the other side of aids

In 2005, Maggiore’s and Scovill’s three-year-old daughter, Eliza Jane, died of complications of untreated AIDS. She and her daughter both died of adverse drug reactions. Whether it is the shape, size or sensitivity, every individual’s ears are different. July 26, 2014 Be safe everyone. You disqualify yourself and your opinions from being taking seriously by labelling people who disagree with you ‘denialists’. The Other Side of AIDS has encouraged me to examine all available aspects of an argument rather than just believe everything … It is a very hard thing to get honestly unless you give it just the right conditions. The main non prescription sleeping medications are Unisom, Benadryl, Sominex, Sleepinal, Nytol, Tylenol PM, Advil PM, Nyquil, Motrin, and other store-name brands. My skepticism began in 1996, the year I had a "AIDS" test. Millions of people have been declared HIV-positive with tests that can't find the actual virus. Bhatia MS, Kaur N. PMID: 2075091 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Executive producer, Robert Leppo. Here is an example of these studies. The Other Side of AIDS and the arguments it raises have generated significant attention; Newsweek magazine has compared Scovill and his followers to Holocaust-deniers. 1990 Dec;81(12):381-4. The Other Side of Anger What We Can Learn From This Powerful Emotion. And it’s no wonder that they can’t find a vaccine for this disease. Take an unflinching look into an issue the mainstream media doesn’t dare touch: the failure of the multi billion-dollar war on AIDS. The Other Side of AIDS Filmovi Sa Prevodom. 15 Benefits of the Growth Mindset If the symptoms are severe or … This documentary gives one of the most comprehensive accounts of how the world has responded in the battle against the most devastating disease sin... "Too many people are making too much money out of it, and money is much stronger than truth. There are people who’s specific genetic makeup makes them unaffected or more resistant to certain diseases. And it is the propaganda created out of greed for funding that is causing this stigma. Why it is necessary to have a growth mindset in the students?. With that in mind, watch this pile of rubbish documentary and decide for yourself. Is the most popular of the logical fallacies, favored by the less intelligent. The Other Side of AIDS Production: A Hazel Wood Pictures production. Reviewed on videocassette at NewFest,... With: Music By: Miriam and David are Old Order Amish and photography is not permitted under the strict rules of th... AlphaBay Market was a market that was hosted on the Dark Web accessible only via the onion routing service known as Tor network. We all knew they spent a lot of their free time in the bath houses however at that time none of us gave it a second thought. Adults and children (12 and over, if you read the warning labels from the drug companies) are downing over the counter sleep aids (otc sleep aids… I watched this film after my Daughter and son in-law said this was the best information on aids they had seen. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome*/epidemiology The other side of AIDS. That seems quite clear. As Feynman would say if he were here with us today, I cannot disprove the theory that HIV causes AIDS but I can state with absolute 100% assuredness that it is highly improbable. Share. Before this showed up only babies with undeveloped immune systems or the elderly with worn out ones would commonly die of these things. he will join his wife in pure hell when he finally dies, Here is something else for all you “house of numbers” fans, Keep taking your HIV medications, unless your doctor tells you to stop. Produced by Robin Scovill. Just because smoking takes a long time to kill you and its advocates would have you believe that it doesn’t hurt you does not mean that your life won’t be prematurely ended by its complications. Explosively controversial docu takes the "other side" of the official medical stance on the origin of AIDS, specifically doubting whether HIV is a cause of the disease. ( This website is great for those who like to learn about fresh … The first time I realized something was wrong was when we begin to hear whispers of a “new” type of pneumonia that was affecting the “kids” who frequented the bath houses. @1242feb54582387cd55b4354a178b864:disqus I agree. Unilateral hearing loss in children is normally treated with hearing aids or hearing implants such as bone conduction devices. If anyone is interested in a more recent documentary on this subject I suggest “House of Numbers”. That may seen like an odd statement how ever having grown up in a household where many of my parents friends were in same sex relationships their life styles were no different then heterosexual couples however I was just the right age to have been a “hippie” in the city I was born in and so called free sex was everywhere. the dark side of philanthropist bill gates that many don’t know Bill Gates' rich wealth both supports and kills because he believes in depopulation, yet many see him as a modern 'messiah.' This is just one of… Having a negative outlook on the whole thing will only cause harm and they should always keep a hope alive that they will be lucky. This virus’ main function is to keep the body from seeing it as a threat and to keep it from making said antibodies. The one found in humans was accidentally transmitted in polio vaccines to humans from the chimp organs used to manufacture said vaccines. Acest film nu are sinopsis. You are so right, and it is refreshing to see someone tell the truth about this for once, All of their AIDS Denialist buddy’s love to bullshit about how their AIDS strikken friends or family finally died, These people are killing people because of their pseudo science crap. The Other Side of AIDS takes us behind the hype and headlines and into the heart of a brewing controversy over the cause and treatment of AIDS. Harmless and does not cause acquired … Robin Scovill - 2004 - “After more than 20 years and 120 billion dollars have been invested in AIDS research, scientists today are still unable to explain how or why HIV causes AIDS.” This is perhaps the least shocking statement that director Robin Scovill utters in his documentary that seems to turn all existing, widely accepted views on HIV and AIDS upside-down. What is BIKTARVY®? But such studies are never published, the only thing that occurs is tht new drugs with flashy names pop up on shelves on a daily basis, all claiming the “secret to life”. Hearing Aids Side Effects – Separating Facts from Fiction Can Hearing Aids Cause Itchy Ears or Discomfort? This is what allows a species to live on and not be completely wiped out by a disease. Is it possible to distinguish between a person that has Aids due to a killer virus & one who is experiencing side effects from Aids medication? We would never be willing to just let the virus run its course and spare only the superior. The executive producer of The Other Side of AIDS was Robert Leppo, a venture capitalist who has also funded the activities of well-known AIDS denialist Peter Duesberg. It doesn’t matter what the documentary maker’s own personal history is as much as the critical proof that has been put forth by this documentary itself. To that end, I would never condemn someone for asking what evidence there is to support a theory, as is done in this documentary. Very intelligent, I am convinced. lies that kill people and keep from seeking appropriate treatment . On 13th July 2017, AlphaBay was shut down after law enforcement execut, Crime + Punishment is a shocking film directed by Stephen Maing, that follows a group of police officers who are simply tired of having to arrest people purely to meet quotas.Whenever we see cor, Brothers and sisters, you don't get to choose them but your family bond lasts a lifetime. here is something for you to think about, everyone of those people in this film are now dead, from AIDS no less, Christine is dead frmo aids and so is her daughter, she is a fucking murdering self promoting asshole. The Other Side of AIDS. I tried to sound smart, but definitely not shit! Don’t be fooled by these assholes trying to make you think that this wont kill you. Christine did NOT die of aids nor did her daughter. Kim Jong-un, ruler of North Korea, he is just 36 years old but he commands the world's fourth-largest military, he has access to nuclear weapons and his family has ruled over their people using viole, AlphaBay Market was a market that was hosted on the Dark Web accessible only via the onion routing service known as Tor network. Through candid interviews with doctors and scientists representing both sides of the issue and HIV positives on and off the drugs, the film opens minds and much-needed dialogue. The Other Side of AIDS online sa prevodom. We would also never be willing to round up every carrier on Earth and exterminate them to get rid of it. This documentary and HIV denialism Orgs saved my life. [5][6] Several also blame AIDS on the “gay lifestyle”. The Other Side of AIDS is a 2004 pseudoscience film by Robin Scovill. Special Series ... February 9, 2019 • When the AIDS crisis started in the 1980s, the official response was tepid. Even when these things happen the virus may not transmitted because it may just happen to not be present at the time of transfer. On the other hand, ... without the devastating side effects. It does not “cause” the myriad of diseases that eventually kill those infected like that one moron claimed. They had no reason to even look for it because the Lions were perfectly healthy and living in unison with the virus. A quick search shows that the documentary