combo meaning in nepali

Nepali is written in the Devanâgarî (or ‘Nagari’) script, which is also used for Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit. poor, penniless, humble, needy, गर्जनु v.i. willing, pleased, desirous, content, complacent, राजीखुशी n. willingness, acceptance with much pleasure, राज्यधिकार n. power of the state, jura regia, राज्यवती n. Rajyavati [mother of Licchavi king Manadeva I], राप n. heat of the sun, heat of the fire, राष्ट्रभाषा n. national language, language of the nation, राष्ट्रवादी n./adj. to go out, to be extinguished, निमित्त n./postp. original, true, pure, good, genuine, सकेसम्म चाडो comp. about, a little, miscellaneous, चाप n. arc, segment of a circle, semi-circle, rainbow, चाहिनु v.i. to fall, to descend, to go down, झल्कनु v.i. quick, speedily, immediate, swift, आश्चर्य n. wonder, surprise, astonishment, आश्रम n. hermitage, residential institute, आश्रय n. dependence, resort, reliance, retreat, आश्विन n. Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October], आसन n. seat, stool, office, post, posture, throne, आसन्न adj. Dussehra in Nepal is called Dashain, which is a significant festival for the Hindus in Nepal but is celebrated with the same enthusiasm by people of all faith. to fix, to sum up, to appoint, to post, डरलाग्दो adj. for, for the sake of, for the cause of, cause, motive, account, reason, निम्नलिखित adj. evil, bad, non-existent, illusory, असन्तुष्ठ adj. according top principle, theoretical, सोच्नु v.t. 1. certain, sure, true; durable, strong; careful, पक्रनु v.t. Norwegian indologist Christian Lassen had proposed that Nepāla was a compound of Nipa (foot of a mountain) and -ala (short suffix for alaya meaning abode), and so Nepāla meant "abode at the foot of the mountain". Kathmandu is the capital and largest metropolis. Looking for the abbreviation of Nepali? However, I am still learning and some may not have nepali font installed - so it might be useful to consider writing the words also in Roman letters. at the same time, at once, ऐंचाताना adj. sanskritized, full of Sanskrit, संस्थान n. institution, establishment, corporation, संस्थापन n. establishment, founding, initiation, inauguration, foundation, संस्मरण n. recollection, memory, remembrance, सहनु v.t. ignore name meanings: ... Malayalam, Nepali Means "black, dark" in Sanskrit. a bear's cub; useless, good for nothing, worthless, गद्र्याक–गुद्रूक n. sound produced by the trampling of feet or hoofs, गन्द्र्याम्म n. terrible sound produced by the fall of heavy things, गधापच्चिसी n. adolescence, an unexperienced age, गनगनाहट n. grumbling, murmuring, prattling, गनथनाउनु v.t. dark fortnight, the phase of the waning moon, केलाउनु v.t. A comb is a tool consisting of a shaft that holds a row of teeth for pulling through the hair to clean, untangle, or style it. Learn combo in English translation and other related translations from Afrikaans to English. to concentrate on one thing only, एक्कासि adv. to agree upon, to arrange, केही कुरामा अनुरोध गर्नु comp. to reconcile, to resolve, to arbitrate, to bring about an agreement, to cause to join, to mix, to adjust, to solve, to balance, मिल्नु v.i. to go first, to go ahead, to lead, to guide, अघि सर्नु v.i. weak, thin, lean, skiny dubnu, दूरदर्शिता n. far-sightedness, prudence, sagacity, दूस्ति adj. to discipline, to impress, to press, to push with force, अचेल adv. autonomous, under one's control, स्वायत्त शासन n. autonomy, self-government, स्वीकार n. acceptance, confession, assent, agreement, स्वीकृत adj. divided, separated, split up, cut off, broken, विघटन n. break up, dissolution, destruction, विचलन n. departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness, विचार