maria theresia stammbaum

How Maria Theresa kept the memory of her deceased children is documented in a mural by Franz Anton Maulbertsch in the "Giant Hall" of the Hofburg in Innsbruck, which Maria Theresa commissioned to be painted as a monumental place of remembrance for her family after the sudden and unexpected death there of her husband in 1765. [76][77] Maria Theresa asserted that, had she not been almost always pregnant, she would have gone into battle herself. Their stay in Florence was brief. [111] In the case of Hungary, Maria Theresa was particularly mindful of her promise that she would respect the privileges in the kingdom, including the immunity of nobles from taxation. Initially this was focused on the wealthier classes. However, the queen's ministers convinced her that the order posed a danger to her monarchical authority. [80], Smallpox was a constant threat to members of the royal family. "[144] The censorship particularly affected works that were deemed to be against the Catholic religion. Finally, she was forced to grant them some toleration by allowing them to worship privately. [161], Joseph and Prince Kaunitz arranged the First Partition of Poland despite Maria Theresa's protestations. "[14], She dismissed the possibility that other countries might try to seize her territories and immediately started ensuring the imperial dignity for herself;[14] since a woman could not be elected Holy Roman Empress, Maria Theresa wanted to secure the imperial office for her husband, but Francis Stephen did not possess enough land or rank within the Holy Roman Empire. [38], In December, Frederick II of Prussia invaded the Duchy of Silesia and requested that Maria Theresa cede it, threatening to join her enemies if she refused. Eventually, Charles VI left behind a weakened and impoverished state, particularly due to the War of the Polish Succession and the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739). Maria Theresa deed 29 june 1771 Holy Right Hand of Saint Stephen - from Matthias Church IMG 0118.JPG 2,839 × 2,283; 1.18 MB Maria Theresa ein kreutzer 1760 obverse.jpg 2,376 × 2,232; 571 KB Maria Theresa of Austria and Francis of Lorraine.jpg 700 × 2,000; 252 KB The Turks reversed Austrian gains in Serbia, Wallachia and Bosnia. Wife of José Joaquín de Silva Bazán y Sarmiento, marqués de Santa Cruz y del Viso. Kann asserts that she nevertheless possessed qualities appreciated in a monarch: warm heart, practical mind, firm determination and sound perception. With the First Silesian War at an end, the Queen soon made the recovery of Bohemia her priority. {{ mediasCtrl.getTitle(media, true) }} Thus, in nomenclature, Maria Theresa was archduke and king; normally, however, she was styled as queen. It was assumed that she had caught the infection when she went with her mother to pray in the Imperial Crypt next to the unsealed tomb of Empress Maria Josepha (Joseph´s wife). Abdication alone can remedy matters. We must put everything at stake to save Bohemia. [52] Therefore, she needed troops from Hungary in order to support the war effort. Maria Theresia Brux was born on January 1, 1898 in Sankt Hubert, Viersen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, daughter of Leonhard Brux and Agnes Maria Ingenhaag. [89] A devoted but self-conscious mother, she wrote to all of her children at least once a week and believed herself entitled to exercise authority over her children regardless of their age and rank. Throughout her widowhood, she spent the whole of August and the eighteenth of each month alone in her chamber, which negatively affected her mental health. The child's sex caused great disappointment and so would the births of Maria Anna, the eldest surviving child, and Maria Carolina (1740–1741). [139] Maria Theresa crushed the dissent by ordering the arrest of all those opposed. [149] Joseph´s biographer Derek Beales calls this change of course by Joseph "puzzling". Furthermore, she significantly reduced the number of religious holidays and monastic orders. Leidtragende waren hauptsächlich die Wiener Prostituierten. 