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The group photo is available for download. A future Higgs factory would achieve such a goal significantly better than the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The materials were characterized by SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermo-gravimetric anal. AEI Paper & Studies (American Enterprise Institute, … This list is generated from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science bibliographic database. Conference: January 18-21, 2021. As part of this HEP program, a four-day conference will be held during January 18-21, 2021. The Higgs boson plays a crucial role in explaining spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking and the mass generation of the known fundamental particles. A Cu (II)-based 3D metal-organic framework (MOF), [Cu 2 (L1).5DMF] n (1) (H 4 L1 = 3,5-di(3,5-dicarboxyphenyl)nitrobenzene) was arranged and created by Pan et al. In order to enable an iCal export link, your account needs to have an API key created. Due to this, it is extremely important that you keep these links private and for your use only. Yongxin Tong is a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment (SKLSDE) of the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Beihang University (BUAA). (KDD 2019) Zheyi Pan, … 2019-32. "The Belt and Road is Overhyped, Commercially." Short Biography. Every device that communicates on a network is assigned a unique 6-byte (48-bit) Media Access Control (MAC) address by the manufacturer. Yongxin Tong is a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment (SKLSDE) of the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Beihang University (BUAA).He received a Ph.D. degree in Computing Science and Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), … Zheyi Pan, Yuxuan Liang, Weifeng Wang, Yong Yu, Yu Zheng, Junbo Zhang. Lustige Bilder, lustige Videos und Flash-Games, Fun Videos, Werbespots kostenlos. Center for Future High Energy Physics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Joint Consortium of Fundamental Physics, Hong Kong, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 1 - Session 1: Machine Learning and Open Data (MW-TH-D1-S1), #1: Learning the Geometry of Collider Events, Representation Learning of Collider Events.pdf, Representation Learning of Collider Events.pptx, (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)), #3: Searching for Top Super Partner in the CMS Open Data, Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 1 - Session 1: Focus on Physics (MW-ED-D1-S1), (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen), Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 1 - Session 1 (MW-PA-D1-S1), #1: Perspectives on Plasma-based Accelerators, S1-1 C.Joshi-Perspectives HEP -FINAL.pptx, #2: Theory and Computational Challenges in Plasma-accelerator Research, #3: Energy-spread Preservation in a Plasma Accelerator at FLASHForward, (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)), Energy-spread preservation in a plasma accelerator at FLASHForward (HEP2021).pdf, Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 1 - Session 2: Focus on Physics (MW-ED-D1-S2), (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 1 - Session 2: Physics at Future Colliders (MW-TH-D1-S2), #2: Testing Electroweak Phase Transition at Muon Colliders, #3: Two Paths Towards Precision at a Very High Energy Lepton Collider, Two Paths To New Physics at High Energy Lepton Colliders.pdf, Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 1 - Session 2 (MW-PA-D1-S2), #1: High Energy Plasma-based Injector for Circular Electron-positron Collider (CEPC) and Beyond, #2: High Transformer Ratio Electron Acceleration for CEPC Plasma Injector, #3: Underdense Passive Plasma Lenses for Focusing Electron Beams, Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 1 - Session 3: Focus on Physics (MW-ED-D1-S3), #1: Flavor Tagging in Electroweak Physics, (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore), #2: BSM Physics Benefiting from Superior Particle Identification, 2021-01-14-HKUST-IAS-ExpDet-session-JL-v1.pdf, Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 1 - Session 3 (MW-PA-D1-S3), #1: The EuPRAXIA Project for a European Research Infrastructure, 2021-01-14_EuPRAXIA-IAS-Plasma-WS-EuPRAXIA-Assmann-out.pdf, 2021-01-14_EuPRAXIA-IAS-Plasma-WS-EuPRAXIA-Assmann-out.pptx, #2: Polarized Beams from Plasma Accelerators, #3: Positron Acceleration in a Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Accelerator, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 1 - Session 3: