why is wow story so bad

If you find it harder to be pleasantly lost in your thoughts these days, you’re not alone. The guy's a comic book writer, and he looks at Halo 5 and thinks the comic approach will work. Yeah, the writing is beyond terrible. Writing for a middle grade student is very different than writing for a middle-aged history professor. It seems like Rockstar wasted a huge amount of time here because, for … Published: 2009-02-09 Updated: 2020-01-10 Why so bad? Do you take the time to search images till you find a person who is your ideal audience? Some stuff I’ll scratch my head at but so far I’ve seen a fair amount of Good and Bad. Whether you use it or not, whether you are OK with it or deeply offended by it, it’s a word weighted down with so much history and so much pain that is impossible to avoid. Because it’s more about buying store mounts. I should add: he saw himself as friendzoned pretty much up until his “YOU CHOSE RIGHT” message to Tyrande at the end of Legion, I’m using the term ironically. Here are ten major ways our system is failing us. Every black person who lives in the United States at some point or another comes to accept one thing: the “N-word” is not going away. The system of faction vs. faction (and those factions having several subgroups within them whose fans are all primarily interested in their own interests) makes it difficult to write a story without one of those factions or subgroups being portrayed as the bad guys. I am the son and the heir, Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar. Games aren’t where I go to get Pulitzer Prize fiction. I’m fine with my Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Of all the countries surveyed in a recent poll, Americans were the least likely to report relative satisfaction with their health care. So when a character does something inconsistent from that in a cutscene I feel scammed. What is going on? I make sure to prepot, take advantage of set bonuses etc, pool my energy to 70% before I use envenom, have rupture up as much as possible as well. And it is the worst in the Halo franchise. While in a standoff with actual stormtroopers, Kanan said to Rex, "Wow. Its tremendously poor writing even for blizz who contrary to what some may say are more than capable of doing a good story if they try. He let Anduin live just in the off chance that he would kill Sylvanas for him knowing full well that hundreds of Horde would die for that to happen. 1. So, my mates says I have really bad dps for a rogue. Reason the first: paladins are a strong class solo – meaning bad players (especially bad players who think they are “pro”) can’t beat them in duels. I’m fine with my Mountain Dew and Cheetos. The writing of the story is not bad. The writing of the story is definitely bad. I like WoW's style (for WoW) but I preferred the grittiness to D2 for a Diablo game. In Tides of War she was the ONLY faction leader to speak against attacking Theramore because she knew any attack on the Alliance in Kalimdor would invite reprisal on UC and Silvermoon. The only instance of story I actually liked was the Atmosphere in Drustvar, the cutscene Azshara gets to explain her deal and the origin of the Naga, the level design in Nazmir and Zuldazar (Though not the mountains screw the unclimbable mountains) the dialogue between Flynn and everyone. Why are professionally paid writers so bad at this? The Warcraft games don’t have a much higher quality of storytelling than BfA. Not to mention everyone is a writer so everyone has opinions of what they consider good writing and will never all be satisfied. I want to say you could fold a pizza in two but I could be dangerously wrong. As long as this is an MMO, neither side is really going to ‘win.’. I don't really know why. If they went the third option and just made every enemy a third party (the Legion, the Old Gods, whatever) people would still complain that the faction identity lines are getting blurred. No hes not. Author: Matthew Anton. Why does WOW suck so bad. 2) PVP without looting has absolutley no point whatsoever. Not to mention everyone is a writer so everyone has opinions of what they consider good writing and will never all be satisfied. Mind you, this is my personal opinion. Does Blizzard hire from Fanfiction(.net) and Quizzilla? Bad news tends to come in waves, so be prepared for more But how did it astronomically fail to do that? Nowadays, I consider myself a video game lover. It had horrible drop rates that pretty much forced people into using the auction system (which works well for a game like WoW). Enter chaos sanctuary, press seals and bam..."Not even death can save you from me! I am glad you asked! The faction wars have, in my personal opinion, seemed to serve more as a stepping stone towards ‘larger’ threats. It looks like people are expecting to be emotionally captivated by a WoW story, but that’s just not something Blizzard does. The story is so light that it may as well not even be there. Honestly having some degree of self-censor or self-awareness would be welcome at this point. The franchise is also old, really. So obviously I make some mistakes at times, but I really don't think my dps should be as low as it is. Why are professionally paid writers so bad at this? You don’t just make an established character bad or impotent if you need a character to look cool or good you make THAT character look cool or good and if you need another character to do that, you use one that actually makes sense or make a new one entirely. Who are you writing for? Because Saurfang? The art style was too cartoonish like wow for most people. So you ask, why does the community hate paladins? Zones like Gilneas, the Twilight Highlands, Hyjal, all of Northrend and Pandaria and Outland… they will not exist. Between these two, we've got a small raid, so people wouldn't run