maker’s daughter died at age 3 because her mom refused to take anti HIV medication. too much text, music is dreadful. The metaphor described the life-changing experience of being an HIV-positive nurse attempting to adhere to the prescribed HIV combination drug regimen. Through interviews with prominent AIDS denialists and HIV-positive people who have refused anti-HIV medication, the film makes the claim that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that HIV treatments are harmful, conclusions which are rejected by medical and scientific consensus. Informative without being instructive, it raises fundamental questions about … Half of what I read questioned the HIV = AIDS hypothesis, and the books and information supporting the theory were inadequate or mysterious. BIKTARVY is a complete, 1-pill, once-a-day prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in adults and children who weigh at least 55 pounds. Nurs J India. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is praised for its philanthropy around the world, but much of the foundation's good deeds are merely no-consent vaccine experiments carried out on the poor. great documentary. The Other Side of AIDS gives voice to a growing movement of doctors, scientists, journalists, and HIV positives who reveal a tangled web of conflicts of interest, political correctness and unresolved errors surrounding AIDS. Now take the history of HIV/AIDS. Tag Archives: HIV Negative AIDS. The Other Side of AIDS takes us behind the hype and headlines and into the heart of a brewing controversy over the cause and treatment of AIDS. One expert proposes that the cause and cure for AIDS is as near at hand as our willingness to examine new ideas. “House of Numbers” is definitely worth seeing. It dies in the air when it hits it, it may be unable to enter a mans penis, just because you kiss someone with it doesn’t guarantee you will contract it. This virus keeps the human immune system from functioning. The dance halls with psychedelic music and light shows that young hippies flocked too in the Haight were being replaced by gay bars and bath houses in the Castro that catered to free and open sex as opposed to the gay bars of the older generation which were much quieter and did not call attention to themselves. (pardon the 60’s terminology) At the Nursing home where I worked we had two young nursing assistants who the older residents just adored and they really became important to the rest of the staff with their sense of humor and caring ways. People like yourself need to be reminded everyday just how dumb they are, and it gives me great pleasure to be in a position today to remind you of that fact. The interviewees in The Other Side of AIDS include Peter Duesberg, a professor “whose stock in the scientific community declined sharply once he began second-guessing the role of HIV” in AIDS, and Christine Maggiore, whoseorganisation “militates against HIV drug treatments.”[5] Variety notes that Maggiore is the wife of the director/producer, a fact the film omits. The virus is very fragile, by all arguments it would never have even gotten into humans except by a very controlled and careful introduction of it by people who were ignorant of its existence. Just because the children in this story were lucky enough to avoid this virus does not mean that it doesn’t infect and kill newborns and small children every year. I’m still living as HIV+ without taking medication since diagnosed 12 years ago and healthy af. Where are the bodies, where is the heterosexual epidemic? Scientists came across it accidentally when they weren’t even looking for it (so apparently it is detectable.) Excuses made up by a bunch of idiots to try and downplay the fact that they are a disease ridden walking corpse who is a threat to the rest of humanity. The Other Side of AIDS The Other Side of AIDS Título La otra cara del SIDA Ficha técnica Dirección Robin Scovill Producción Robin ScovillEric E. Paulson Guión Watch this. Do the antiretrovirals prescribed for HIV/AIDS patients cause a number of detrimental side effects? It really changed my perception of HIV… I have not made up my mind one way or the other, but I think this documentary and “House of Numbers” encouraged me to think critically for the first time about HIV/AIDS, and for that I would say both these docs are worth watching, especially for those who have followed HIV/AIDS in the mainstream media for some time. These usually include intravenous drug use where it is never exposed to air and is directly introduced into the prime area for its survival or sex where the “receiving” individual is exposed to infected bodily fluid in an air tight way. Sinopsis The Other Side of AIDS. 13:56, 29 June 2008 Hut 8.5 (Talk | contribs) deleted "The Other Side of AIDS" ‎ (G12: Blatant copyright infringement) Can someone please provide us with the old text, leaving out the infringement? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because humans are so similar to chimps, the virus was able to make the jump but we lack the evolution of the defense against it. This is just one of the controversial questions posed in Robin Scovill's incendiary, thought-provoking documentary The Other Side of AIDS. The Other Side of AIDS So, my brother asked me to check out this website which posts the presentations that are held at the annual TED (Technology Entertainment Design), Ideas Worth Spreading conference. sorry to tell you, umm ya they both died of AIDS, and you suggesting house of numbers isn’t going to change that, Ask Kerri Stokley, oh that’s right you can’t she’s dead also, House of numbers takes interviews with real drs and scitentists and slips interviews and other crap from denialists like peter duesberg and the likes and slips that crap in between the real scientists, it’s like a magic show people, and it’s not hard to see how this trick was done. Your email address will not be published. Through candid interviews with doctors and scientists representing both sides of the issue, and HIV positives Form your own opinion, but make sure to inform yourself first. The latest AIDS medications are taking more lives than AIDS itself. Should AIDS advocates have the power to silence scientific debate? Crew: Camera (color, DV), Scovill; music, B. Mossman, Foo Fighters, Warm Wires. Through interviews with prominent AIDS denialists and HIV-positive people who have refused anti-HIV medication, the film makes the claim that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that HIV treatments are harmful, conclusions which are rejected by medical and scientific consensus. Something is killing people who would otherwise be in the prime of their lives and more than capable of fighting off something as simple as the flu. On 13th July 2017, AlphaBay was shut down after law enforcement execut... North Korea: Inside the Mind of a Dictator. Your email address will not be published. You're now in slide show mode. Along with Maggiore, they blame AIDS deaths in part on negative thinking by victims, a “fatalism” they say is encouraged by support groups. What total bullshit !! One leading AIDS researcher, who was part of the FDA approval process, says today: “Does AZT do anything? This isn’t how science works. A vaccine works by injecting a dead virus and allowing the body to make antibodies before it would ever have to fight a live, working virus. The Other Side of Aids. The latest AIDS medications are taking more lives than AIDS itself. Perhaps the biggest counterpoint argument in the film revolves around Christine Maggiore, wife of writer-director Scovill, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and who has been living a medicine-free life ever since. One expert proposes that the cause and cure for AIDS is as near at hand as our willingness to examine new ideas. This is a well documented phenomenon and people who are told that they have HIV should know that there is a chance that they could live quite a while or even a complete life even if they are infected, there’s just no way of knowing. AIDS, the disease caused by HIV, first emerged in the U.S. in the early 1980s. That is why it’s called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Trying to act like whatever horrible and stupid decision they made to expose themselves to it (sex, drugs, and other nefarious activities) wasn’t that bad and they didn’t essentially commit suicide by stupidity. People are making a lot of money with this but just because a bunch of evil corporate assholes are making the situation worse does not mean that it doesn’t exist. The Other Side of AIDS. 2004 pseudoscience documentary film by Robin Scovill. It should be noted here, that the disease known as ‘AIDS’ is characterised by this very same thing – high antibody counts, and poor function of the innate immune system [16] Also of note – studies have shown that cancer and autism patients have this particular immune imbalance – high antibody counts and suppressed innate immunity [17-20]. i learned nothing that i didnt know before.. HIV or AIDS positive. Alteril is Different from other Sleep Aids due to the following reasons: Alteril is a different kind of sleep aid because it is completely safe, natural, and causes zero side effects. I am a retired nurse in my 60’s born and raised in San Francisco. Through interviews with prominent AIDS denialists and HIV-positive people who have refused anti-HIV medication, the film makes the claim that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that HIV treatments are harmful, conclusions which are rejected by medical and scientific consensus. After 20 years and more than $150 billion in federally funded research, scientists still can’t explain how HIV causes