italia trasporto aereo

ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo) will be operational from October 15, 2021, flying a fleet of 52 aircraft that will grow to 105 by the end of 2025, as envisaged in the 2021-2025 business plan approved by the Board of Directors of the newly established company destined to take over from Alitalia. Also on the 15th it will be known who will be the consultants already chosen. Historia. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di sviluppare la nuova compagnia aerea nazionale contribuendo alla crescita del trasporto aereo italiano e favorendo la connettività all'interno del Paese e con il . Image: 954143. Map of all coordinates on Bing (1 level) Map of all coordinates on OSM (1 level) Export all coordinates as KML Over the plan period, ITA plans to rely on a single strategic partner for aircraft, and discussions are underway with the main partners. 1050x300px, 11 KB. The initial portion of the cash will be used to purchase aviation-related assets (e.g. With respect to the 900 million euros loans, the in-depth investigation has shown that first, the loans amount to State aid for Alitalia, and second that they are illegal under State aid rules. Thanks to its network, ITA provides full coverage of Italy and offers direct connecting flights to major European capitals, Mediterranean destinations and the fastest growing intercontinental markets for traditional tourism and business. Beginning of sales follows the achievement of the certifications (Air... ROME, July 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Shareholders' Meeting of ITA, which met today, approved a capital increase of € 700 million, as proposed by the Board of Directors of the company. ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo) announces next steps towards beginning of operations. 1024x1024px, 23 KB. The Board of Directors consists of President Francesco Caio, and AD F.M . London Slots: Another Hurdle on ITA's Path. ITA will place the best customer service at the centre of its strategy (through a strong digitization of processes that ensure a best-in-class experience and personalized services), combined with sustainability, in its environmental (new green and technologically advanced aircraft, use of sustainable fuels), social (equality and inclusion for a gender-neutral company) and governance (integration of sustainability into internal strategies and processes) aspects. OCT 6 - There's a week to go before the world's newest airline launches, and it's promising to bring some dolce vita back to the skies. Italia decree that provides financial help to companies in need. The Los Angeles – Rome Fiumicino service is scheduled to start from the summer 2022. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 334... fa trovare pronta ad accogliere il gotha della politica italiana, e non solo. ... (amministratore delegato e direttore generale Italia Trasporto Aereo ... Copyright Photo: Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-7H4 WL N954WN (msn 36669) (Walt Disney World – 50 years) LGB (Michael Carter). Copyright Photo: Shan Xi Airlines Boeing 737-84P WL B-5135 (msn 32603) (Hainan Airlines colors) BFI (Royal S. King). Image: 954162. El 10 de octubre de 2020, el gobierno italiano firmó un decreto para permitir reorganizar la línea aérea como Italia Trasporto Aereo S.pA. In the event that ITA is awarded contracts for the ‘Ground Handling’ and ‘Maintenance’ activities, 2.650-2.700 and 1.100-1.250 staff are expected to be employed respectively. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 149Capitolo settimo Il trasporto aereo commerciale italiano e le sue strutture organizzative 1 ) L'evoluzione del trasporto aereo commerciale L'aviazione ... Copyright Photo: Olympic Air (3rd) Airbus A319-132 SX-OAN (msn 1727) BRU (Ton Jochems). ROME, Oct. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A strategic agreement has been reached between ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo) and Airbus for the purchase of 28 aircraft to be delivered from the end of the . Image: 954344. Copyright Photo: MyWings – Trade Air Airbus A319-112 9A-BTJ (msn 1808) MUC (Arnd Wolf). According to an article by Corriere della Sera, the company expects to begin operations from Oct. 15 after seven months of discussions between the Minister of the Economy and the European Commission. Ita, Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A., è la compagnia di bandiera italiana di proprietà statale, che inizierà le operazioni il 15 ottobre 2021. There have already been a number of attempts to restructure the airline. € 20.000.000 i.v. Numero di Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Roma, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 15907661001 R.E.A. by Joanna Bailey. Soc. During the