shell geschäftsbericht 2020

Prolonged periods of low oil and gas prices, or rising costs, have resulted and could continue to result in projects being delayed or cancelled. For some assets, Shell may agree to retain certain liabilities. This document will shortly be available for inspection at Markus Steilemann: Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wir haben im Jahr 2020 erlebt, wie rasant sich die Welt verändern kann. This could be a factor contributing to additional provisions for our assets and result in lower earnings, cancelled projects and potential impairment of certain assets. Except for these Financial Statements, the numbers presented throughout this Report may not sum precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures due to rounding. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or other information. Any of these, individually or in aggregate, could have a material adverse effect on our earnings, cash flows and financial condition. During 2020, information and cyber-security risks developed and changed rapidly. About careers at Shell, View The COVID-19 pandemic has increased trade compliance risks, due to factors such as growing state involvement in business dealings, the need to maintain and develop business opportunities and cross-border movement of goods and technologies, and the increasing likelihood that counterparties will change ownership as the economic crisis continues. Where appropriate, netting arrangements, credit insurance, prepayments and collateral are used to manage credit risk. The AFM publishes the report in its public register. Zalando SE Geschäftsbericht 2020. We continue to address challenges with compliance in data-heavy companies controlled by Shell but not fully integrated into our systems. Geschäftsjahr . [B] Includes proved reserves associated with future production that will be consumed in operations. Printed copies of the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts will be available from April 15, 2021, and can be requested, free of charge, at In the crude oil, natural gas, Oil Products and Chemicals businesses we seek to differentiate our products, but many of them are competing in commodity-type markets. We maintain an antitrust programme with adequate resources, a comprehensive governance structure and established reporting lines. Jetzt erfolgt der . Werksschließungen und Produktionskürzungen beeinträchtigten die globalen Lieferketten und führten in der Folge zu . This could have a material adverse effect on our earnings, cash flows and financial condition. This could negatively affect our brand, reputation and licence to operate, which could limit our ability to deliver our strategy, reduce consumer demand for our branded and non-branded products, harm our ability to secure new resources and contracts, and restrict our ability to access capital markets or attract staff. We conduct detailed assessments for all our sites and activities, and implement appropriate measures to deter, detect and respond to security risks. Ein Gespräch mit dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden. Governments could require operators to adjust their future production plans, as has occurred in the Netherlands, affecting production and costs. und A.II. Geschäftsbericht 2020 pdf 12 MB. Im Buch gefundenShell, People and the Environment (Shell Annual Report 2004). SL Stafford, 'The Effect of Punishment on Firm Compliance with Hazardous Waste Regulations' ... ZF Geschäftsbericht 2020. 5 Herr Dr. Lohr, 2020 war ein Jahr, das niemand so schnell vergessen wird. We seek to obtain the best possible information to enable us to assess threats and risks. Other than in exceptional cases, the use of external derivative instruments is confined to specialist trading and central treasury organisations that have the appropriate skills, experience, supervision, control and reporting systems. Shell V-Power and Shell LiveWire are Shell trademarks. Falls Sie diesen noch nicht auf Ihrem Rechner installiert haben, können Sie ihn kostenlos herunterladen. Im Geschäftsjahr 2020 trat der Aufsichtsrat zu vier ordentlichen Sitzungen und weiteren fünfzehn außerordentlichen Sitzungen zusammen. Non-GAAP measures in respect of future periods which cannot be reconciled to the most comparable GAAP financial measure are calculated in a manner which is consistent with the accounting policies applied in Royal Dutch Shell plc’s consolidated financial statements. Shell Energie-Dialog in Berlin - LNG-Antrieb im Güterverkehr: „Einfach machen“, „Reedereien, die auf LNG setzen, liegen richtig“, Digitaler Shell Energie-Dialog „Auf dem Weg zu Netto-Null-Emissionen“, Wesseling: Im Rheinland beginnt die Zukunft, Seitenbereich Shell Energie-Dialog in Berlin: Wie erreichen wir „Net-zero-Emissions“? We incorporate these into scenarios which provide insights into how the energy transition may unfold in the medium and long term. We maintain our view that there is no basis to convict Shell, or any of our former employees who are also on trial in Milan. 