who was the best dhanurdhar in mahabharat

Coming to his character he was more on the good side and bad because of his friendship. I also admire Eklavya and Karna but certainly they were no where near to Rama and laxmana. And if we dont't take up the issues of birth, and who is greater by birth, then I would say Eklavya was the best, since even Dronacharya was afraid to let him compete with Arjuna, and had asked him to cut his thumb off. He also had the invincible Narayana Astra. Praneet Bhat is an Indian television actor best known for his role as Shakuni in the epic TV series Mahabharat (2013–2014). His roar scared Bhishma and, looking at his performance, Bhishma admitted that none is powerful enough to defeat Ghatotkacha.Â, He made elephants out of illusions who could torture even the super-strong Supratika, the elephant of Bhagadatta. 10. It is not easy to pick one name and pin the title of “The Best Archer”. विश्व का सर्वश्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर कौन है? Furthermore, in his battle, he could defeat Lord Parshuram with the divine weapon from Vasus, the Praswapa Astra, but he was intervened by Narada. On Krishna’s instructions, Pandavas had to leave their weapons and surrender themselves to the weapon as the weapon doesn’t hamper the unarmed. Among Arjuna , Karna and Ekalavya. Even while dying, he enlarged his body and killed one Akshauhini army by falling on them. 2) The human and celestial weapons the warriors possessed. Coming to Arjun. 3) Vasishtha: Vasishtha taught Bhishma about all Vedas. Ram and laxman out of question obviously divine characters or nuetralizers..... Now the real trio is arjuna,Karna and ekalavya. When finally Arjuna was going to fire Rudrastra , Karna’s chariot wheel got stuck in the mud. A food for thought for the greatest Rakshasa warrior ever... Lord Rama of course, being the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Episodes. Bhisma was the incarnation of the 8th Vasu Prabhasa. Pradyumn also defeated Lord Kartikeya. Ekalavya could have driven it away by shouting or throwing a stone without hurting the Dog, or asked his people to drive the Dog away. It’s better to utilise time and find out your talent when you have enough time… Keep researching your talent… In cutting edge you have to be multi tasking, Your email address will not be published. Thats why his teacher asked for his thumb to save Arjuns ____. Why on earth do some people believe in vampires??? Abhimanyu killed more than ten thousand of warriors inside the Chakravyuha and defeated Drona, Karna, Ashwathama, Kripacharya, Duryodhana, and others multiple times without being defeated by them. Duryodana is the eldest among the Kaurava brothers. However, I tried my best to put my honest and unbiased take on it.Â. 2) Brihaspati: Brihaspati taught Bhishma all Shastras and Political Science. Karna challenged Arjun by saying “Every body will see who is going to be a better Dhanurdhar and also challenged for final battle Would you personally want to come back? mahabharat krishna draupadi arjun pandavas nakul bheem subhadra karna mahabharata karn mythology sahadev kunti panchali arjuna duryodhan ardi epic abhimanyu 642 Stories Sort by: Hot Further on the 15th day, he used Agneyastra which killed one Akshauhini army at an instant. Meghnaad also known as Indrajeet was also one the the greatest archers of his time. He also made Ghatotkacha flee away in the battle.Â. Get answers by asking now. in the Kurukshetra war.Â. Rest assured. Satyavati comes to know about Bhishma and leaves Sha ... Bhishma takes an oath that he will step down from the throne, so that Satyavati can stay with Shanta ... Satyavati sends Bhishma to the King of Kashi to … With Saurabh Jain, Shaheer Sheikh, Pooja Sharma, Arav Chowdharry. He closed dog's mouth with arrows without hurting him. He won against Karna multiple times in archery and spared his life due to the vow taken by Arjuna. Arjuna has divya astras and sashtras and akshaya tuuneerams (arrow pouches) and GAANDEEVAM GIVEN BY SIVA, and other Blessings from inrda and many divine Maharshis , and Arjuna is on the PATH ODF DHARMA. He was fighting the war half heartedly