shareholders’ meeting scheduled for July, it will be decided on an initial capital increase of 700 million euros. It did not make a prior assessment of how likely it would be that the loans would be repaid by Alitalia, with interest. Best). There may be a plan B, as the company has said through President Alfredo Altavilla. In the future, ITA will apply for the brand of Alitalia that the commissars intend to sell off with an open competition, as the EU commission dictated for allowing ITA to take off. Now we must achieve new and complex goals in view of the launch of operations on October 15 and numerous projects must be completed in order to create an efficient, sustainable, digital airline, capable of facing future challenges with flexibility and in full discontinuity with the past.”. Alitalia Official Carrier dell'Italia Team ai Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo 2020. Image: 955444. By 2022, it will grow to 78 aircraft and, from 2022 onwards, new-generation aircraft will be gradually added to the fleet. Image: 954220. From October 15, ITA -- Italia Trasporto Aereo -- will be the new state-owned carrier for Italy, following the closure of bankrupt Alitalia on October 14. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 552Poniamo le basi per il rilancio del trasporto aereo italiano, ... La nuova società per azioni è stata denominata Italia Trasporto Aereo, Alitalia Ita. El 10 de octubre de 2020, el gobierno italiano firmó un decreto para permitir reorganizar la línea aérea como Italia Trasporto Aereo S.pA. The short-medium haul network will see destinations including Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt and Geneva operated from both Rome and Milan. Chair Airlines (Enter Air) Boeing 737-8Q8 WL SP-ESE (msn 30688) (Enter Air colors) ZRH (Rolf Wallner). MyWings – Trade Air Airbus A319-112 9A-BTJ (msn 1808) MUC (Arnd Wolf). Copyright Photo: Sky Airline (Chile) Airbus A321-251NX WL D-AYAR (CC-DCA) (msn 10532) XFW (Gerd Beilfuss). Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 173L'Italia è stato uno di quei Paesi12 che ha svolto un ruolo da precursore e che ha avvertito l'esigenza di “svecchiamento” della normativa. Kalitta Air (2nd) Boeing 747-4KZF N403KZ (msn 34018) ANC (Michael B. Ing). Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 296Se il trasporto ha come luogo di partenza l'Italia e come luogo di arrivo uno ... con riferimento alle cessioni di beni effettuate a bordo di aerei o treni. Crimson. The Alitalia name is supposedly retired, and the membership in the SkyTeam is . ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo) will be operational from October 15, 2021, flying a fleet of 52 aircraft that will grow to 105 by the end of 2025, as envisaged in the 2021-2025 business plan approved by the Board of Directors of the newly established company destined to take over from Alitalia. We use cookies to offer personalize content, we serve targeted advertisements and analyze site traffic. Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA) is an Italian airline based in Rome, Italy. ITA plans to take over parts of Alitalia’s business. The new airline has completed the certification process for obtaining its AOC – Air Operators Certificate and Transport Passengers License. Italy's new flag carrying airline Italia Trasporto Aereo, or ITA, is approaching takeoff at pace. Your Central Hub for the Latest News and Photos powered by Images. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 286Se il trasporto ha come luogo di partenza l'Italia e come luogo di arrivo uno ... con riferimento alle cessioni di beni effettuate a bordo di aerei o treni. According to the news from GTP, Alitialia will stop selling tickets as of October 15th, and the assets of the airline will be turned over to the new entity. Geo Sky Boeing 747-268B (F) 4L-GEN (msn 23735) FRA (Bernhard Ross). At the same time, Alitalia was placed into special bankruptcy proceedings. It will operate less than half of Alitalia’s aircraft, fly to fewer destinations and drop a number of loss making routes. Today marks a fresh start for Italy’s air transport, which had to overcome many challenges. In line with the values and strategy of the airline, which decisively focuses on the digitization of business processes to develop a flexible and lean organization, the process of collecting applications will take place on the website with the assistance of innovative digital platforms. ITA will also be able to participate in the tender for the brand, handling and maintenance arms of the old company. Following Alitalia 's cease of operations on October 15, Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA) will replace the state-owned airline and will start flying from that date. ITA will therefore be a different company from Alitalia. Malta Air Boeing 737-8 (200) 9H-VUB (msn 65877) BGY (Marco Finelli). On August 26, ITA will start the sales for flights operating from October 15. Overall, ITA will lease a total of 56 new Airbus aircraft over the course of the plan (13 long-haul jets, including the ultra-modern Airbus A350-900, and 43 short and medium-haul aircraft). Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 128... e Isole Italia Trasporti e magazzinaggio Trasporto terrestre e trasporto ... 194 785 2 437 Trasporto aereo RAMO) – 51 119 46 100 86 351 Magazzinaggio e ... Image: 954334. I now turn to the second decision we have adopted today. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 40Nel settore dei trasporti l'Italia possiede infrastrutture di alto livello che ... La quota del trasporto aereo per l'UE a 27 paesi si è attestata al 26%, ... That’s why the State can invest in companies, on terms that a private operator would also have accepted, without it being State aid. In line with established case law, this is based on a global assessment looking at a number of different factors: First, looking at the aviation assets transferred, ITA will take off with a significantly reduced perimeter of activities. In 2020, Italy established a new air carrier ITA. Economic discontinuity between Alitalia and ITA. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 282trasporto. aereo. 6.1 Alla continua ricerca di un equilibrio Alla Aviation Conference del marzo 2007 svoltasi a Londra, il dato inconfutabile presentato ... Fabio Lazzerini – CEO and DG of ITA-Italia Transport Aereo said “In 6 days we’re commencing”. After many initial hiccups, Italia Transporto Aereo (ITA), the company that will supersede Alitalia, has had its 2021-2025 business plan approved. Italia Trasporto Aereo is a startup carrier to replace Alitalia and plans to commence services on 15-Oct-2021. Beginning of sales follows the achievement of the certifications (Air Operator Certificate and Operating License) that ITA obtained from ENAC (Italian Aviation Authority) on August 18, 2021. Alitalia Replacement ITA Gets Its First Aircraft Alongside An AOC. Die ITA wird sich zu 100 % im Besitz des Staates befinden. Now, within 90 days, we should complete the transition leading to the take-off of the first aircraft on 15 October. Mit Aufnahme des Flugbetriebs am 15. The flights from New York JFK will leave every Monday, Friday and Sunday at 4:55 pm (the first flight from JFK airport to Rome, scheduled for 5 November, will depart at 5:55 pm due to the daylight saving time in the US). I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Italian Government and our representatives in Brussels for the teamwork that made it possible to achieve this important result after months of negotiations, and which we trust will continue in the months to come”. ENAC, the National Civil Aviation Authority, issued today – August 18, 2021, the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and the Air Transport Operating License to the company ITA (Italy Transport Air). Image: 955420. Image: 954129. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 3459 ed in vigore in Italia dal 13 agosto 1968) che è da considerarsi ... sul trasporto aereo internazionale è in vigore per lo Stato italiano dal 28 giugno ... Copyright Photo: Sky Express (Greece) Airbus A320-251N WL SX-WEB (msn 9507) (Greece is bliss) LHR (Richard Vandervord). With just a week to go before the launch and with Alitalia's floundering over the years, ITA was ruled as a separate company in September by the EU. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 6I vantaggi ambientali del trasporto su rotaia e gli squilibri tra vettore stradale e ferroviario 5. ... Il trasporto aereo nel mondo e in Italia 1. The business plans for the airline is waiting for approval by the Italian authorities and the European Commission. By. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 76... dell'ambiente sono temi prioritari nel settore del trasporto aereo, ... cui è demandata la gestione e il controllo del traffico aereo civile in Italia, ... We have confidence in a constructive interaction with the trade unions in order to provide ITA with a new innovative employment contract capable of ensuring structural competitiveness of the airline with competitors.”, The Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of ITA, Fabio Lazzerini, said: “In recent days, with the certifications obtained from ENAC, we have reached an important milestone in the history of ITA. Oppure chiama i nostri uffici DHL Global Forwarding in Italia: Bari: +39 02952521. Italy must now recover this amount from Alitalia. The "new" airline will be smaller, in fleet terms. Application for an Exemption and a Foreign Air Carrier Permit. He believes that between the end of winter 2022 and