2. Maria Theresa abandoned all ornamentation, had her hair cut short, painted her rooms black and dressed in mourning for the rest of her life. Stammbaum von Maria Theresia PAVEL geboren am 2 Apr 1846 in Krehlau, Wohlau´von den Urgroßeltern bis zu den Enkeln April 2020 23. Austria had to leave the Prussian territories that were occupied. [111] Thanks to this effort, by 1760 there was a class of government officials numbering around 10,000. Die Stammlinie der Familie Habsburg wie wir sie heute kennen, geht noch auf Maria Theresia zurück. [140] Prizes were given to the most able students to encourage ability. Stammbaum der Erzherzogin Maria Theresia. Sie war die Mutter aller Habsburger, die bis in die heutige Generation noch reicht. Although Austria had always stressed the rights of the state in relation to the church, Jansenism provided new theoretical justification for this. Maria Theresias erstgeborene Tochter, Maria Elisabeth (1737–1740), starb bereits als Kleinkind. [22], The Duchess of Lorraine's love for her husband was strong and possessive. Jan. 1890 - Annaberg-Buchholz, Deutschland Eltern: Karl-Christian Meier, Christiane Amalie Lötsch (geb. Queen Elisabeth of Spain and Elector Charles Albert of Bavaria, married to Maria Theresa's deprived cousin Maria Amalia and supported by Empress Wilhelmine Amalia, coveted portions of her inheritance. Oktober 1901 (Freitag) - Neu-Trauchburg, Allemagne. [62], Prussian ambassador's letter to Frederick the Great[g], The Treaty of Breslau of June 1742 ended hostilities between Austria and Prussia. The first child, Maria Elisabeth (1737–1740), was born a little less than a year after the wedding. The Treaty of Aachen, which concluded the eight-year conflict, recognised Prussia's possession of Silesia, and Maria Theresa ceded the Duchy of Parma to Philip of Spain. Three years later, she prohibited the use of lead in any eating or drinking vessels; the only permitted material for this purpose was pure tin. Married Maria Josepha of Bavaria. The Maria Theresa Thaler was originally struck in Austria between 1740 and 1780. Felbiger´s first proposals were made law by December 1774. In 1738, Charles VI sent the young couple to make their formal entry into Tuscany. [114], Throughout her reign, Maria Theresa made the promotion of education a priority. Entdecken Sie kostenlos den Stammbaum von Maria Theresa von Waldburg-Zeil und finden Sie seine Ursprünge und Familiengeschichte. [148] By late 1772, Maria Theresa had resolved to take the more radical step of abolishing serfdom altogether in Bohemia, and entrusted her minister Franz Anton von Raab with the work of preparing the step. 1717 Wien, † 29. Later Maria Theresa even made a remark: "as for the state in which I found the army, I cannot begin to describe it. [31], Immediately after her accession, a number of European sovereigns who had recognised Maria Theresa as heir broke their promises. [45] Marshall Belle-Isle joined Frederick at Olmütz. März 1745) war ein leidenschaftlicher Militär und Generalleutnant, er wurde am 15. [48] Her coronation as Queen of Hungary took place in St. Martin's Cathedral, Pressburg (today's Bratislava), on 25 June 1741. In 1775, the Habsburg Monarchy achieved its first balanced budget, and by 1780, the Habsburg state revenue had reached 50 million gulden. Beiträge über Stammbaum Sissi von Marie. They were also poorly trained and discipline was lacking. April 2020 Uncategorized. The French plans fell apart when Charles Albert died in January 1745. Über Abstammung legitimierte sich die monarchische Herrschaft. Leben. Stammbaum der meine Ahnen Web Site auf MyHeritage. [63] French troops fled Bohemia in the winter of the same year. While fighting to preserve her inheritance, Maria Theresa gave birth to a son, Joseph, named after Saint Joseph, to whom she had repeatedly prayed for a male child during the pregnancy. [75], Over the course of twenty years, Maria Theresa gave birth to sixteen children, thirteen of whom survived infancy. [74] Subsequently, Prussia was defeated at Hochkirch in Saxony on 14 October 1758, at Kunersdorf in Brandenburg on 12 August 1759, and at Landeshut near Glatz in June 1760. (Maria Theresia Walburga Antonia Josepha Felicitas von Waldburg-Zeil) Geboren am 18. Leopold Strenn 23. "[57][f] On 26 October, the Elector of Bavaria captured Prague and declared himself King of Bohemia. [141], The education reform was met with considerable opposition. Virke. [67] France had successfully conquered the Austrian Netherlands, but Louis XV, wishing to prevent potential future wars with Austria, returned them to Maria Theresa. [78], Biographer Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger comments:[79]. Maria Theresa, desperate and burdened by pregnancy, wrote plaintively to her sister: "I don't know if a town will remain to me for my delivery. Her threats of abdication were rarely taken seriously; Maria Theresa believed that her recovery from smallpox in 1767 was a sign that God wished her to reign until death. Little more than a year after her birth, Maria Theresa was joined by a sister, Maria Anna, and another one, named Maria Amalia, was born in 1724. Her first intention was to deport all Jews by 1 January, but having accepted the advice of her ministers, who were concerned by the number of future deportees that could reach 50,000, had the deadline postponed to June. Maria Theresa, who had become close to Francis Stephen, was relieved. The 22 million gulden that Joseph inherited from his father was injected into the treasury. However, these victories did not enable the Habsburgs to win the war, as the French and Habsburg armies were destroyed by Frederick at Rossbach in 1757. [121][122], In 1770, she enacted a strict regulation of the sale of poisons, and apothecaries were obliged to keep a poison register recording the quantity and circumstances of every sale. Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina (German: Maria Theresia; 13 May 1717 – 29 November 1780) was the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions, ruling from 1740 until her death in 1780. Previously, various lands in the Habsburg realm had their own laws. However, she despised the Jews and the Protestants, and on certain occasions she ordered their expulsion to remote parts of the realm. In defiance of the grave situation, she managed to secure the vital support of the Hungarians for the war effort. [101] The expulsion orders were only retracted in 1748 due to pressures from other countries, including Great Britain. Predictably, some of this came from peasants who wanted the children to work in the fields instead. von [100], In December 1744, she proposed to her ministers the expulsion of Jews from Austria and Bohemia. Ten years later, Maria Theresa recalled in her Political Testament the circumstances under which she had ascended: "I found myself without money, without credit, without army, without experience and knowledge of my own and finally, also without any counsel because each one of them at first wanted to wait and see how things would develop. [143], Her regime was also known for institutionalising censorship of publications and learning. She disliked Leopold's reserve and often blamed him for being cold. [81] In November 1763, Joseph´s first wife Isabella died from the disease. [132] In the 1750s she established the Theresian Institution of Noble Ladies at Prague Castle, which served as a religious lay order and educational institution for unmarried Austrian and Hungarian noblewomen. He had ignored the advice of Prince Eugene of Savoy who had urged him to concentrate on filling the treasury and equipping the army rather than on acquiring signatures of fellow monarchs. Explore the lost gallery's photos on Flickr. Der Stammbaum und die Vorfahren der Habsburger ... Maria Elisabeth Leopold Joseph Maria Theresia Maria Margaretha Joseph I. Maria Magdalena Karl VI. At the end of the War of the Austrian Succession, Count Podewils was sent as an ambassador to the Austrian court by King Frederick II of Prussia. Sie war Kaiserin, Ehefrau u.Mutter Maria-Theresia heiratete 1736 Franz Stephan, die eine glückliche vorbildliche Ehe führten. Maria Theresia war eine Herrscherin von Österreich und weiteren Ländern. Der bau der maria hilf basilika in turin zählt zu den wundervollsten ereignissen im leben don boscos. The Austrians suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Mollwitz in April 1741. However, the schools were poorly attended, since their parents considered it essential that they work to help support the family. Podewils wrote detailed descriptions of Maria Theresa's physical appearance and how she spent her days. However, this step was fiercely resisted by the Bohemian nobility, who claimed that it was not the right of the crown to interfere with the serf system, since the nobles were the original owners of the land, who had allowed the peasants to work it on stipulated conditions. [46] Maria Theresa reluctantly agreed to negotiations. Maria Theresa had another loss in February 1766 when Haugwitz died. The second and eldest surviving child of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI and Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Archduchess Maria Theresa was born on 13 May 1717 in Vienna, a year after the death of her elder brother, Archduke Leopold,[1] and was baptised on that same evening. [86], In October 1767, Maria Theresa´s fifteen-year-old daughter Josepha also showed signs of the disease. [27], Upon Gian Gastone's death on 9 July 1737, Francis Stephen ceded Lorraine and became Grand Duke of Tuscany. [8] The portraits of the imperial family show that Maria Theresa resembled Elisabeth Christine and Maria Anna. [5] Charles sought the other European powers' approval for disinheriting his nieces. Nach dem Besuch der Grundschule und des Gymnasiums in Regensburg schloss sie die Schulausbildung in England ab. Anregungen ergänzungen kritik oder verbesserungsvorschläge an. Maria Theresia SPINDLER: Events. Maria Josepha Maria Antonia Christina Maria Anna Leopold von Lothringen (1680-1741) (1682-1684) (1684-1696) (1690-1691) (1678-1711) (1689-1743) (1685-1740) (1687-1703) (a. Thus, the efforts of Kaunitz and Starhemberg managed to pave a way for a Diplomatic Revolution; previously, France