thanks to his affection towards the Pandavas. PS : (The sources of reference are the texts of the BORI Critical Edition of Mahabharata), The son of Bhimasena and Hidimba was a dangerous illusionist who knew how to fly and to manipulate his size. But as he was born in a low cast family he was restricted. If he would have completed his yagna....maybe even Rama and Lakshamana could not have defeated him. Later it was he who had injured Lakshamana with Shakti. (section 71 Drona Vadha parva,72 sections Narayana Moksha Parva, BORI), The reincarnation of Varchas, the son of Arjuna and Subhadra, was a highly skilled Maharathi warrior who defeated most of the opponents in the Kurukshetra War. Mahabharat Ka Sarvashreshtha Dhanurdhar Kaun Tha? Subhadra (Sanskrit: सुभद्रा, IAST: Subhadrā) is a Hindu goddess, appearing in the epic Mahabharata and other ancient Hindu scriptures including the Bhagavata Purana.In the epic, she is the sister of Krishna and Balarama, wife of Arjuna, mother of Abhimanyu and grandmother of Parikshit.She is the daughter of Vasudeva and his first wife Rohini. Best Husband: Yudhishthira Abhimanyu also defeated the demon Alambhusa. He fought from the Kaurava side in the Kurukshetra war thanks to his enmity with Krishna. He was the only person to have knowledge about Chakravyuha other than Krishna, Arjuna, and Drona. Being a master of illusions, he tied Kauravas and Karna with his maya and finally left them by Krishna’s order. He was perhaps the best archer from the Pandava after Arjuna. Unknown / 3:58 pm. महाभारत का सर्वश्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर कौन था? He was one of the least defeated warriors in the great war! !Karna was as good if not better then Arjuna, but he kept messing up his chances at the last moment because of the curse his guru, put on him, so he could not get to be the best. He killed the demons Jatasura, Kirmira, Bakasura, Maniman and Hidimba, being the physically strongest.Â, (Section 9, section 10, section 22 and others, BORI). After all, some are extremely knowledgeable and skilled, some have great weapons, some are physically stronger, some have great feats in the battles. Now lets get into details. I am not including Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram for obvious reasons. He had the most numbers of powerful celestial weapons including Pashupatastra, Vaishnava Astra and Vajra.Â. It is said that his Donations kept him alive even after he was shot with arrows only to be given all in a scoop to Krishna after which he passed away. He is the Overlord of the Kaurava army and the major reason for the inception greatest battle in the history of mankind. Duryodana. by giving divyaastrams to a foolish felow , that person may use them indiscriminately on any one. After numerous one to one and group attacks, he still remained undefeated. Vishwa Ka Sarvashreshtha Dhanurdhar Kaun Hai? He defeated Bhishma, Drona and Ashwathama multiple times and killed all the Kauravas in the Kurukshetra war. I know he is the son of your dearest GuruDron and you will never harm him even if he destroyed the light of our lives. Good job!! On the 10th day of the war, Bhishma was put in a bed of arrows thanks to Arjuna who placed Shikhandi in front of him and pierced him with several arrows. Mahabharat is one of the most popular Indian historical television drama serials of the late ’80s. Satyavati was the wife of King Shantanu. He single-handedly defeated all kings of the earth at the Swayamvar of Kashi Princesses. During the Khandava Dahana, he defeated all the Gods including the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras and even Lord Kartikeya.Â. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. No doubt Arjuna was the best example of a diligent student, an embodiment of concentration and was blessed by divine grace. Leaving aside shooting arrows on dogs, he tried to wipe out an entire race after the thumb incident and to avenge his kings death just to be stopped by Krishna. In the era of Mahabharata,  there were many skilled and powerful warriors. At the end, Arjuna fought him. The son of Guru Dronacharya was perhaps the most destructive warrior from the Kaurava side who managed to face Ghatotkacha when all his mates were fleeing away and killed 1 Akshauhini demon army at a time. Mahabharat has several sub-plots, many of which are not adequately elaborated in the epic itself, but find detailing in other historical scriptures, for example Bhagvat Puran. His charioteer and horses were killed as suggested by Drona looking at Abhimanyu’s feats. He had taken a pledge of celibacy and was given a boon by his father to decide the timing of death. Ekalvya: Ekalavya was finest. The Author or website does not claim any images to be own. He also killed many notable soldiers inside the Vyuha. SO ARJUNA ALONE IS THE BEST or THE GREATEST ARCHER THEN. Single handedly sri Rama has kileed 14000 plus Khara and duushana and other soldiers (all rakshasaas). Ekalavya is not a Kshatriya , but learnt the Dhanurvidya by his Concentration and faith in DRONA as GURU. but as if the DOG was a GREAT RIVAL, he shot 7 arrows into its opened mouth in such a short time , that he did before dog ran away or closed its mouth,Such was the speed of his discharging arrows. First for his friend and latter for his teacher. So Arjuna became best by default, but Eklavya would have been best had the class divide not had been there in the first place! Also, he knew the use of shabdabhedi baan. 3) The war records of the warriors in different battles of the epic. The honorable mentions would include Drishtadyumna, Brihadbala, Jarasandha, Shalya, Kripacharya, Drupad, Kuntibhoja, Susharma, Bhurisravas, Kritaverma, Duryodhana, Jayadrath, Yudhisthira, Nakula, Sahadev, Virat, Shikhandi, Upapandavas, Babrubahana, Iravan, Vrishasena and others. He fought from the Pandava side in the war of Kurukshetra and defeated most of the powerful warriors of Kaurava including Drona, Karna, Bhagadatta, Ashwathama, Kripa, Shalya, Duryodhana multiple times. Karna : Who else can be number 1?. Arjuna was on a pilgrimage to south india, and he visited rameshwaram where Lord Rama installed a shiv lingam. i had come across this episode on mahabharat where arjuna assumes he was the greatest of all the archers including lord rama.. but later he is made to realise his mistake by lord hanuman and arjuna himself acknowledges the fact that lord rama was … Mahabharata Story - Interesting Untold stories of Mahabharata in English - The Mahabharat is one of the two major epics in Sanskrit of ancient India. Aham Sharma is an Indian film and television actor.He is from Salimpur, Bihar, India. Satyaki killed Jalasandh, Bhurisravas, Sudarshana, Shala, Somadatta, Vinda, Anuvinda, Sushena, etc. But IS IT JUSTIFIED TO SHOOT SO MANY ARROWS ON SUCH A SMALL ANIMAL? He also destroyed the demon Alayudha and his army as well in a very fierce battle.Â, He created havoc in the Kurukshetra war and created such a situation that Karna was forced to use his Vasavi Shakti of Indra that he had taken in exchange of his Kavach and Kundal to kill Arjuna.Â. 1. Sarvasresht Dhanurdhar! (Section 64 Bhishma Vadha parva, 67 Abhimanyu Vadha Parva, BORI). All names you dropped qualify. Who was all time best in BOW/ARROW category? India's Biggest Multilingual Literary Web Magazine. The conflict between the Pandavas and Kauravs led to the Kurukshetra war that lasted for 18 days. https://mythgyaan.com/barbarik-finish-kurukshetra-war-1-minute- He is a great commander and warlord. I am relieving you of the burden of taking revenge on Aswathama. Rivetting and a … Your email address will not be published. In the Virat war, he single-handedly defeated all the Kaurava army including Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Ashwathama, Kripa and others multiple times and finally used his Sammohana Astra.Â, He defeated Gandharvas during Ghosha yatra. भीष्म को बाणों की शैय्या क्यों मिली-Lord Krishna enlighten Bhishma in war Mahabharat Mahabharat Gyan - Duration: 6:58. I dont think so.Reason Karna defeated him in a championship but was called foul just because of his birth.And his teacher never even allowed to compete him with Ekalavya so Arjun gets the No.3 spot based on pure skills. Still have questions? 