out of content and several patches with minor to major changes. I see his story pretty well developed, tell me what you don’t like about that. Saurfang from Wrath would have kicked Saurfang from BFAs behind from Northrend to Pandaria and back again. /shrug. The Saurfang we all have known would have never acted so cowardly nor would he throw away lives when he had the chance to end the war early and save lives on both sides. Also the Bwonsamdi part of the recruiting loa horde quest chain and ONLY the Bwonsamdi bits, the rest made me think less of the concept of Loa. Mnemosyne-jubeithos 3 August 2019 01:50 #35. So in general: People despised not being able to fly, until very late in the content. Let’s say that an 18-year-old boy has a car wreck. This gives the enemies so much time where you're doing **** all that they can actually coordinate further CC (since so much of it has no cooldown or cost) to the point where you can be killed without having ever had the opportunity to move. I mean, you don’t need a moon landing program to make sure you are supplied with Tang. I don’t consider the cutscenes the only story, I read the quests and dialogue and take all of that as the story. While WoW has never been the greatest at storytelling, this expansion isn’t just bad but actively distasteful, the sort of unpleasantness that leaves a foul taste in your mouth well after you’ve moved on from the story. That is why the story is bad. The part where an honorable character stabbed someone in the back on “accident”. And the WoW story has been progressing at a much faster pace since Legion. Here's what's going on. Then again, who knows if they foresaw Warcraft as a franchise lasting such a lengthy amount of time when they first created these systems. I do that sometimes when I want an extra crunch. User Info: endergamer537. That’s not very good writing. Because the story is being written for male human paladins. Well they gotta put those interns to work somewhere LOL!!! There's no forest, no snow, very few little hideouts, the tunnels are boring as hell, and even the skydives are just not thrilling at all. So I’ve said before that the whole Saurfang thing was a classic example of discrediting a character to make another character look better by comparison. The writing for the most part is ok. It’s just shown in game poorly since you have to go all over the place to get the full picture. Why WoW so popular when the graphics are so bad? All the side quests, everything about Azshara, N’Zoth- I’ve loved all the writing this expansion except for the faction war. Anyway, it’s not for me to undercut the home-schooled. Horde bad Alliance good Horde fractures and Alliance wins. 1) AI prevents you from leaving area until you've leveled up, totally linear. There won’t be any flying, and fewer ways to get around the world, so it’ll feel a lot bigger. Blizzard’s “professional” writers are the ones working on licensed merchandise. These were accidents, not design choices, and that’s why the designs were still bad (because the good they did was incidental, not part of the design). Like Twilight has more character consistency. #10 PVE Attunement Sucks! Here's my armory. I don't have to convince anyone that it's a bad game because it's not. World of Warcraft Blamed for Bad mental and Physical health. Synopsis: Symptoms of being addicted to a video game such as World of Warcraft (WOW). ". Others will of course disagree and that’s normal. I really don’t understand the constant hate about the BfA story. tl;dr Blizz kinda worked themselves into a corner here. It is one man named Brian Reed. We’re just going to keep resetting and grabbing the idiot button every expansion until it ends. COD: WWII was meant to be a return to the basics, to the core of what the series is about. Sure… Synonyms for bad include terrible, awful, dreadful, lousy, poor, atrocious, cheap, crummy, abysmal and horrible. The story seems more like it’s being written for people who never left their teenage emo years behind. This is what elicits "BULLS***!" Now, he must tell three people about that wreck: the policeman, his mom, and his best friend. I remember the first time I killed Diablo in D2. I used to love movies, and I use to cherish how grand they were. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Again, let me demonstrate this with an example I gave to my freshman comp students. It’s like Blizz isn’t even trying any more. Not to mention everyone is a writer so everyone has opinions of what they consider good writing and will never all be satisfied. Again, it’s subjective, or I just am not a stickler for every single aspect. OTOTH - maybe reading good writing would be a better strategy. In WoW, you can literally be feared for 8 seconds. So im a WoW player and yes we all did you what did at the begining but not as bad as that, see your not meant to just kill to level up there is something called quests. Breaking down why Breath of the Wild is highly overrated. WoW Classic is going to be the World of Warcraftas we saw it before any expansions. Herbs? That’s a pretty lackadaisical stance mate. The Old God writing, Titans, demons- nearly everything else has been the step ‘up.’ Faction conflict seems more like a hamfisted way of getting us there, for the real meat of the story. It would take hours of cutscenes throughout the game to build the characters enough for that to work, and Blizzard doesn’t seem to like having long cutscenes in their games. So I’ve said before that the whole Saurfang thing was a classic example of discrediting a character to make another character look better by comparison. The path of least resistence isn’t always a good choice you know. What is going on? Very much not fun to play. This is more an trend with the 343/MS connection. In the other hand the writing about the lore of some classes is awful. Lack of strong motivation to get the latest gear, mounts, etc. B2/W2 was like a straight to DVD sequel and almost purposely dumbed down. havocthefirs Member Posts: 229. Even Sylvanas was butchered this expansion. Because it just seems so… Uncared for. Forced =/= Bad The writing for the most part is ok. It’s just shown in game poorly since you have to go all over the place to get the full picture. Getting to Silithus to raid Ahn’Qiraj when it comes out will be an undertaking, and you should budg… Mark Hulbert Comments. The reason why stormtroopers have bad aim was hinted at in Star Wars Rebels season 2, episode 9, " Stealth Strike", when the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and clone trooper Captain Rex disguised themselves as stormtroopers to rescue their fellow Rebels. Yeesh. That’s never happened, Sylvanas leave her behind until we defeat him and arrest him. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. So many goddamn cliches and the absolute stupidity some characters displayed, killed a lot of the story for me. Also the questlines in BFA are all super boring. No Ghostlands or Quel’Thalas or the Exodar. It's just a bad expansion for Borderlands 2 (a much better game)? I hated it, it made me feel like I was reading a fanfic on quizzilla but the writer was getting paid. Why we’re so bad at daydreaming, and how to fix it Did you daydream as a kid, maybe even get in trouble for it? It looks like people are expecting to be emotionally captivated by a WoW story… You’re excused for the day. It’s pretty typical by Blizzard story standards. since alot of it is just re-skins with 5 color variants each (or in the case of horses, like 30). This. Ten Reasons Why American Health Care Is so Bad. That’s not very good writing. Yo… The weapons are not much good, the voice acting is terrible, the story is superbad. Yes, paladins are a plate wearing class … The actual game’s stories, characters and quests are, and have always been, written by systems developers and code monkeys, and any resemblance to bland recycled filler is entirely intentional. People hated Garrisons, although they've provided a lot, there was just no reason to leave them, outside for raiding. One must also lay blame at the feet of those who approved his hiring. Warcraft 3 Reforged launched with a ton of problems, and fans are not happy about it. It’s always been roughly Saturday Morning cartoon quality and really went off the rails after Wrath ended. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. I’m just a reader but even I can tell when a story feels forced. Game feels emptier and less meaningful than it used to due to "convenience" mechanics like Looking for Group and cross-realm sharding. Either that or being written BY those same people. Hell every faction war since Warcraft 2 follows the same stupid formula. In addition, the map just feels… flat. The games graphics are sooo damn badd theres like a bunch of MMORPG that have much much much nicer graphics than WoW...Tho i do think WoW's battle system is pretty cool, its balanced for the most part...but If WoW is the biggest MMORPG and is so great then thy have to improve on their graphics because thy r soon going to be … You don’t just make an established character bad or impotent if you need a character to look cool or good you make THAT character look cool or good and if you need another character to do that, you use one that actually makes sense or make a new one entirely. And the WoW story has been progressing at a much faster pace since Legion. Here are ten reasons why World of Warcraft sucks and what Blizzard needs to do immediately to fix the game and save it from losing customers. Like, even since release, I'm simply not enjoying it, I'm so sorry. Right there. For the rest of us, however, let’s talk about the storytelling here. XY on the other hand has a story so bad that any improvement with a new story would be welcome. The writing of the story is definitely bad. Opinion: Here’s why the news about Apple is so bad Published: Jan. 27, 2016 at 8:08 a.m. It’s lore is cool, but the actual writing? 3 Likes. It's a complete waste of time. I guess you could hang out playing wow to experience good writing. I’ve written off (ba-dum tsh) WoW’s writing ages ago. 3) PVP is just plain bad, duels last what, 12 seconds tops. Until recently… I tried watching movies like Extraction, and I found them just a tad too inferior to both animation and video games. There’s only so much stuff you can do within the guidelines of such rigid lore and faction identity before you run out of ideas and have to start thinking outside the very limited box. August 2006 in World of Warcraft. Does Blizzard hire from Fanfiction(.net) and Quizzilla? ET By. Then just a few years later blizz forces to stupid hat on her so they can make the same exact scenario all over again instead of doing something new. Reminded everyone that Illidan is and always was a cringey, friendzoned edgelord. The Warcraft games don’t have a much higher quality of storytelling than BfA. The story was not bad per-se, just some aspects of it. Subjectivity is a thing and we all love echo-chambers so enjoy yours with this thread. The story is really about what happens when an ecosystem becomes threatened by a bad guy, the Jailer, and what he's trying to do. Like it doesn’t really matter, because end of the day? It’s pretty typical by Blizzard story standards. Halo 5 has one of the worst campaigns I have ever played through in it's entirety. The part where an honorable character stabbed someone in the back on “accident” disobeyed direct orders and when he had a problem with a leader he didn’t do anything smart about it internally instead he let himself be captured by the enemy where he can’t influence her or the Horde. That’s also a pretty lackadaisical stance.

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