journal of food science

Innovative, cross-disciplinary studies focused on ingredient development, microbial safety, chemical composition, instrumental assessments (e.g., e-nose, e-tongue, GC analysis, texture analysis, etc. International Journal of Food Science publishes research in all areas of food science. The range of topics covered in the journal include: The Journal of Food Science publishes peer-reviewed articles that cover all aspects of food science, including safety and nutrition. food engineering, materials science, & nanotechnology Reduction of T‐2 and HT‐2 mycotoxins by atmospheric cold plasma and its impact on quality changes … Dependent variable should be presented on the vertical axis (y or ordinate). Try to restrict individual file sizes to 5Mb maximum. Proof of permission to reproduce is required. You are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted figures. Research articles must contain sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated by others. Reviews should provide in-depth coverage of a narrowly defined topic and embody careful evaluation of all pertinent studies (weaknesses, strengths, and explanation of discrepancies in results among similar studies), so that insightful interpretations, potential future research needs, and conclusions can be presented. The Journal of Food Science publishes peer-reviewed articles that cover all aspects of food science, including the interface between production agriculture and food, as well as how food science influences health and nutrition. By default we will publish color on the web but grayscale in print at no charge. 525 W. Van Buren St., Suite 1000 The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. 3 Results and Discussion Acceptable manuscripts must report focused chemical research (chemical reactions, chemical and instrumental analysis, processes, or interactions as related to food) to address a specific and compelling hypothesis or mechanism, or to establish or improve an analytical method. For Concise Reviews and Hypotheses papers, there is a 10,000-word limit. Nonpreferred referees may also be named. After production of your manuscript begins, the corresponding author will receive a proof via e-mail so you can make any final minor corrections. During the review process, the submitting author may track the progress of his/her manuscript through their Author Dashboard in ScholarOne Manuscripts. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure the integrity of all submitted works. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 143. Examples include large data sets or additional tables/figures that will be valuable to readers but are ancillary to the published data. You will then be informed by the Scientific Editor of the final decision. Enter the figure number and descriptive caption at the bottom of each figure. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. Figures (with captions) and tables (with captions) should appear at the end, after the references. Use headings and subheadings in the main text as needed to improve the clarity and readability of the presentation. Original research that integrates food science and technology with applied personal and public health nutrition. In this instance, a written statement certifying that the author’s employer is unable to pay because of financial distress, and that the author cannot personally pay because this would impose an undue financial burden, signed by both the author and the employer, should be e-mailed to the Editorial Office at [email protected]. State in one paragraph what was done, how it was done, major results, and conclusions. Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology. When research is accepted for publication, authors can choose to publish using either the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access. The range of topics covered in the journal … Avoid, if possible, presenting more than 8 data bars per figure. Topics may include: studies on nutritional and health impacts of foods and food components using human subjects or appropriate animal or cell models; adaptation and application of technologies that enhance the content and/or biological availability of bioactive food components; studies involving structures and composition of pre- and pro-biotics and gut health; effects of postharvest handling, processing, and storage on the stability and biological activity of bioactive food components; preparation and analysis of functional foods; and methods development for analysis of bioactive food ingredients and their metabolites. Multimedia (audio, video, and animation) files demonstrating important information relevant to the article can be published as supplemental material. Upon submission in ScholarOne Manuscripts, you will be asked to provide 5 keywords from our established list, with an option of up to 2 free-text keywords. Describe new methods in detail; accepted methods briefly with references. Authors must submit a cover letter stating why the paper should be considered for fast tracking and request fast tracking in the submission form. A statement of disclosure statement should be included at the end of the manuscript under the heading “Conflicts of Interest”. The Open Food Science Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of food science and technology. Manuscripts must be submitted in an editable text format (filetype .doc, .docx, or .rtf). A manuscript template in Microsoft® Word (doc) is available to help you format your submission. Alternatively, authors can publish their article Open Access at the current OnlineOpen APC rate. Lihan Huang, PhD, USDA/ARS/ERRC If you are using any content from a previously-published work, upload proof of permission to re-use that content. This is done in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics. Tables including a large amount of data with few significant differences should instead be described in a sentence along with “(data not shown)”, Also see IFT Journals Graphics Guide (PDF), Enter one figure per page after the tables (if any). Original research in physical phenomena and engineering in food manufacturing (e.g. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research plans to get high impact factor in 2020. Enter the word count of the body text, including Abstract, Practical Application, and references but not including tables and figures. Manuscripts with excessive overlap will be rejected outright after review by editorial staff. Journal of Nutrition Food Science and Technology is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. When the authors are identical in multiple references, sequence them by publication date (earliest to latest). Efficacy of new processing technologies for achieving microbial inactivation; molecular basis for microbial inactivation and inhibition through genome sequencing and mapping; molecular technologies to assist in the rapid identification and discrimination of target pathogens; behavior of probiotic bacteria and starter cultures towards bacterial pathogens; microbiological criteria for foods for regulatory and food safety assurance; epidemiological surveillance of bacterial pathogens; novel chemicals, food components, or technologies which promote food safety by achieving microbial/viral/parasite inactivation or inhibition; and mathematical modeling to predict the behavior of pathogen/food interactions. If you need to make final edits suggested by the editor, please e-mail a final file as soon as possible to [email protected], or you may make those edits at the proofing stage. Authorship is restricted to those who meet the ICMJE criteria—those who have: Each author’s primary contribution(s) must be listed at the end of your manuscript. Authors are expected to adhere to established ethical best practices, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) International Standards for Authors. For further guidance, see the Wiley Publication Ethics Guide. By default, figures submitted in color will be published in color online but grayscale in print at no charge. For manuscripts published Open Access via OnlineOpen, a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license is used.Reproduction of all or any significant portion of an IFT publication is prohibited unless permission is received from IFT. If use of a trade name cannot be avoided, the trade names of other like products also should be mentioned. Authors have the right to reproduce portions of their own papers with proper acknowledgment and retain the right to any patentable subject material that might be contained therein. Be sure you have cited each figure within the text. Authors will be offered the option of having the paper, along with any related peer reviews, automatically transferred for consideration by the Editor of Food Science & Nutrition. Very high dose concentration or single-dose response research designs without proper justification for such dose selection as appropriate for human food consumption. … Compare results to those previously reported and clearly indicate what new information is contributed by the present study. Columns and their headings are normally (but not always) used to display the dependent variable(s) being presented in the table. Abbreviations and acronyms. This Special Issue will collect recent scientific research and reviews on novel technologies or food manufacturing methods, reporting critical … Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research journals have high impact factor in 2018, 2019 and 2020. To join IFT to take advantage of this benefit, visit the IFT Membership section. This journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct, scientifically motivated. Label all files with the assigned JFS manuscript ID number and, where necessary, table and figure numbers. … work (Dawson, 1999; Briggs, 2004) demonstrated…. If data lines are close together and/or intersect, do not present more than 4 lines per figure. Hypothesis papers are especially appropriate in pioneering areas of research or important areas that are afflicted by scientific controversy. We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience on Hypothesis manuscripts are appropriate in pioneering areas of research or important areas that are impacted by scientific controversy. Concise Reviews should deal in depth with a narrowly defined topic and be under 10,000 words in the main body text, about 15 to 50 double-spaced typewritten pages, including tables, figures, and references. If the data has not been archived in a public repository, to assist in the review process, the SE, AE, or reviewer may request the author to submit the original data for review. (2010) [subsequent mentions]  IFT is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of professional ethics, accuracy, and quality in all matters related to handling manuscripts and reporting scientific information. The editors may choose an article to feature in each issue. A Special Issue suggested by the Lead Guest Editor, is a collection of articles on a hot topical research area within the scope of the journal. OnlineOpen articles are subject to a Creative Commons license, instead of traditional copyright transfer to IFT. In addition, a separate section “Funding” should list all sources of financial support for the work. Allergy to cooked, but not raw, peas: A case series and review. Manuscripts with experimental designs that are a simple comparison among treatments, without demonstrating mechanistic advances to the science beyond treatment effects, may be returned without review. Beverly Tepper, PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. This is a dummy description. Furthermore, manuscripts that cover a very narrow topic with only local interest will not be considered. You can do so by locating the article you want to reuse and clicking on the “Request Permissions” link under the “Article Tools” menu on the abstract page.  …was demonstrated (Walker & Allen, 2004). . The journal publishes original research and review papers on any subject at the interface between food and engineering, particularly those of relevance to industry, including:

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