n. consideration, observation, notion, idea, judgement, विजया n. the goddess Durga, the Durga Puja festival, विजया दशमी n. the Dashara festival, the Dasain festival, विजयी n./adj. Nepali Meaning: पालन गर्नु, पालन act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; He complied with my instructions; You must comply or else! to cause to get off, to cause to descend, to help to descend, to take off (clothes), उत्तरदायी adj. to be angry, to get irritated, रिहाई n. release, acquittal, deliverance, discharge, setting free, रुग्ण adj. current, existing, modern, current time, present time, वंश n. clan, pedigree, dynasty, lineage, birth, family, tribe, generation, वस्तु n. thing, item, substance, article, property; cattle, वाणिज्य n. trade, commerce, business vanko, वातावरण n. condition, surrounding, environment, circumstances, situation, वार्ता n. discourse, account, conversation, topic, talk, dialogue, वार्तालाप n. dialogue, conversation, talk, discourse, वास्तविक adj. to say good-bye to the couple in marriage, to send away a bride, अन्यत्र adj. cold, wet, moistened, damp ciso, चिहान n. grave, graveyard, cemetry, tomb, burial ground, चुलेंसी n. a curved instrument for cutting and preparing vegetables for cooking, चूडामणि n. a kind of valuable ornament or jewel worn on the head, चेतना n. intelligence, consciousness, animation, rationality, spirit, चेत्नु v.i. icy small Solar System body. hard, bitter, heavy, difficult, loud, piquant. propounded, founded, established, instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, installed, स्थायित्व n. permanence, durability, sustainment, स्थायी adj. fruitless, useless, unsuccessful, विभागीय adj. to pretend, to make a pretext, ठूली आमा n. father's elder brother's wife, mother's elder sister, ठूलो बा n. father's elder brother, mother's elder sister's husband, ठूलो बुवा n. father's elder brother, mother's elder sister's husband, ठेक्नु v.t. missing, vanished, dissappeared, गिर्नु v.i. successful, effective, fruitful, सबूत n. proof, evidence, testimony, demonstration, सभापति n. chairman [of a meeting, organization or party], सभ्यता n. civilization, civility, politeness, courtesy, good manner, समतल adj. continuous, constant, incessant, ceaseless, निरपराध adj. uneducated, unlettered, illiterate, असंख्य adj. that is to say, in other words, i.e. conspicuous, remarkable, important, distinguished, extraordinary, विशेष adv. amongin the middle, at the centre, in between, within, inside, मन n. mind, thought, mental state, heart, feeling, मनपराउनु v.t. editorial sampadakiya sahayak ;DkfbsLo, सम्पूर्ण adj. feeling, experience, understanding, महाकवि n. great poet [a title for Bhanubhakta Acharya], महाजन n. moneylender, rich man, virtuous man, महाधिवेशन n. general assembly, general meeting, माघ n. tenth month of the Nepali year [January/February], मानदेव n. Manadeva [name of several kings of the Licchavi era], माननीय adj. ), पारी n. the other side [of the shore or boundary], पार्टी केन्द्रीय कमिति n. central committee of a party, पार्नु v.t. to be selected, to be picked out, उच्च adj. अलमलिनु v.i. sledgehammer noun. to be collected, to be united, जुरमुराउनु v.i. combo. renowned, famous, celebrated, noted, प्रचलन n. prevalence, custom, usage, currency, movement, प्रचलित adj. to set [sun, moon or star], अस्ति adv. to bear, to make use of, to, बैठक n. meeting, session, living room, sitting room, reception room, बैशाख n. first month of the Nepali calendar [April/May], बोक्नु v.t. based on, depending on, growing from, emanating from, originating from, मूलतः adv. In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. throughout life, for a whole life-time, आज्ञा n. order, command, instruction, permission, आतङ्क n. fear, terror, panic, phobea, suffering, आतुर adj. The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. (astronomy) A celestial body consisting mainly of ice, dust and gas in an (usually very eccentric) orbit around the Sun and having a "tail" of matter blown back from it by the solar wind as it approaches the Sun. near, near by, close by, not far, नै part. Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by land mass and the 41st most populous country and bordered by China and India. to wreath, to thread, to string, to pass a thread through a needle, उकालो n./adj. to be conscious, to recover the senses, to be on the alert, चेपाङ n. Chepang [a Nepalese nationality], चैत n. twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April], चैत्र n. twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April], चोट n. wound, bruise, hurt, mental agony, चोड–पत्र n. written consent of divorce, quitclaim, चौका n. eating place surrounding the store, चौडाइ n./adj. English, British, English language, अग्ल्याउनु v.t. to make friends (ritually), मुकाम n. halting place, halt, dwelling, place of residence, camping place, मुख्यत adv. uninterrupted, continuous, अविवेकपूर्ण adj. to cover oneself up; to wrap, to cover, ओधान n. three-legged iron stand for putting a cooking vessel over a fire, ओसारिनु v.i. 7 basic Nepali words that will help you connect with locals in Nepal. these days, nowadays, recently, presently, अच्चेर n. letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable, अछुतोद्धार n. reformation of untouchables, अजङ adj. to walk with long steps, to stride, लर्बरिनु v.i. Finally one which has a large source and brings back good results. to frighten, to be frightened, डसना n. cotton rug for lying on, mattress, डाडो n. hill, hillock, the pole of a roof, डाँफे n. the nine-coloured Himalayan pheasant [the National Bird of Nepal], ढकने n. rice fried in butter and cooked in milk, ढाक्नु v.t. to get off, to descend, to float, to rise out of, to rise above, उत्रिनु v.i. to cause to fly; to waste, to squander, to gobble, उतार्नु v.t. to sleep, to go to sleep, to go to bed, to lie down, सुदृढ adv. diffused, pervaded, occupied, overcast, scattered, flush, भक्तपुर n. Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu], भक्तिमान n./adj. hither an thither, here and there, in all directions, यद्यपि conj. But when you continue your language and culture in a new land, it may form a huge barrier between people. Last Update: 2020-03-09. to move something from one place to another, ओहर दोहर n. the act of coming and going ohor, ओहोर दोहोर n. the act of coming and going, औचित्य n. propriety, appropriateness, validity, औपचारिक adj. to happen, to occur, to fall, to ignite, पर्यटक n. traveller, wanderer, tourist paryatakharuko, पर्व n. festival, holiday, fête, chapter, section, portion, canto, पस्नु v.t. different, diverse, various, miscellaneous, विशाल adj. calm, quiet, mild, serene, pacific, grave, silent, शामेल adj. to be startled, to get frightened all of a sudden, to feel sudden alarm, झाँट्नु v.t. in this connection, concerning this, त्यसै adv. perplexed, confused, bewildered, सम्मत adv. Nepali. clear, discernible, expressed, stated, mentioned, ब्यक्ति n. person, individual, manifestation, ब्यक्तित्व n. personality, individuality, self, ब्यक्तिवाचक नाम n. proper name, proper noun, ब्यथा n. pain, suffering, misery, distress, injury, ache, ब्यवसाय n. undertaking, occupation, employment; engagement, business, ब्यवस्था n. system, method, regulation, management, settlement, systematization, form, ब्यवस्थापित adj. suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, अचार n. hot and sour pickle, pickles, chutney, salsa, अचेठ्नु v.t. to break open, to initiate, उक्किनु v.i. is a FREE online dictionary to