tau hq 9th

Devilfish has 12 seats, so just toss Darkstrider in there with two 5-man units of Breachers. Good on Coldstar commanders, but Vior'la's Sept Tenet can already let them do this without giving up a Warlord Trait for it, but then your also losing out on other sept traits. Use spare Fire Warrior parts to turn any un-needed Ethereals into Cadre Fire Blades. The railgun is worthless in normal games as the Tigershark gets two for cheaper at the same BS. A Ghostkeel armed with two burst cannons, a cyclic ion raker, an advanced targeting system, a shield generator, and accompanied by two stealth Drones comes to 176 points. If you're facing an enemy that's going to charge your Fire Warriors consider having pulse pistols to give that melee unit an emergency punch if they can't disengage. Make Tau competitive in 9th edition. A large squad of these can be buffed with Kayuon and Command and Control node, giving them full rerolls on both to hit and to wound. These drones also don't require any extra space in transport, so you could put 12x of these in a devilfish. Perhaps okay for some Krootox though. This is a good Titan hunter, not a great one. If you are running an infantry army, 3/5ths of the table is useless chaff. Give one a drone controller and that's a Crisis suit that doesn't need to give up a gun to support the incoming drones. They also have Photon Grenades that do no damage, but any Hit. Markerlights let you focus down single big targets effectively with your entire army. For the cost, lascannon equivalents and regular rail cannons can fill the same role with added consistency. I'm sure there's a way of playing a mobile list that doesn't have to castle up, and it might be fun trying. Vor'la sept tenet grants a similar effect, but doesn't work on Heavy weapons. James Kerr, Jr. Bro. On the tabletop, they play similar to any gunline, only they get bonuses to the range of their Rapid Fire and Heavy guns, further detering charges, and allow your weapons to have just that much ability to tap enemy units. When making the comparison between the Imperial Volcano Cannon, it's the higher volume of shots (3 x DD3, as opposed to 2) that give it an advantage. Sure you have to be within 6" to actually get the benefits, but that's a situation you'll likely end up in given the range of the weapon. Fewer drones. Consider having a unit of 1-2 Krootox riders in your backline as bodyguards for something that’d be otherwise helpless if charged (e.g. Good for activating Farsight in combat if he's fighting something, Could be used to re-arm seeker missiles on tigershark fighter bombers, making them beat skyrays at their own game (See Death from the Skies game type, Refuel-Rearm-Repair stratagem corebook p.268), Strongly recommended to keep at least one so when you inevitably roll snake-eyes with your Ion weapons/Hammerhead it's not the end of the world. This relic is all but guaranteed to pay for itself, assuming you spent 1 CP to take it and reasonably expect to spend at least 1 CP on a reroll during the game. You'll still crumple in assault against just about anything actually optimised for it. The Kappa Mortis Incident was an important event that contributed to the future use of XV25 Stealthsuits. Kroot Konga Line: Yeah, you can still do this. Note that units lose their ability to fire Overwatch again this turn if they use this rule. You can use them to mess with their jetbikes, and possibly charge them to give your suits more time to tear them apart. Where marines get Thunder Hammers, you have to use a relic to get two S8 armour-ignoring attacks. With rerollable 1's to wound you'll have a field day killing anything lower than toughness 6. On the tabletop, they play as a highly aggressive mobile attack force not unlike Eldar, subverting the ranged stereotype of the Tau with plenty of close range shooting tricks and even some melee tools. Breachers do still get their improved invulnerable save from the Guardian drone, which can be shared between units for cost savings. And lots of overwatch. And with a PAC drone, your carbines are now doing 2 shots at 24" and 3 at 12", after advancing without penalty. A unit of 12 is surprisingly sturdy thanks to the 4+ save. If going up against a deep strike heavy opponent, consider taking a Stormsurge with a Blastcannon, and Early Warning Override, in order to. Given their boosted profile, you might think Breachers are great for throwing a wrench between the legs of any opponent who thought they were going to face a static gunline they could easily squash in close combat if they just make it across the field, but the enemy can just charge you outside the 5" super-effective range and if they hit your breachers with a fast-moving close-combat oriented unit, they're effectively dead. Not being able to take drones doesn't really have any effect (unless you're critically short on Detachment slots), as drones purchased separately work identically to drones purchased along with characters anyway. Will this be the rule set that you play with moving forward? Pop Raging Beasts on them for a bird-gorilla rampage of 8 S6 AP -1 D2 attacks on an opponent who would normally expect to not have any problems from us in melee other than overwatch or Farsight & Friends. Though your marker lights should be doing that anyways. Billions of years old, the earliest known sentient race in the galaxy were the Old Ones. Chances are high that one of those shots (perhaps both) will fail to hit, wound, and/or will get saved somewhere. Pay particular attention to this one for units with effects that trigger on 1s or 6s to hit. Don't use it for extra speed otherwise, you're giving up your Sept Tenet by doing that and making yourself more vulnerable (also wasting a CP). An ok bonus, but you shouldn't just stop with 3 markers. No matter what people will tell you, the game has always had excessive problems with imbalance, min-maxing and blatant bullshit - From the days of Rogue Trader to modern day 9th Edition, the game has fostered many cheesy units, army lists or deathstars, who have changed the meta and repeatably broken the game - Not through players maximizing their gear or people abusing unclear rules, but by simply … Destroyer and Seeker missiles fired at the target use the firer's Ballistic Skill (and re-rolling 1's, as above), instead of hitting only on a 6. Still a very weak solution to a niche problem compared to how many loyalist marines you should expect to face, but know that you at least have something you can do instead of just give them light pats. Avoid dedicated melee units like the plague. A note on cost: With the Chapter Approved 2018 the chassis for the Broadside has gone down significantly to 35! The bread-and-butter of the Tau Empire are the Battlesuits. Sadly, this does not help your wound rolls, so you still need that 6 to get the bonus wound.

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