asean vision 2025

By having in place a ten-year Vision we can establish a framework for continuous development that will help unite and integrate further our 10 countries. Strengthen ASEAN Organs and the ASEAN Secretariat. Development of the ASEAN Post-2015 Vision and the Blueprints is now work in progress and being compiled separately. 2025 Vision: A China Bent On Asian Dominance. The two agendas are mutually reinforcing. The question is: how much progress has been made so far, and how can these goals be better realised given changing demographics, emerging technologies and economic uncertainties? Through the consolidation and integration process, it is envisaged ASEAN will be able to respond proactively and effectively to the emerging threats and challenges presented by the rapidly changing regional and global landscape. 2. Why ten years and not five years? It is therefore important to chart the future direction of the ASEAN Community into the next decade. Bio Follow . ASEAN is working towards a Community that is “politically cohesive, economically integrated, and socially responsible”. 3. 4. Working with a Community that is able to effectively address new challenges with strengthened regional mechanisms; Greater opportunities for cooperation on regional defence and security matters; Working together to share best practices and successful case studies on engagement and integration policies while recognising that the ASEAN Member States will continue to benefit from capacity building, resources and training provided by external partners . Disaster Risk Management: Priority on DRR-CCA PP3 ADVANCE: A Disaster Resilient and Climate Adaptive ASEAN Community •Documentation of good practices in strengthening institutional capacity and policy development on DRR and CCA in AMS It succeeds BIMP-EAGA’s Implementation Blueprint (2012–2016) and Roadmap (2006–2010). What Is BIMP-EAGA? The Kuala Lumpur Declaration, the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and all ADs will be adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in November 2015. 1. ASEAN was proclaimed a Community through a Declaration signed by ASEAN Leaders at their 27th Summit in Kuala Lumpur on 22 November 2015. This means that ASEAN as a region is committed to and prepared to work with all partners concerned to address issues of mutual interest. We recall the ASEAN vision of an integrated, peaceful and stable community with shared prosperity built upon the aspirations of and commitment to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the ASEAN Vision 2020, the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II, the ASEAN Charter, the Roadmap for an Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines created the East ASEAN Growth Area to shift economic activities from resource extraction to higher levels of processing and value-added production, focusing on industries that adopt clean and green technologies. This is a continuous and forward-looking process to strengthen the ASEAN Community based on the political-security, economic and socio-cultural pillars to forge ahead together. ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together consists of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together, the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025, the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025. It takes time to implement and to become deeply established in the fabric of the Community. Increased economic, trade and investment activities; A stronger, more visible and united ASEAN, with a greater role and voice in global economic fora and increased contribution to global economic governance; and. 9. ASEAN 2025 reaffirms commitment, continuation and consolidation of ASEAN Community building. Robert G. Kaiser. The ASEAN Community is no different. What is the ASEAN Community Vision 2025? They will continue to live in a more united, secure, peaceful and cohesive region; They will benefit and enjoy the gains resulting from enhanced sustainable environmental governance and practices in the region; Their human rights, fundamental freedoms, dignity and social justice will be promoted and protected; They will enjoy good governance that shall be further strengthened; They will be part of a participative and socially responsible community with equitable access to opportunities for all; They will be better protected against pandemics, natural and human-induced disasters and calamities, transnational crimes and transboundary challenges; They can engage purposefully with one another in ASEAN and the world; They will enjoy greater prosperity through increased economic opportunities, enhanced regional connectivity, ease of intra-ASEAN travel and doing business as well as a resilient regional economy; They will benefit from greater employment opportunities and quality jobs as well as from mobility of skilled labour and talents; They will enjoy access to wider choices, safer, and better quality products and services; They will benefit from better cost savings for businesses as well as consumers through improved access and connectivity; They will benefit from access to a wider and better range of technologies and expertise; and. It aims to sustain the momentum of regional integration and further contribute to strengthening the ASEAN community-building efforts. The Kuala Lumpur Declaration, the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and all ADs will be adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in November 2015. ASEAN countries have committed themselves to the implementation of two parallel but interrelated processes: the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 (ASEAN Vision 2025) and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). to know more about the asean 2025 please click here. The ASEAN Community Vision 2025 is an embodiment of the continuing resolve of the ASEAN Heads of State and Government to ‘forge ahead together’ to realise a vision of a peaceful, stable, integrated, prosperous, and sharing community as articulated in the ASEAN Vision 2020, and indeed expanded to embrace people centredness and people In order to achieve our ASEAN Community Vision 2025, we shall realise a community with enhanced institutional capacity through improved ASEAN work processes and coordination, increased effectiveness and efficiency in the work of ASEAN Organs and Bodies, including a strengthened ASEAN Secretariat. ASEAN member states are contemplating their ASEAN 2025 vision at a moment when the dual threats of catastrophic climate change and growing, obscene levels of inequality compel us to interrogate the very foundations of global economic and political systems. March 17, 2000. 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja. The ASEAN SOGIE Caucus (ASC) remains highly critical of the recently adopted ASEAN Community Vision 2025. Hence the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Vision 2025, which strives to create a more holistic and globally competitive ASEAN. A well integrated and connected economy within the global economic system; A business-friendly, trade-facilitative, market driven and predictable environment which inspires investor confidence; A region with a key role in global value chains and increasing participation in high value added and knowledge-based activities; A competitive and dynamic region that inspires innovation and where businesses of all sizes thrive, and where consumers’ rights are protected; A community where the benefits from economic integration are equitably shared among and within ASEAN Member States, including with micro, small and medium enterprises, youth, and women entrepreneurs; and. It maps out ASEAN’s 10-year strategic plan in the three areas of political-security, economic, and socio-cultural pillars to further deepen and consolidate regional integration. The action lines/strategic measures in the respective Blueprints of ASEAN Community 2025 seek to complete, within a specific timeframe, key measures from the previous Roadmap that have yet to be implemented and to build on the experiences and expertise acquired in the preceding 10 years to tackle new challenges, harness new technologies and ensure opportunities for all. ASEAN community-building is a continuous and evolving process. What are the expected outputs produced by the HLTF? The Kuala Lumpur Declaration, the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and all ADs will be adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in November 2015. What is the background and purpose of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025? The original Vison 2020 became a testament of ASEAN Leaders’ determination to move boldly forward despite the challenges ASEAN faced during the Asian financial crisis when it was commissioned. ASEAN 2025 reaffirms commitment, continuation and consolidation of ASEAN Community building. ASEAN 2025 consists of specific action lines and strategic measures to realise the targets identified. The final stage will be the consolidation of all the documents for cohesion and consistency and finalised as the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 to be presented to the ASEAN Leaders for approval. Much more can be achieved over 10 years that will benefit all the people of ASEAN. Officials at an online meeting held in Ha Noi in preparation for the upcoming 37th ASEAN Summit. ASEAN leaders recognized the potential this collaboration had when they formulated the Community Vision 2025, underlining “the complementarity of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the ASEAN community building efforts to uplift the standards of living of our peoples”.

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