Quantum Sensing for New Physics (MW-TH-D1-S3), #2: Probing New Physics at the Precision Frontier, (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology), #3: Searching for Dark Particles with Nonlinear Optics, Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 1 - Session 4: Focus on Physics (MW-ED-D1-S4), Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 1 - Session 4 (MW-PA-D1-S4), #1: Recent Progress of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Studies at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, #2: Recent Progress on the Laser-driven High-energy Proton/Heavy Ion Acceleration, S 4-2-Recent+Progress+on+the+Laser-driven+High-energy+Proton+Heavy+Ion+Acceleration.pdf, #3: Energy Dechirper for a Electron Beam Using a Hollow Channel Plasma, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 1 - Session 4: EFT and Amplitudes (MW-TH-D1-S4), #1: On-shell Formulation of Chiral Perturbation Theory, #2: Microscopic Bounds on Macroscopic Theories, #4: Partial Wave Amplitude Basis and Selection Rules in Effective Field Theories, (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences), Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 2 - Session 1: Focus on Detectors (MW-ED-D2-S1), Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 2 - Session 1 (MW-PA-D2-S1), #1: Plasma Wakefield Acceleration: Current Status and Roadmap to First Applications and the Energy Frontier, #2: Positron Acceleration in Plasma Wakefields, #3: Generation of Single Cycle Tunable Radiation Pulses from THz to Mid IR Using Frequency Downshifting in Plasma Wakes, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 2 - Session 1: Quantum Sensing for New Physics (MW-TH-D2-S1), #1: Detecting Light Dark Matter with Phonons and Magnons, #2: Mechanical Quantum Sensors in the Search for Dark Matter, #3: Resonant and Broadband Detection of Ultralight Axion Dark Matter, (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)), Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 2 - Session 2: Focus on Detectors (MW-ED-D2-S2), #1: Continuously Operated TPCs for the Future e+e- Colliders, #2: PID from Drift Chambers (dE/dx, dN/dx), (The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 2 - Session 2 (MW-PA-D2-S2), #1: Laser-plasma Electron Acceleration towards a Compact XFEL in Japan, (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology), #2: Laser Plasma Acceleration and its Applications, #3: Plasma Accelerator injector studies at IHEP, Plasma_Accelerator_Injector_Studies_at_IHEP.pdf, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 2 - Session 2: EFT and Amplitudes (MW-TH-D2-S2), #2: An Unambiguous Test of Positivity at Lepton Colliders, #3: On-shell Massive Effective Field Theory, (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 2 - Session 3: Focus on Detectors (MW-ED-D2-S3), (Institute of Physics of the 2 Infinities of Lyon), (Laboratory of the Physics of the 2 infinities Irène Joliot-Curie), Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 2 - Session 3 (MW-PA-D2-S3), #1: AWAKE: A Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Driven by a Proton Bunch, #2: The EupPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB Project and Related R&D Activities at LNF, (The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics), #3: EPAC - A New, Advanced Facility for Applications of Laser-driven Accelerators, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 2 - Session 3: Machine Learning and Open Data (MW-TH-D2-S3), (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (IAS Postdoctoral Fellow)), #2: New Paradigms for New Physics Searches with Machine Learning, #3: Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning, Mini-workshop: Experiment/Detector: Particle Identification and Associated Physics at e+e- Colliders: Day 2 - Session 4: Focus on Detectors (MW-ED-D2-S4), #1: RICH Detectors and Alternative/ Complementary Options for PID at Colliders, Mini-workshop: Plasma Acceleration: Day 2 - Session 4 (MW-PA-D2-S4), #1: Driving Positron Beam Acceleration with Coherent Transition Radiation, #2: Recent Progress on Quasi-static PIC Code: QuickPIC and QPAD, #3: MeV Hard X-ray Micro-spot Sources Based on Laser Wake-field Accelerator and 3D Imaging Applications, Mini-workshop: Theory: Day 2 - Session 4: Physics at Future Colliders (MW-TH-D2-S4), (University of California, Santa Barbara), #2: Search for WIMP Dark Matter at High Energy Muon Colliders, #3: Composite Higgs Models at the High-Energy Muon Collider, Composite Higgs models at the High Energy Muon Collider_HKUST.pdf, Conference: Plenary Session: Day 1 - Session 1 (CF-PL-D1-S1), (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (IAS Director, Acting Dean of Science and Lam Woo Foundation Professor)), IAS Program on High Energy Physics-V1.pdf, IAS Program on High Energy Physics-V1.pptx, Conference: Plenary Session: Day 1 - Session 2 (CF-PL-D1-S2), CEPC Status and TDR Progress-J. It is thus important to measure precisely the Higgs-gauge couplings, the Higgs-Yukawa couplings and the Higgs self-couplings. (No. These objectives strongly motivate the construction of next-generation experimental facilities such as e+e- Higgs factory and 100TeV pp collider or muon collider. Additionally to having an API key associated with your account, exporting private event information requires the usage of a persistent signature. State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), China Centre for Economic Research (CCER), Federated Machine Learning: Concept and Applications, Two-Sided Online Micro-Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing, Last-Mile Delivery Made Practical: An Efficient Route Planning Framework with Theoretical Guarantees, Federated Latent Dirichlet Allocation: A Local Differential Privacy Based Framework, An Efficient Insertion Operator in Dynamic Ridesharing Services, Adaptive Dynamic Bipartite Graph Matching: A Reinforcement Learning Approach, A Unified Approach to Route Planning for Shared Mobility, SLADE: A Smart Large-Scale Task Decomposer in Crowdsourcing, Dynamic Pricing in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Matching-Based Approach, Latency-oriented Task Completion via Spatial Crowdsourcing, Flexible Dynamic Task Assignment in Real-Time Spatial Data, The Simpler The Better: A Unified Approach to Predicting Original Taxi Demands on Large-Scale Online Platforms, Feedback-Aware Social Event-Participant Arrangement, Trichromatic Online Matching in Real-time Spatial Crowdsourcing, Online Minimum Matching in Real-Time Spatial Data: Experiments and Analysis, Online Mobile Micro-Task Allocation in Spatial Crowdsourcing, Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement and its Variant for Online Setting, Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement, Mining Frequent Itemsets over Uncertain Databases, Discovering Threshold-based Frequent Closed Itemsets over Probabilistic Data, Champion (Team Coach) of the RL Track in KDD Cup 2020 Competition, Frontiers of Big Data Processing Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD), 2018 - date, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2019 - date, DASFAA: 2021, 2020 (Senior PC), 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Science China Information Sciences (SCIS). As part of this HEP program, a four-day conference will be held during January 18-21, 2021. The group photo is available for download here. Article 117340 Download PDF. ... select article HKUST-1 modified ultrastability cellulose/chitosan composite aerogel for highly efficient removal of methylene blue. LAMMPS Publications This page lists papers that cite LAMMPS via the original 1995 J Comp Phys paper discussed here, which includes a discussion of the basic parallel algorithms in LAMMPS.Papers that describe later algorithmic development in LAMMPS are also listed here.. Before that, three two-day mini-workshops focusing on theory, experiment/detector and accelerator physics respectively, will be organized on January 14-15, 2021. The versatile proteasome inhibitor MG132 was inactivated with a photolabile protection group at its reactive aldehyde function, as described by Esther Zanin and co‐workers in their Research Article on page 1187.Upon blue‐light irradiation MG132 activity is restored, and cancer cells either undergo arrest during the metaphase of the cell cycle or die by apoptosis. Addressing fundamental puzzles in nature such as hierarchy problem, dark matter, etc. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically. It is also hoped that some white papers for the particle physics community documenting the physics goals, options of future colliders, and the reach of the related experiments could be released. ... Bo Pan, Jinxuan Tao, Xianyang Bao, Jie Xiao, ... Delu Zeng. We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. The Zoom links are also uploaded to the ", Please check out the latest program schedule regularly at the ", A guide about the Zoom set-up of this program is uploaded to the page of ". After the discovery of the Higgs boson, the main objectives of high-energy physics are the precise measurement of Higgs properties and searches for new physics.

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