5) Markandeya: Markandeya taught Bhishma the duties of Yati. Drona killed many of the topmost warriors of opponents like Drupad, Virat and others. I am not considering Barbarika since he doesn’t belong to Vyasa Mahabharata, rather the Skanda Purana.Â. He killed seven Akshauhini army in a day in the Kurukshetra war. on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: A Leader You Can’t Ignore, Two instances in the Rāmāyana which teach us that karma is supreme, Shivaji Maharaj: An excellent emperor - The Indian Rover, How Meditation Actually Works - The Indian Rover, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: A Leader You Can’t Ignore, Kumbh Mela: Historical And Cultural Background. His film, 1962 My Country Land, premiered at Marche du Film of the 69th Cannes Film Festival. Not getting into the character and just speaking of skills he gets No.2. Karna as we know defeated Arjuna in a championship but was cried foul because of his birth.Leaving aside this there are more factors which suppressed the skills of Karna like his shields taken by indra,vow to his mother that he will not use nagasthra twice, Dumped by his charioteer,and also by his own decisions like not to enter the war till Bheeshma is alive, and aiming for the head of Arjuna. No denying the fact he was one of the greatest archers but the best?? He defeated great warriors like Bhishma, Drona, Ashwatthama, Karna, Kripa many times but never got defeated by any of them throughout his life. Since 2018, he is portraying Jinn-e-Angutthi in Aladdin - … But Arjuna stopped him. The answer and thus the ranking will always be subjective and open for debate, so I will try my best to give you my reasoning behind the answer and ranking. The honorable mentions would include Drishtadyumna, Brihadbala, Jarasandha, Shalya, Kripacharya, Drupad, Kuntibhoja, Susharma, Bhurisravas, Kritaverma, Duryodhana, Jayadrath, Yudhisthira, Nakula, Sahadev, Virat, Shikhandi, Upapandavas, Babrubahana, Iravan, Vrishasena and others. Due to his promise to mother Kunti, he spared the lives of all the Pandava brothers barring Arjuna.Â, In the end, he and Arjuna fought the most nail-biting battle on the 17th day of the War. Source of reference : BORI Critical edition of Mahabharata. Also, he could capture Yudhisthira, a feat only he achieved among the commanders of Kaurava. Pradyumna had the Vaishnava Astra with him and by using it, he killed the demon Kalashambara in childhood who had abducted him. It was an interesting combat before Arjuna overpowered him. सर्वश्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर कर्ण...#suryaputrkarnahasong#mahabharat#karnthemesong#suryaputr#kuntiputr#veerkarn#dhanurdharkarn#angaraj#radheya#mahabharatham Bhishma along with other warriors from the Kaurava tried to defeat him, but they failed eventually. Do you believe in reincarnation? He is best known for his role of Karna in Mahabharat, Rishabh Shrivastav in Brahmarakshas and as Emperor Vikramaditya in Vikram Betaal Ki Rahasya Gatha. (section 64 Bhishma Vadha Parva, BORI)Â. And as we all know he was born to donate, and also had unparalled courage and was loyal to his friend till death. His life span on earth was predestined.Â. He also had the mighty Narayana Astra and Brahmasira and he used the former against the Pandavas after his father’s death. He defeated most of the powerful warriors in the Kurukshetra War including Bhima and Satyaki and along with his giant elephant Supratika, they managed to pose a huge threat to the Pandavas. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Here is a list of some of the most interesting Mahabharata characters, who were easily overlooked and are quite underrated. So, it’s beyond argument to place Dhananjaya at the top in the list.