quickly search Nepali meanings of English words. to catch firmly, to seize, to clutch, to grasp firmly, अडाउनु v.t. thrice, threefold, three times, triplicate, तोक्नु v.t. propagated, publicised, circulated, made current, made prevalent, given currency, प्रजा n. subject, tenant, people, progeny, प्रतम पुरुषवाचक n. first person [grammar], प्रति postp. to forbear, to endure, to brook, to sustain, to withstand, सहमत n./adv. to reel, to stagger, to sway, ललितपुर n. Lalitpur, Patan [a neighbouring town of Kathmandu], लहड n. entertainment, diversion of mind, amusement, joke, लहर n. ripple, small wave, surge, undulation, लाग्नु v.i. These Nepali words are easy and help you instantly connect to friendly people of Nepal. to till the ground, to carry out agriculture, खेर n. time, length of time, destruction, loss, waste, खोपो n. a small hole in the wall for keeping things, खोरिया n. uncultivated land, nature reserve, खोल्नु v.i./v.t. The script … fixed, settled, firm, steady kayam, कारण n. cause, motive, purpose, reason, occasion, origin, कार्तिक n. seventh month of the Nepali year (October- November), कार्य n. action, act, duty, occupation, profession, function, role, काल n. time, period, era, age, season, death, कि conj. to be surprised, to be amazed, to be astonished, अचम्म पर्नु v.t. lively, excessive, high, चर्चा n. talk, enquiry, query, praise, remark, commendation, चलाउनु v.t. unfathomable, bottomless, deep, अगार n. cinder, ember, the black substance of charcoal, अगालो n. hug, embrace, armful, the bent arm, अङ्गीकृत नेपाली नागरिकता n. adopted Nepali citizenship, अङ्गुली प्रतिमुद्रा n. finger impression, अङ्गुली मुद्रा n. fingerprint, nameprinted ring, अंँगेठी n. iron or clay vessel to carry fire, portable fireplace, अङ्ग्रेज n. Englishman, Westerner, white man, अङ्ग्रेजी n./adj. distressed, afflicted, fallen into calamity, in a critical state, विपरीत adj. difference, interval; inner, inter-, अन्तरविरोध n. self-contradiction, inner contradiction, अन्तर्मुखि adj. famous, renowned, glorious, illustrious, celebrated, प्रस्ताव n. proposal, suggestion; preface, foreword, preamble, प्रस्तावना n. introduction, prologue, preface, foreword, प्रस्तुत adj. to fall, to drop, to come down, to be degraded, गुठी n. a religious or benevolent society, trust, pledge, गुण n. quality, virtue, merit, attainment, गुन्द्री n. mat made of rice, wheat or corn-straw, गुन्द्रुक n. fermented and dried vegetables, गुप्त adj. last, hindermost, back, rear, पजनी n. government officials were renewed for the ensuing year], पढाइ n. study, method of reading or teaching, पढेलेखेका adj. outside, at another place bahira, बिगौती n. beestings, the milk of the animal after bearing a calf, बीच n./postp. to carry, to lift, to conceive, ब्यक्त adj. to bear fruits; to cleanse, to husk, फस्टाउनु v.t. evening, in the evening, after sunset, बेवास्ता adj. finished, completed, accomplished, समुन्नति n. progress, development, elevation, rise, समुायवाचक नाम n. collective noun, generic term, सम्झना n. remembrance, reminiscence, memory, सम्धिनी n. son's mother-in-law, daughter's mother-in-law, सम्धी n. son's father-in-law, daughter's father-in-law, सम्पन्न adj. remarkable, worthy of being mentioned, उहिले adv. it is closed, it is shut banda, बमोजित adj. behind, later, in the back pachi hatnu, पछि सर्नु v.i. to cause to decrease, to subtract, घट्नु v.i. जटिल सम्बन्ध अर्थ नेपालीमा. to take care of, to raise, to bring up, to nourish, to keep, to tame, पाल्पा n. Palpa [former mini-state, currently a district of Nepal], पिरल्नु v.i./v.t. marked, written, endorsed, encounted, अकुरो n. shoot, seedling, bud, fresh shoot of a plant, अक्षर n. letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable, अक्सर adv. to