2020. We continue to develop and maintain a trade compliance programme with adequate resources, a comprehensive governance structure and established reporting lines. Januar 2020 bis 31. Overall, mitigation of the risk is addressed through our strategy to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions, purposefully and profitably. Yours to Make. Neugeschäft gibt es nur noch in den bestehenden Kollektivverträ- gen . As used in this Report, “Accountable” is intended to mean: required or expected to justify actions or decisions. Unlike Shell’s previously published Mountains and Oceans exploratory scenarios, the Sky scenario is based on the assumption that society reaches the Paris Agreement’s goal of holding the rise in global average temperatures this century to well below two degrees Celsius (2°C) above pre-industrial levels. Shell Eco-marathon, Bjoern Habegger beim Shell Eco-marathon 2018, Seitenbereich Business customers, View Shell Card, Seitenbereich Violations of anti-bribery, tax-evasion and anti-money laundering laws carry fines and expose us and/or our employees to criminal sanctions, civil suits and ancillary consequences (such as debarment and the revocation of licences). Geschäftsjahr 2020 Vorgelegt in der Mitgliedervertreterversammlung am 14. Low oil and gas prices have also resulted and could continue to result in the debooking of proved oil or gas reserves, if they become uneconomic in this type of price environment. We could also incur significant extra costs due to violations of or liabilities under laws and regulations that involve elements such as fines, penalties, clean-up costs and third-party claims. IT remediation work remains a priority in such companies, as does the strengthening of programmes to support data privacy compliance. The health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) risks to which we and the communities in which we work are potentially exposed cover a wide spectrum, given the geographic range, operational diversity and technical complexity of our operations. Euro um 15,2 Prozent unter dem Vorjahreswert. Shell Energy Deutschland, Seitenbereich If the breaches are not detected early and responded to effectively, they could harm our reputation and have a material adverse effect on our earnings, cash flows and financial condition. For example, the EU and the USA continue to impose restrictions and prohibitions on certain transactions involving countries such as Syria, Venezuela, Russia and Cuba. In unseren Geschäftsberichten finden Sie nicht nur Kennzahlen, sondern auch redaktionelle Geschichten aus der Gruppe. They reflect the current economic environment and what we can reasonably expect to see over the next ten years. Vor zwei Jahren hat ZF seine Unternehmensstrategie „Next Generation Mobility" vorgestellt. Dazu haben wir im Dezember 2020 unsere Munich Re Group Ambition 2025 vor-gestellt. Im Buch gefundenSaphia Azzeddine schreibt mit viel Ironie und leichter Hand, dabei ist es ihr bitter ernst. Bilqiss wird sich nicht beugen, nicht um Verzeihung bitten. Und schließlich wird das Urteil gesprochen. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have promoted an increased focus on compliance and assurance. Staff receive clear guidance that includes requirements in Shell’s Ethics and Compliance Manual, an antitrust-specific website, training modules where completion is monitored and regular messages from Shell leaders on the importance of managing antitrust risks. Natural gas, View im Geschäftsjahr 2020 38 4. DEZEMBER 2020. The Company’s Articles of Association determine the jurisdiction for shareholder disputes. Our Articles of Association also provide that, if this provision is to be determined invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the dispute could only be brought before the courts of England and Wales. In our Shell Ventures scheme, we invest in and partner with start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises that are in the early stages of developing new technologies. Mai 2021 vorschlagen, für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 nur die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Mindestdividende, also 6 Cent je Aktie, auszuschütten und den übrigen Bilanzgewinn 2020 auf neue Rechnung vorzutragen. This could limit shareholder remedies. Despite having less control, we could still be exposed to the risks associated with these operations, including reputational, litigation (where joint and several liability could apply) and government sanction