Â, (section 19 Khandava Daha Parva, section 31 Kairata Parva, section 32 Indralokabhigamana Parva, section 39 Ghosha Yatra Parva, section 69 Jayadrath Vadh Parva and others, BORI), So, these were the greatest warriors of Mahabharata according to me. Was Erik the red in norse mythology a scythian ? The mother of all wars, the mother of all rivalries, the cauldron of emotions, insecurities, jealousies and power play - Mahabharat. He was among the few to pose a threat to Bhagadatta and Bhishma. That is why the Maharshis nevewr gave Divya astrams without testing the character ( how the disciple reacts). However, his best performance belongs to the 17th day of the War where he used his Vijay bow and his Bhargava Astra against the Panchala and Chedi and destroyed 1.5 Akshauhini army. Ganga tells Shantanu that Bhishma is their son. The incarnation of Brihaspati, Drona was an excellent strategist of war and Pandavas suffered from highest damage when he was the commander in chief of the Kaurava. The overall knowledge and skills of the warriors about Warfare. In the era of Mahabharata,  there were many skilled and powerful warriors... on 10 Warriors In Mahabharata You Must Know. Overall, all the ‘hindu’ scriptures do tie up in a consistent thread without any major contradiction and this is a very significant feature of all the ‘hindu’ scriptures. Source of pictures: Google images. He killed Ghatotkacha with Vasavi Shakti. Arjuna and Krishna were cousins who were also the best of buddies. 4) Sanatkumara: Sanatkumara taught Bhishma mental and spiritual sciences. After an exchange of Divyastras like Brahmastra and Varunastra, Karna lost his life to the Anjalika Astra of Arjuna.Â, (section 70 Ghatotkacha Vadha Parva, Section 71 drona vadha parva, Section 73 Karna vadha parva and others, BORI). कर्ण के पास भगवान परशुराम द्वारा दिया गया शिव का विजय धनुष था। यह धनुष जिस भी योद्धा के हाथ में होता था, उस … He could manage to defeat other powerful warriors like Bhima and Satyaki. Nipun Kumar Purohit is a student, a learner, an enthusiast of the epic Mahabharata, and also a cinephile. Hey guys, I would like to bring in a new character in this discussion. (section 67,69,71 and others of Drona Parva BORI). In fact, he was always victorious only due to Krishna. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Mahabharat”: Saurabh Raj Jain But on the last two days before his death, he was almost invincible. (section 66, Samshaptaka vadha parva,BORI ), Satyaki, a dearest friend of Arjuna and a disciple and Drona, is the most underrated warrior who was from Yadava clan. FOR ALL THOSE WHO CALL ARJUNA INFERIOR TO KARNA,VISIT THIS LINK & FIND OUT THE TRUTH YOURSELF FROM ORIGINAL VEDA VYAS' MAHABHARATA TRANSLATION: I think Eklavya because he is the only mentioned "Dhanurdhar" who has full control on his power while shooting an arrow. Although the morals of Mahabharata is more about Dharma and Adharma with a basis of our Karma, it’s always interesting to read about the scales in which the wars were fought, the weapons the warriors possessed, the ups and downs in the battles which the warriors faced and so on.Â, In this article, I shall discuss the ten greatest and most powerful warriors in Mahabharata. But he was not a man of morality. 10 Most Powerful Warriors in Mahabharata. Karna learnt many divyaastrams , but because of the various curses , THEY ARE OF NO USE TO HIM WHEN REQUIRED. He had defeated Indra and in Ramayana, he had tied up Rama and Lakshamana in Naagpash. He can be followed and contacted on twitter by clicking here. In a fierce battle, he lost his life after being shot with a powerful weapon by Arjuna. i had come across this episode on mahabharat where arjuna assumes he was the greatest of all the archers including lord rama.. but later he is made to realise his mistake by lord hanuman and arjuna himself acknowledges the fact that lord rama was the greatest archer of all time after apologizing for his blunder.. You can not put Rama in that category, as he was not in Mahabharata, and he was a god. Why did Lord Hanuman protect Arjuna’s Chariot in Mahabharat? Yudhisthira was always afraid of Karna compared to the other warriors of the Kaurava. Hey he learned to shoot with his other hand, just as well!! Arjuna was amazed to look at the remains of the bridge that was built to Sri Lanka. In his visit to Swarga, he got weapons from all the Gods and killed the invincible demons Kalakeya and even the Nivata Kavachas whom even Ravana and Indra couldn’t defeat. Being annoyed with the mildness from Partha, Krishna was about to break his vow of not using any weapon. In the Kurukshetra War, he defeated most of the powerful warriors of Pandavas except Arjuna & Abhimanyu. He was the incarnation of Kama Deva, the god of love and the son of Lord Krishna and Rukmini. (Jayadratha Vadha Parva section 69, Ghatotkacha Vadha Parva section 70 and other sections, BORI), Bhima, the second son of Kunti and Pandu (although Vayu is his biological father), was not only a great mace fighter, but an excellent archer as well.