was one of Austria's archenemies together with Russia and the Ottoman Empire, but after the agreement, they were united by a common cause against Prussia. Abgeleitete Linien und Häuser sowie beerbte Dynastien sind fett gesetzt, ehelich verbundene beim Gemahl/der Gemahlin kursiv. Maria Theresa’s parents, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI and Queen Elizabeth Christine, lost their first son just before she was born. Anregungen ergänzungen kritik oder verbesserungsvorschläge an. [138][136] The curriculum focused on social responsibility, social discipline, work ethic and the use of reason rather than mere rote learning. She was educated in drawing, painting, music and dancing – the disciplines which would have prepared her for the role of queen consort. Five children were born during the peace between the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War: Maria Johanna, Maria Josepha, (the third) Maria Carolina, Ferdinand and Maria Antonia. During the course of the war, Maria Theresa successfully defended her rule over most of the Habsburg Monarchy, apart from the loss of Silesia and a few minor territories in Italy. Particularly traumatic was the case of her tenth child, the second Maria Carolina, who in 1748 died while being born. As a result, secondary schooling became more exclusive. [54] This act managed to win the sympathy of the members, and they declared that they would die for Maria Theresa. In 1777, she abandoned the idea of expelling Moravian Protestants after Joseph, who was opposed to her intentions, threatened to abdicate as emperor and co-ruler. [145] The Habsburg government under her rule also tried to strengthen its industry through government interventions. Nonetheless, the governing system remained centralised, and a strong institution made it possible for Kaunitz to increase state revenues substantially. [3] It was clear that Maria Theresa would outrank them,[3] even though their grandfather, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, had his sons sign the Mutual Pact of Succession, which gave precedence to the daughters of the elder brother. These plans were forestalled by his death from smallpox. Stammbaum drucken. The council of state lacked executive or legislative authority; nevertheless, it showed the difference between the form of government employed by Maria Theresa and that of Frederick II of Prussia. She is most unusually ambitious and hopes to make the House of Austria more renowned than it has ever been. She had spent months honing the equestrian skills necessary for the ceremony and negotiating with the Diet. [144], Maria Theresa endeavoured to increase the living standards of the people, since she could see a causal link between peasant living standards, productivity and state revenue. She believed that religious unity was necessary for a peaceful public life and explicitly rejected the idea of religious toleration. Frederick lost one third of his troops, and before the battle was over, he had left the scene. Kaiser, Herzöge, Kurfürsten und Könige von She controlled the selection of archbishops, bishops and abbots. Maria Antonia's education was neglected, and when the French showed an interest in her, her mother went about educating her as best she could about the court of Versailles and the French. [175] Many of her policies were not in line with the ideals of the Enlightenment (such as her support of torture), and she was still very much influenced by Catholicism from the previous era. On 29 November, she died surrounded by her remaining children. If someone unknown tried to purchase a poison, that person had to provide two character witnesses before a sale could be effectuated. She promoted inoculation in Austria by hosting a dinner for the first sixty-five inoculated children in Schönbrunn Palace, waiting on the children herself. Thus, she established a Chastity Commission (Keuschheitskommission) in 1752[127] to clamp down on prostitution, homosexuality, adultery and even sex between members of different religions. The baby was buried at Schönbrunn Palace. Maria Carolina was to replace her as the pre-determined bride of King Ferdinand IV of Naples. Maria Theresa later unsuccessfully tried to recover Silesia during the Seven Years' War. Mai 1717 in Wien geboren. Following the indecisive Battle of Lobositz in 1756, he was replaced by Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine, Maria Theresa's brother-in-law. Teacher training colleges (Normal schools) were established to train teachers in the latest techniques. Maria Theresa replaced Maria Josepha as heir presumptive to the Habsburg realms the moment she was born; Charles VI had issued the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 which had placed his nieces behind his own