risks. See “Supplementary information - oil and gas (unaudited)” on page 265. We do not hedge all our activities and where hedging is in place, it may not function as expected. Geschäftsbericht 2020 Speeding Up Sharpening Focus Creating Value Taking Responsibility Zum Inhalt springen Magazin Fokus schärfen Wir fokussieren uns auf lokales, relevantes und Live-Entertainment und -Infotainment, bauen unsere digitale Reichweite aus und verbessern die Monetarisierung durch intelligente Werbeprodukte. Production from the Groningen field in the Netherlands causes earthquakes that affect local communities. In some countries, governments, regulators, organisations and individuals have filed lawsuits seeking to hold fossil fuel companies liable for costs associated with climate change. beschleunigte die Covid-19-Pandemie Veränderungen in den wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen in für das Unternehmen wichtigen Märkten und stellte damit . Debt information, View Sie betrachten eine Reihe plausibler, alternativer Zukunftspfade, die sich unter bestimmten Annahmen entwickeln könnten. Mai 2021: Die GRENKE AG, globaler Finanzierungspartner für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, hat heute ihren Geschäftsbericht für das Jahr 2020 . Renewables and Energy Solutions (formerly New Energies), View Energy and innovation, View Our pension plans invest in government bonds, and could therefore be affected by a sovereign debt downgrade or other default. Sustainability, View Accordingly, neither Royal Dutch Shell plc nor any member of the Shell Group endorses, adopts, certifies or otherwise validates the information and material contained on the linked website. Shell and its joint arrangements and associates have been fined for violations of antitrust and competition laws in the past. Jahresabschluss EnBW AG 2020 (610 kB) pdf. Senior Management regularly reviews mandated trading limits. Assets have been impaired in the past, (including in 2020), and there could be impairments in the future. the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the UK Companies Act 2006, International Financial Reporting Standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union and International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the IASB, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of Shell and the Company; and. [A] Natural gas volumes are converted into oil equivalent using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel. Geschäftsjahr 2020: Corona bereitet Shell Milliarden-Verlust. Globally the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions have altered the IT threat landscape, increasing the frequency and ingenuity of malware attacks and increasing the temptation to attack targets for financial gain. Aufgrund von Rundungen ist es möglich, dass sich einzelne Zahlen in diesem Bericht nicht genau zur ange - gebenen Summe addieren und dass dargestellte Prozentangaben nicht exakt die entsprechenden absoluten Werte widerspiegeln. We are exposed to macroeconomic risks including fluctuating prices of crude oil, natural gas, oil products and chemicals. Dezember 2020 50 6. If we are unable to develop the right technology and products in a timely and cost-effective manner, or if we develop technologies and products that harm the environment or people's health, there could be a material adverse effect on our earnings, cash flows and financial condition. Rund 23.500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und exklusive Vertriebspartnerinnen und -partner betreuen in 18 Ländern rund 15,5 Millionen Kundinnen und Kunden. Oil and gas prices can also move independently of each other. 20201) 2019 Veränderung Veränderung (in %) Konzern-Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (in Mio. Vorwort. Die Corona-Pandemie erreichte Europa und rüttelte unseren Arbeitsalltag und unsere Gewohnheiten gehörig durcheinander. Im Buch gefundenNeben den Künstlern gilt das Interesse auch exemplarischen Figuren, die für die Vermittlung von Weltmusik stehen. Darüber hinaus sind die kulturpolitischen sowie musikwirtschaftlichen Infrastrukturen von Weltmusik in Deutschland Thema. Geschäftsbericht 2020. Shell Retail Brand Licensing, View Startseite. The Future. Angaben zur Bilanz zum 31. News and filings, View Die Shell Flüssiggas-Studie untersucht Anwendungen und Perspektiven von Flüssiggas als Energieträger. Even where hedging is in place, it may not function as expected. Geschäftsbericht 2019/2020 KGaA Konzern. In 2020, many governments ran deficits to deal with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to explore for and mature hydrocarbons across our Deep Water, Conventional Oil and Gas, Shales and Integrated Gas businesses.

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