Â. However, I tried my best to put my honest and unbiased take on it. it is misleading arguements that Eklavya was the greatest archor.Actually lord Rama is the greatest archor ever born on this earth followed by his brother Laxmana. Maharathi Satyaki was one of the eight key survivors from the Pandava side in the Kurukshetra war apart from Pandavas, Yuyutsu, and Krishna. A Dog came when Ekalavya was practicing dhanurvidya..That Dog was from Asrjuna`s camp and by mistake it came there.then the dog saw this Ekalavya , in a peculiar get up with feathers as cap and leather as cloth etc, and BARKED seeing him.it is natural for an animal, dog to Bark. (Harivamsha, Vishnu Parva, Section 33 Tirtha Yatra Parva, BORI)Â, The reincarnation of sage Nara (the form of Lord Vishnu), Arjuna had the feats like no one else in the epic. It originally aired from 16 September 2013 to 16 August 2014 on Star Plus, and in April 2020, it was re-run on Star Plus amid the nationwide lockdown due to Corona pandemic. Also, he was the only undefeated warrior. The story unfolds in the following manner: Barbarik was the son of Ghatotkach and the grandson of Bheem. (Section 70, Ghatotkacha Vadha Parva of BORI), The king of Pragjyotisha was a Maharathi and the son of the demon Narakasura who had been killed by Krishna.Â. She will be seen as Satyavati in Mahabharat. There was immense loss of life and property, and families were broken. They are taken from google for the representation of characters only. 6. many people think Ekalavya is the BEST. Karna was against the old mentality of people and never let his interest buried beside of several criticism Karna went to Dronacharya to learn but Guru Dronacharya disagreed to teach. He was the mastermind behind Abhimanyu’s death. His skills were unparalled. Mahabharata is the greatest epic in Indian mythology. He had also killed the powerful Jarasandha after defeating him several times. This novel is written in very unique style. He had defeated the entire force of Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Kripa and others and also mighty kings like Jarasandha. Mahabharata depicts Arjuna as best"dhanurdhar" ,Ramayana as Rama with other warriors also similarly expert . It’s believed that he in his furious form was extremely difficult to counter as he was the partial incarnation of Lord Rudra. So Ekalavya can not be compared with the rest. He was the only one from the Kaurava side who had knowledge about Chakravyuha. During the Rajasuya sacrifice, he fought with Arjuna for eight days. In the MBh, each character is praised and described as a fine archer by himself. Also, he avenged the death of his cousin, Iravan, by killing Alambhusa. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The son of Surya, Karna defeated the mighty Jarasandha in a wrestling combat, and at the Swayamvar of Kalinga princess, he defeated all the kings. If zombies are already dead, how does shooting them kill them? With weapons, he was invincible which is why Krishna tricked a dead elephant. Let me reveal the real birth story of mighty Bheeshma. He didn’t take part in the war of Kurukshetra. Between Rama and Lakshmana , sree Rama IN THE GREATEST (unparalleled) in ARCHERY. In my honest opinion,Karna was the greatest.In the War,Karna managed to push Arjuna's chariot 10 yards back with Hanuman and Krishna sitting on the chariot to protect Arjuna.With Hanuman having enough strength to hold the entire universe and Krishna who is the Supreme personality of Godhead,if Karna vould push the chariot 10 yards behind with his arrows,then doesnt he surpass all archers?He may have been a good match for Rama,if not his better as Karna was taught by none other than Parashurama himself.

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