daughters in the line of succession. Once she had verified the safety and success of the procedure, she ordered the construction of an inoculation centre, and had herself and two of her children inoculated. Nach dem kampf um die stadtherrschaft in mailand ließen sich die grafen de la torre oder torriani in cornello bei bergamo nieder. Francis Stephen was inclined to consider such an arrangement, but the Queen and her advisers were not, fearing that any violation of the Pragmatic Sanction would invalidate the entire document. Maria (altgriechisch Μαριάμ, Mariam, hebräisch מרים, Mirjam, aramäisch ܡܪܝܡ; auch: Maria von Nazaret) ist die im Neuen Testament genannte Mutter Jesu.Sie lebte mit ihrem Mann Josef und weiteren Angehörigen in dem Dorf Nazaret in Galiläa.Maria wird im Christentum als Mutter Jesu Christi besonders verehrt und ist auch im Koran als jungfräuliche Mutter Jesu erwähnt. [139], Another economic issue that had to be tackled during the reign of Maria Theresa was the regulation of noble privileges vis-à-vis peasant well-being. Joseph argued that it was difficult to find a middle way between the interests of the peasants and nobles; he suggested instead that the peasants negotiate with their landlords to reach an outcome. She died on October 10, 1943 in Münster, Munster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. [18][19], Francis Stephen remained at the imperial court until 1729, when he ascended the throne of Lorraine,[17] but was not formally promised Maria Theresa's hand until 31 January 1736, during the War of the Polish Succession. In Übereinstimmung mit den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen können Sie die Rücknahme Ihres Namens und den Ihrer minderjährigen Kinder beantragen. Her sense of justice pushed her to reject the idea of partition, which would hurt the Polish people. [20] Louis XV of France demanded that Maria Theresa's fiancé surrender his ancestral Duchy of Lorraine to accommodate his father-in-law, Stanisław I, who had been deposed as King of Poland. The mural shows the four little girls crowned with floral wreathes sitting on clouds: in the foreground is Johanna Gabriele, who died at the age of twelve, behind her Maria Elisabeth (the firstborn) at the age of three years, then Maria Carolina, who died shortly after her first birthday, and in the far background, only visible as a shadowy putto (cherub), the second Maria Carolina, who did not live an hour. [135], Austrian historian Karl Vocelka observed that the educational reforms enacted by Maria Theresa were "really founded on Enlightenment ideas," although the ulterior motive was still to "meet the needs of an absolutist state, as an increasingly sophisticated and complicated society and economy required new administrators, officers, diplomats and specialists in virtually every area. By 26 November, she asked for the last rites, and on 28 November, the doctor told her that the time had come. She also promoted commerce and the development of agriculture, and reorganised Austria's ramshackle military, all of which strengthened Austria's international standing. [7] France, Spain, Saxony, Bavaria and Prussia later reneged. [139] Education was to be multilingual; children were to be instructed first in their mother tongue and then in later years in German. [107][108], Maria Theresa was as conservative in matters of state as in those of religion, but she implemented significant reforms to strengthen Austria's military and bureaucratic efficiency. [94], Maria Theresa promoted the Greek Catholics and emphasized their equal status with Roman Catholics. [54][55], In 1741, the Austrian authorities informed Maria Theresa that the Bohemian populace would prefer Charles Albert, Elector of Bavaria to her as sovereign. [92] Overall, the ecclesiastical policies of Maria Theresa were enacted to ensure the primacy of State control in Church-State relations. Juli 1967 (Montag),Alter: 65 Jahre alt. Allerdings war sie auch „aufgeklärt“, sie wollte das Beste für die Einwohner ihrer Länder. [44] France drew up a plan to partition Austria between Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Spain: Bohemia and Upper Austria would be ceded to Bavaria, and the Elector would become Emperor, whereas Moravia and Upper Silesia would be granted to the Electorate of Saxony, Lower Silesia and Glatz to Prussia, and the entire Austrian Lombardy to Spain. She led the marriage negotiations along with the campaigns of her wars and the duties of state. 