spring, again 2022, there is a return on investment at Linate. As of October 15, the skies will be introduced to Europe's newest airline Italia Trasporto Aereo. Image: 954177. Copyright Photo: Iberia Boeing 767-3Y0 ER EC-GTI (msn 26207) LHR (SPA). Oktober 2021 die neue italienische Fluggesellschaft werden, welche die Alitalia ersetzen soll. "A Italia Trasporto Aereo concluiu a elaboração de um novo e inovador programa de fidelidade, totalmente focado nas necessidades do cliente em termos de flexibilidade e acesso aos voos, e espera iniciar o procedimento de escolha do fornecedor tecnológico para a gestão do programa o mais rápido possível." . By pressing 'Agree.' Ariana Afghan Airlines Airbus A300B4-203 YA-BAB (msn 180) SHJ (Ton Jochems). These documents may contain Accounts, Annual Returns, Director . Auch ITA ist zu 100 Prozent in Besitz des italienischen Staates. Image: 954344. Find out more information about ITALIA TRASPORTO AEREO S.P.A.. Our website makes it possible to view other available documents related to ITALIA TRASPORTO AEREO S.P.A.. You have at your disposal scanned copies of official documents submitted by the company at Companies House. ITA – Italia Trasporto Aereo is a company totally owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance for the exercise of business in the air transport sector. Counsel to Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A. August 27, 2021 NOTE: Any person may support o r oppose this Application by filing an answer and serving a copy of the answer on counsel for Italia Trasporto Aereo, S.p.A. and upon each person served with this Application. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 73La parabola del trasporto aereo pubblico in Italia , Ancona , Nuove ricerche , 1996 , p . 23-26 , e , Id . , I lupi dell'Aria , Roma , Science Technology ... Up to date airline profiles for up to 5,000 airlines and aircraft operators: Fleet lists, schedule, news, route network, IATA/ICAO codes, alliances, subsidiaries, regional partners and codeshare agreements, launch year, mergers and rebranding, stock market quotes and URLs. Aircraft Type Current Future 2 Historic Avg. The Chairman of ITA, Alfredo Altavilla, said: “An indispensable condition and our top priority is to complete negotiation with Alitalia under Extraordinary Administration for the sale of the Aviation perimeter as soon as possible. Italy's new flag carrying airline Italia Trasporto Aereo, or ITA, is approaching takeoff at pace. 2 were here. Hello Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA (ITA) According to the Italian government decree signed on the evening of October 9 by the four ministers of Economy, Transport, Economic Development, and Labor, the company statute, annexed to the decree, confirms that the Alitalia name will no longer exist. The CEO and managing director of ITA, Fabio Lazzerini, said: “I am particularly satisfied with the acknowledgement of the industrial and financial solidity underlying the approval of the Plan. The hope is that the new national reference company will contribute to the restart of the sector, making a decisive contribution to overcoming the difficulties arising from the pandemic crisis. you understand and agree with Airline Geeks, LLC's Terms of Use. Image: 954209. vedi tutte le offerte per il mondo. 1024x1024px, 15 KB. ITA è attiva da novembre 2020. After many initial hiccups, Italia Transporto Aereo (ITA), the company that will supersede Alitalia, has had its 2021-2025 business plan approved. Copyright Photo: Red Wings Airlines Airbus A321-211 VP-BVW (msn 1950) AYT (Ton Jochems). Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A. (operating as ITA - Italia Trasporto Aereo) is the planned state-owned flag carrier of Italy, scheduled to commence operations on 15 October 2021. The new company, Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA, will be based "in the Municipality of Rome," but it is not known where. Image: 954177. He had his first flight when he was less than a year old on an MD-11 from Milan Malpensa to Osaka Kansai. It is an important investment, said Lazzerini, many frequencies from the beginning, perhaps more than necessary even to certain destinations, but the slots in the hands is what ITA wants to preserve. Milan Linate will be the main focus city for European flights. Rome remains the carrier’s hub, the double theory has paid heavily so far, so Fiumicino remains the focus airport for ITA. Answers to the exemption application Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA) will replace the state-owned Alitalia and will start flying from October 15. Richiedi una quotazione per il trasporto aereo. A strategic agreement has been reached between ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo) and Airbus for the purchase of 28 aircraft to be delivered from the end of the first quarter of 2022. Image: 954889. Image: 955411. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Spedizione regolare. Image: 954906. ITA will strongly focus on digitization, in fact substantial investments are planned in digital systems and platforms in order to guarantee a quality travel experience to the customer, as a distinctive element of the offer, and develop a data driven company with flexible and lean organization whose foundations are based on the data analysis and understanding, as well as on the value of its human capital. This is the concept. ITALIA TRASPORTO AEREO. The Board of Directors of ITA, chaired by Chairman Alfredo Altavilla, met today and approved to transform the non-binding offer already sent on August 16 to the Extraordinary Administration of Alitalia into a binding offer which includes 52 aircraft, a related number of slots, as well as contracts and complementary assets from the Aviation sector in order to start operations on October 15. As most of you all know ITA is "replacing" Alitalia with first day of service October 15, 2021. Flights will be operated with a 250-seat Airbus A330 configured in three classes of service: Business, Premium Economy and Economy. The ITA SpA Board of Directors today under the chairmanship of Alfredo Altavilla, met and approved the guidelines… Since yesterday, the airline has begun to make itself known pending take-off scheduled for next Friday, where the new website will also appear. Azimuth Airlines ( Sukhoi Superjet 100-95LR RA-89036 (msn 95070) AYT (Ton Jochems). Airline Videos, Route Maps and Aircraft Slide Shows. Image: 954395. Image: 954891. 1 min read ROME, July 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Shareholders' Meeting of ITA, which met today, approved a capital increase of € 700 million, as proposed by the Board of Directors of the company. **Destinations available from August 2022. And we will continue to do our part to ensure fair competition in the European aviation sector. Copyright Photo: Kalitta Air (2nd) Boeing 747-4KZF N403KZ (msn 34018) ANC (Michael B. Ing). An Alitalia 777-200 at New York-JFK (Photo: AirlineGeeks. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 13... le cui emissioni provenienti dalle attività di trasporto aereo, stimate per l'anno di riferimento, siano per la maggior parte attribuibili all'Italia. LATAM Airlines Colombia exceeded the number of passengers moved during the third quarter of the year compared to the same…, After nearly 70 years apart, Tata and Air India are finally due to be united once again after the company…, Panama-based Copa Airlines has boasted one of the world’s best hubs for connections, being such a convenient springboard to major…, LATAM Airlines Colombia exceeded the number of passengers moved during the third quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2019. Italia Trasporto Aereo Sp UMA. This investigation is ongoing, and we expect to be able to adopt a final decision soon. The airline is planning to use Rome Fiumicino Airport as the main hub and also focuses on Milan Linate Airport. The new company is expected to reduce its workforce from roughly 10,000 today to 2,800 in 2021 as it begins operations. To establish an airline that is viable, operates on an equal footing with its competitors, lives up to sustainability ambitions, and that will be successful for a long time to come. Image: 955411. At the beginning of operations, ITA will operate a fleet of 52 aircraft, including 7 wide-bodies and 45 narrow-bodies aircraft. ITA - Italia Trasporto Aereo logo colors. ITA wants to fly to from Milan (Malpensa) to New York (JFK) and from Rome (Fiumicino) to Boston, Miami and New York (JFK). Italia Trasporto Aereo S.p.A. (betrieben als ITA - Italia Trasporto Aereo) soll ab dem 15. Image: 954163. Originally from Italy, Matteo has spent the majority of his life living in Asia. In these tenders, ITA will only have the opportunity to bid for the ground handling business in Rome Fiumicino Airport, and for a minority stake in the maintenance business. Image: 9543188. ITA - Italia Trasporto Aereo - wurde im November 2020 als Nachfolge des italienischen Staatscarriers Alitalia gegründet. The airliner is in the Alitalia livery with a ITA sticker. Jump to navigation Jump to search. A second aircraft, an Airbus A320 is due soon. Axis Airways Boeing 737-4Y0 F-GLXQ (msn 24688) BRU (Ton Jochems). “. When he was younger, airplanes would fly over his school on their way to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and he would spend much of his recess time plane-spotting. Codeshare and interline agreements start with the departure of international and intercontinental flights. [2] El 28 de octubre de 2020, se informó que ITA compraría varios activos de Alitalia - Società Aerea Italiana SpA, incluida la marca y los códigos de vuelo de Alitalia y Alitalia CityLiner , el código de emisión de billetes de IATA (055 . Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 631Il 16 maggio 1931 veniva stipulata a Roma una Convenzione tra l'Italia e la Gran Bretagna per la istituzione di linee di trasporto aereo . CAMBIO PROGRAMMI DI VIAGGIO,CANCELLAZIONI E RIMBORSI PER I VOLI FINO AL 14 OTTOBRE 2021. All employees will be hired under a new employment contract. The last Alitalia revenue service is planned for October 13, 2021 from New York (JFK) as flight AZ609. by Joanna Bailey. Image: 954455. “ITA can take off – said the President of the National Civil Aviation Authority, State Attorney Pierluigi Di Palma. Image: 954741. Image: 954906. These are the first steps taken by ITA before take-off. The new company will also hold 85% of Alitalia’s current slots at Milan-Linate airport, losing 15% of the highly valuable slots with Linate being the closest airport to Milan, in addition to high restrictions on flights in and out of the airport. The following step will be the immediate beginning of negotiations with Alitalia under Extraordinary Administration for the acquisition of the “Aviation” sector, pending the tender for the sale of the Alitalia brand that we hope will take place as soon as possible.“. Image: 955441. Transportation Service In Milan Malpensa there will be one flight a day to New York JFK starting from summer 2022. On August 26, ITA will start the sales for flights operating from October 15. ITA - Italia Trasporto Aereo logo with name ⇩ Download PNG. The airline has been active since November 2020. The European Commission on September 10 has taken two decisions concerning the aviation sector in Italy. In March 2022, ITA will also begin operations to Rome Fiumicino from Miami and Boston, and to Milan Malpensa from New York JFK. I want to stress one point that was important to us, the interests of passengers: Italy will fully refund Alitalia customers, in case Alitalia fails to honor tickets when it stops flying. Learn more here. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 22Le cessioni di beni effettuate a bordo di navi, aerei e treni ... Il trasporto si considera iniziato in Italia se questo è il primo luogo di imbarco dei ... According to the Italian aviation news blog, Italiavola, the number of aircraft is expected to rise to 78 by 2022 with 65 narrowbodies and 13 widebodies, whilst by 2025 the number will rise once again to 105 aircraft including 82 narrowbody and 23 widebodies. Alitalia is set to end its operations on October 14, and new Italia Trasporti Aereo (ITA) begins on October 15, 2021. Prior to this . August 18, 2021. Meanwhile in Shannon, the first aircraft of the Italian airline appeared freshly painted, on the fuselage a large tricolor message on the fuselage “Born in 2021” and “Operated by ITA” under the glass of the flight deck. Image: 955316. Alghero, Brindisi, Bologna, Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Comiso, Rome, Florence *, Genoa, Milan Linate, Naples, Olbia, Palermo, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Lamezia Terme, Turin, Trieste, Venice and Verona, Malaga *, Algiers, Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, ​​Belgrade **, Brussels, Cairo, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva, London Heathrow, Luxembourg *, Madrid, Malta, Marseille *, Munich, Nice, Paris Orly , Sofia **, Stuttgart *, Tirana, Tel Aviv, Tunis, Valencia *, Zurich, Boston, Buenos Aires *, Sao Paulo *, Tokyo Haneda, Washington *, New York, Los Angeles *, Miami, * The following destinations will be reachable starting from March 2022, ** The following destinations will be reachable starting from August 2022. The airline has signed a memorandum of understanding for the purchase of ten Airbus A330neo long-haul aircraft, seven Airbus A220 regional aircraft and eleven Airbus A320neo family aircraft, the latter to be delivered after completion of the Business Plan. Opinion: Qatar Airways’ Privilege Club Has A Lot of Potential, Vietnam Permits Resumption of Domestic Flights, Singapore Airlines Scraps Retired Aircraft Locally, Air France Adds First A220 to Fleet, Announces First Destinations, Swiss Returns Broad Group of Routes, Capacity Remains Below Pre-Pandemic Levels, British Airways Adds New Destinations to 2022 Summer Network, LATAM Colombia Exceeds 2019 Passenger Numbers, Air India Reunites With Tata After 68 Year Separation, Copa Airlines’ Dreams Business Class – Flatbed Seats on a 737 MAX 9. Tag: ITA-Italia Trasporto Aereo. The Shareholders’ Meeting of ITA, which met on July 28, approved a capital increase of €700 million, as proposed by the Board of Directors of the company.

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