellent Video! Millions of real salary data collected from government and companies - annual starting salaries, average salaries, payscale by company, job title, and city. /christian-news/2020/12/david-sassoon-jew-the-worlds-biggest-drug-dealer-and-how-he-destroyed-china-using-opium-find-out-the-truth-not-taught-in-your-communist-indoctrination-schools-the-sassoon-fdr-connection-2591380.html. To hold that elusive spark, each heist had to top the previous. /prophecy/2020/12/zionist-mafia-world-dictatorship-exposed-in-1998-by-kay-griggs-former-marine-colonels-wife-great-explosive-full-interview-that-explains-the-corruption-evil-within-the-american-gover-2517071.html. /prophecy/2020/10/the-red-dawn-invasion-of-america-in-bible-prophecy-and-specifying-which-countries-will-be-invading-north-america-the-two-prophets-in-revelation-11-and-americans-next-president-revealed-the-2515021.html. Excellent Video By Tamara! It might have rolled off an assembly line in Izhevsk with hundreds of thousands of other AK's, but there was always something different about the weapon with serial number #136176186. Must See Videos! Awesome Video! 1939 World’s Fair “Democracity”, the WORLD of TOMORROW is NOW.. Serpent Sun God Injection Ritual! /christian-news/2021/01/the-noahide-laws-in-america-which-will-be-used-to-decapitate-christians-and-patriots-excellent-video-2592224.html. The roster of performers - the stunt car drivers, the acrobats, the knife-throwers - were really part of this crew. You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever! Embarrassingly enough, the Police Department down there had no idea this was going on and some of them even said they would never have been caught if it wasn't for the PAYDAY gang. Gemma O’Doherty: Today They Were Forced To Admit That ‘Covid-19′ Does Not Exist! Awesome Video To Help You Wake You Up! Proof Of The Planned Genocide Of The White Race Through Sterilization. How Trump Got COVID Spitting Image. Extremely Shocking Video. I’ll make some inquiries and see what I can find out about it. Only a few grams of Astatine exists on the Earth, but Akan managed to get some. A traffic incident on the southbound I-45 resulted in a convoy belonging to the independent military contractors, Murkywater, being diverted from its path. - The Fight Against Spiritual Wickedness In High Places. Great Videos On Revealing The True Biblical Identity! The Illusion Of Freedom Examined. Excellent Video! The Vatican Now Has The Head Of Nimrod From The Tomb Of Gilgamesh Pckled In A Jar. El Gato was happy to hand the guns over. But everyone has their snapping point, and "Rocky" reached his. Excellent Videos Shaking My Head! Fake News Revelation From 1968 TV Show. Is The Grim Reaper In Trump And Pence’s Immediate Future? This couple seemingly came out of nowhere. Excellent Video. He was a bit too fond of to not go unnoticed in the hitman community. ", Source: 'Scott Sagano', OVERKILL MC member during his interview in Police custody, who was arrested near the OVERKILL MC clubhouse after the clowns attacked it, "To strike from the Shadows, bringing swift and silent death, is the mission of the assassin. Scooby Doo & The Covid Hoax. /christian-news/2020/11/who-do-you-obey-god-or-man-the-lines-are-now-being-drawn-great-video-2590458.html. The CE-4 research group has done extensive research on abductions and found the experience was shown to be able to be stopped or terminated by calling on the name and authority of JESUS THE CHRIST. Colonel Jack Mohr’s Archive With All His Impeccable Research On The Tribes Of Israel Including America Being The Tribe of Manasseh. The Rancher never got that last part and was found because of the bullets that he used. But there is no escape without sufficient firepower. These things get bloody, fast, and, even though they’re shooting at each other, we have to practice zero tolerance. Each Cloaker swallows up a big chunk of the budget for their high-tech equipment and martial arts training. Who knew about this and wrote about it in 2008? Tang finally called for a truce.

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