1736 mit dem 9 Jahre älteren Herzog Franz Stephan von Lothringen (ab 1737 Großherzog von Toskana, ab 1745 als Franz I. Kaiser) vermählt, übernahm Maria Theresia nach dem Tod ihres Vaters Karl VI. Many schools were run by Catholic orders (particularly the Jesuits). [114] Meanwhile, in 1760, Maria Theresa created the Council of State (Staatsrat), composed of the state chancellor, three members of the high nobility and three knights, which served as a committee of experienced people who advised her. Maria-Theresia von Habsburg; René Auberjonois; Johann Zauner; Urban-James Shocker; Karl-Anton-Philipp Freiherr von Werther; Matthäus Funk; Emanuel-Leo-Louis von Graffenried; Alfred-Armand-Adolf von Steiger; Emil-Theodor Kocher; Josef-Erich „Joe“ Zawinul; Sprache. Maria Agnes Dreising; Franz Stephan Stegemann; Familie mit Ehepartner; Anna Maria Theresia Grothus; Maria Catharina Theresia Stegemann; Hermann Joseph Stegemann; Joseph August Stegemann; Anna Maria Bernhardina Stegemann; Maria Louise Agnes Stegemann Those reforms were initiated by royal patents, known as Regulamentum privilegiorum (1770) and Regulamentum Illyricae Nationis (1777), and finalized in 1779 by the Declaratory Rescript of the Illyrian Nation, a comprehensive document that regulated all major issues relating to the religious life of their Eastern Orthodox subjects and the administration of the Metropolitanate of Karlovci. Alter: 63 Jahre alt. Thus, in 1775, the Ottoman Empire ceded the northwestern part of Moldavia (subsequently known as Bukovina) to Austria. [42], As Austria was short of experienced military commanders, Maria Theresa released Marshall Neipperg, who had been imprisoned by her father for his poor performance in the Turkish War. She began addressing the Diet in Latin, and she asserted that "the very existence of the Kingdom of Hungary, of our own person and children, and our crown, are at stake. Zu diesem Zwecke richtete sie ein sogenanntes Keuschheitsgericht mit eigens abgestellten Kommissaren ein. Prinzessin Maria Theresia kam 1980 zur Welt. Nach seinem Tod im Jahre 1765 trug sie bis an ihr Lebensende Trauerkleidung. Daughter of Emanuel Filibert Graf von Waldstein und Wartenberg and Maria Anna Theresia von Liechtenstein, prinzessin von und zu Liechtenstein. Maria Theresa claimed and eventually took Galicia and Lodomeria; in the words of Frederick, "the more she cried, the more she took". To appease those who considered her gender to be a serious obstacle, Maria Theresa assumed masculine titles. It was in Joseph's interest that she remained sovereign, for he often blamed her for his failures and thus avoided taking on the responsibilities of a monarch. Maria Theresa decided to fight for the mineral-rich province. Thus, the birth of Maria Theresa was a great disappointment to him and the people of Vienna; Charles never managed to overcome this feeling.[4]. Maria Teresia (tysk Maria Theresia, ungarsk Mária Terézia, tsjekkisk Marie Teresie; født 13. mai 1717 i Wien, død 29. november 1780 samme sted) var regjerende erkehertuginne av Østerrike, dronning av Ungarn, dronning av Böhmen, og statsoverhode av en rekke andre områder.Gjennom sitt ekteskap med den tysk-romerske keiser Frans I Stefan ble hun dessuten tiltalt som keiserinne. Since the rash appeared two days after Maria Josepha had visited the vault, the Archduchess must have been infected much before visiting the vault. [41] The resulting war with Prussia is known as the First Silesian War. [174] She centralised and modernised its institutions, and her reign was considered as the beginning of the era of "enlightened absolutism" in Austria, with a brand new approach toward governing: the measures undertaken by rulers became more modern and rational, and thoughts were given to the welfare of the state and the people. [164] As a result, his territories were coveted by ambitious men, including Joseph, who tried to swap Bavaria for the Austrian Netherlands. She forbade the forcible conversion of Jewish children to Christianity in 1762, and in 1763 she forbade Catholic clergy from extracting surplice fees from her Jewish subjects. Joseph II, already co-sovereign of the Habsburg dominions, succeeded her and introduced sweeping reforms in the empire; Joseph produced nearly 700 edicts per year (or almost two per day), whereas Maria Theresa issued only about 100 edicts annually. Tag-Archiv | Stammbaum Maria Theresia Ahnengalerie von Maria Theresia zu Kaiser Franz Josef und Kaiser Karl I. Mrz29. Share photos, videos and more at Her actions during the late stages of her reign contrast her early opinions. Österreich, die Vorfahren von König Ludwig III. The oath of fealty to Maria Theresa was taken on the same day in the Ritterstube of the Hofburg. Most importantly, she was ready to recognise the mental superiority of some of her advisers and to give way to a superior mind while enjoying support of her ministers even if their ideas differed from her own. She used them as pawns in dynastic games and sacrificed their happiness for the benefit of the state.

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