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Thanks. Im really into the low dose cycles. I was trying to figure out the way to go. Dbol: 25-50mg/week After my cycle I’m back on my TRT so I don’t need PCT I was reading the old school methods here and I just want to ask your opinion about lowering the text dosage and the dbol as well, what would u suggest? I enjoyed Npp gave great roundness/fullness , just need AI from the start as I bloated but aromasin will use from next course and I used Adex but was not impressed . I’ve been cycling on and off (more on than off) since i was 20 years old. But NPP is king in my opinion. 1.03 – Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State Im on trt plus cycle twice a year. As a semi-veteran user, I am having a hard time coming up with a cycle to run this summer. Someone who has been in the game for 20+ years? Appriciate your blog and all the effort you put into it, That’s actually not much gear at all for national level. Anyways I have about 0.5 – 0.75 ml left of my test prop which I am pinning MWF. I also have a ton of anavar lying around but, I don’t know. Thanks JD. It’s Mens physique, they are looking for a healthy 6-7% bodyfat with a good/healthy look. 250mgs of Test E with 600mgs of EQ for 16 weeks? Please let me know what you think. yes you can, follow same PCT protocal as outlined here. Why no dbol? This will only be my third cycle (ran test E 10 weeks first time and d-bol for 4 weeks then test prop and cyp 1ml of each a week for twelve) was just looking for some advice on dosage and what you would advise as I am trying to build an old school 70s/80s style physique one day. Weeks 1-12 – 700 mg/week Primo, 50-100 mg/day Anavar, 200 mg/week deca, 200 mg/week test (drop Deca 2 weeks out from show, use Arimistane for PCT daily). I would post a pic if I knew how too. Thanks again your a huge help!!!! Whats up bud. I have gone back to a traditional way of cycling, 2 cycles/year outside of my normal hormone replacement regimen. Hey John whats up? The mk-677 has been fantastic for my sleep and recovery but has caused ~5 lbs water retention. – What would be the best PCT and how to run it? Or have a better cycle in mind? There come a point where you could use anadrols, dbols, tren, high does of test, whatever, and at the end up the cycle you haven’t even budged the scale!!! It will be my second cycle and I am looking to add strength, quick recovery and most importantly I want stronger joints. No cost, no questions asked, Sorry, just my two cents and helping out if still too scared to just donate, ROFL, I told them I was on TRT, they didn’t care.. they wanted my AB+ real bad :). I’m going to run my cycle in a few weeks. As for blood pressure, monitor regularly and keep in mind certain compounds that can elevate it more than others. Thats pretty much it. The day after my shot I’m around 1200 and by day 6-7 I am down around 700. Diet tight on that and you will be pleased with the results. Which of them would you recommend most for dry, lean gains? This will knock down any excessive estrogen levels which can promote bodyfat and can help jack your test levels a little higher. But I do use other compounds at slightly higher amounts, such as EQ, primo, masteron, anavar. My question is this: I started the Primo/Test E cycle last week and have noticed some hot flashes and was wondering if I should take an AI with this or is this normal for Primo? Arimidex??? Basically, more complex assignments will cost more than simpler ones. How much longer is the cycle? As for the shot, I’m sure it’s just sore from being new to you. And what about ai’s during? I fucking love your website! I would take the anavar up around 60-80mg/day for 8 wks, you should look pretty damn hard from that, I’ve been following your advice for all my previous cycles instead of listening to the “500mg of test a week minimum bullshit”. HCG isn’t necessary but again it’s more beneficial to have it than not to have it. Would an EQ kicker cycle be well tolerated by a novice? Know what you're fucking with before doing any of this. The next issue is their choice of what anabolics to use. then just trt 250 of test 2 iu of hgh. Can I also use HCG 10 or 7 days after last injection shot for total number of 10 days and then start clomid? Definitely an eye-opener and confirms what I’m experiencing right now. Thanks!!! For MORE cycle info you gotta check out Straight From the Underground! You could add any 1 of the other ones you’ve mentioned, but again, run throughout. thought about anavar and eq. go w/ the test/eq run, if your not trying to get extreme (as in competition) the masteron/proviron combo is not cost effective. I remember reading that when used at a point where the bodyfat is around 8% it can give you a very hard look, solid as rock sculpture. Can take it to red cross and most blood centers. I am 185 and 19.5% bf (started at 212lbs and 25.5%). Im 39 years old never done a cycle before but been working out for around 20 years. It’s not that it’s NOT BENEFICIAL running for any less duration. If you can get HCG then it’ll only help but it’s def not a dealbreaker to me on that cycle, as well as it being a first cycle. Hey john Ive finished a course of sust an eq ran it for 3 months i don’t want to be of long as i have a deadline to meet.

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