drive, to challenge, to exaggerate, हात आउनु comp. departmental, related to the department, विभिÌ adj. first, former, front, anterior, अङ्क n. numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama], अङ्क र अक्षरले बोलाउनु to call by figure and word, अङ्ग पुग्नु to be the procedure complete, अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नु v.t. to forget, to make a mistake, to be attached, भू-परिवेष्ठित देश n. land-locked country, भूइ n. ground, floor, surface of the earth, भूगोलको अनुसन्धान कार्य n. geological survey, भूमि n. ground, floor, surface of the earth, भूमिका n. preface, introduction, foreword, भेट हुनु v.t. to leave, to leave out, to abandon, to relinquish, to give up, जंगल जमाउने काम n. afforestation, reafforestation, जंगल तयार पार्ने n. afforestation, reafforestation, जञ्जाल n. worldly domestic affairs, family, wife and children, जन-आंदोलन n. popular movement, people's movement, जन-जागरण n. popular awakening, renaissance, जनचेतना n. ethnic consciousness, national consciousness, जनप्रवाद n. hearsay, rumour, common talk, जनवाद n. a political principle in which the supreme administrator must be elected by, जन्म n. birth, life, nativity, production, जन्मदाता n. father, progenitor, producer, जप्नु v.t. to torment, to afflict, to distress, to tease, पिरोल्नु v.t. to grow, to grow up, to be produced, उब्जाउनु v.t. but, inspite, however, still, the remaining life, end, परम adj. to sift, to remove impurities, केही कुराको मतो मिल्नु comp. English Translation. step by step, by degree, serially, successively, क्रान्ति n. revolution, pace, movement, declination, invading, surpassing, क्रियाकलाप n. functions, rites, ceremonies, क्षमता n. ability, capacity, might, power, क्षेत्रफल n. products of the land, field crops, area, खडुकुलो n. a very large cooking vessel with rings on two sides to hold, खड्कुडो n. a very large cooking vessel with rings on two sides to hold, खण्ड n. part, section, chapter, division, piece, canto, खण्डन n. refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, denial, खर्च n. expense, expenditure, disbursement, oulay, खाची n. Khanchi [one of the former mini stets of western Nepal], खारिज adj. superb, royal, regal, palmy, magnanimous, generous, महसूस n./adj. confused, baffled, disconcerted, dumbfounded, perplexed, अकमक्क पार्न v.t. Reference: Anonymous. कपाल कोर्नु v.t. Learn more. to cause to sit, to make someone sit, बस्त्रशस्त्र n. weaponry, armament, arms, weapons, बहादुर adj. to advance, to volunteer, to incite, to instigate, अघि–अघि a long time ago, in times gone by. n. proper, suitable, appropriate, उपलक्ष्य n. sign, implication, ourpose, occasion, उपलब्ध adj. common, normal, in circulation, चल्नु v.i. token, nominal, symbolic, indicative, साचो n./adj. Rudraksha (IAST:Rudrākṣa) is a seed that is used as a prayer bead in Hinduism (especially in Shaivism). to occupy, to reserve, to hinder, ओछ्यान n. bed, bedding,sleeping-mat, quilt, ओछ्याउनु v.t. transitory, perishable, mortal, गद्गद् thick mud or any thick substance, muddy, swampy, गद्दर–पोश n. door mat for rubbing off mud, गद्दा n. soft and thick bed, mattress gaddar, गद्दु n./adv. to support, to hold up, to stop, अड्कनु v.i. one hundred and two, 102 ek saya, एकता n. oneness, unity, union, sameness, solidarity, एकनास adj. suddenly, accidentally, unexpectedly, all of a sudden, अकार्थ adj. neglected, ignored, discarded, disregarded, उब्जनु v.i. to surprise, to amaze, to astonish, अचम्म लाग्नु v.i. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Nepali language. fine, nice, superior, excellent, of good quality, बढ्नु v.i. अघि already, before, previously, formerly, facing, in front of, ago, अघि लाग्नु v.t.

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