AIDS. Explained by a real scientist here Through interviews with prominent AIDS denialists and HIV-positive people who have refused anti-HIV medication, the film makes the claim that HIV is not the cause of AIDS and that HIV treatments are harmful, conclusions which are rejected by medical and scientific consensus. A similar virus known as FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is found in cats, specifically wild African lions. The filmmakers set out to reveal j... Phil Schneider died in 1996. THE OTHER SIDE OF AIDS TRT – 86:30 Transcript MARGARET HECKLER: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The Other Side of AIDS takes us behind the hype and headlines and into the heart of a brewing controversy over the cause and treatment of AIDS. The Other Side of AIDS is a 2004 pseudoscience film by Robin Scovill. Also, just because you’re a carrier and don’t show any symptoms of the disease for a long time or possibly forever doesn’t mean it’s not there and that you cannot pass it on. So scary this sort of scary tripe gets released . But this is just a load of horse shit. Take an unflinching look into an issue the mainstream media doesn't dare touch: the failure of the multi billion-dollar war on AIDS. Variety refers to the two as “fanatics”, people chosen by Scovill because their displayed emotions outweigh their “perfectly rational” arguments. Directed by Robin Scovill. It has to have a very lucky break to even get to one host from another. Watch The Other Side of AIDS and decide for yourself. Cogent and thought-provoking, The Other Side of AIDS pushes for healthy scientific skepticism in the face of the 20-year-old system of entrenched HIV/AIDS thought. Nobody dies from AIDS, they die from illnesses gained from having a lack of immune system, AIDS is just used to define a collection of illnesses that person has. Required fields are marked *. Then when one came down with the new form of pneumonia that was attacking only gay men we were a little worried however not enough to stop most of the staff who were off to dress up in costumes and attend the annual Hookers Ball the highlight of the Castro’s open street parties. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There was an 18 month investigation into EJ’s case by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office which found a lack of evidence that she had died of any aids defining disease. B)treated for her hiv which turned into full blown AIDS by the time she was 3 and killed her you sit there typing that bullshit trying to sound all smart and shit, fuck you, denialist piece of shit, How intelligent do you must be to state such unsubstantiated crap as fact, and only to follow it with a litany of profanity. [7] Although two AIDS researchers are interviewed, both reviews of the film remark that these representatives seem to have been cast specifically to portray researchers in a negative light. Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival, THE OTHER SIDE OF AIDS gives voice to a growing global movement of doctors, scientists, journalists and HIV positives who are challenging the idea that HIV is the cause of AIDS. As has been pointed out, Christine Maggiore died of pneumonia at 52, after her (HIV-positive) child died at age 3, with much evidence suggesting AIDS-related causes for both. [2] In 2008, Maggiore herself died at the age of 52 after a protracted bout of pneumonia, with several other AIDS-related illnesses.[8][9]. I am an open minded person who is always willing to question the establishment. But the weaknesses in our existing diagnostic tests and treatments is not reason enough to doubt the science that supports a link between HIV and AIDS. Hearing aids for single-sided hearing loss. After 20 years and more than $150 billion in federally funded research, scientists still can’t explain how HIV causes AIDS. With in weeks rumors were discussing GIRD (I think those are the letters) a strange gay mens disease that was mostly a mystery. It can either be used in people who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before, or people who are replacing their current HIV-1 medicines and whose healthcare provider determines they meet certain requirements. Why are medical personal never diagnosed with this deadly virus? Find out ho the other side of math aids the growth mindset. In addition to these two prominent AIDS denialists, the documentary features several HIV-positive people who have refused anti-HIV medications. I Khow people with hiv and they have 20 and 22 year with this and they are alive and healthy with no med.. this of hiv/aids is a bigggg lie. CROS (and BICROS) hearing aids make use of the fact that a person with hearing loss in one ear still hears well (or better) with the other ear. A controversial documentary look at the arguments suggesting that HIV is NOT the cause of AIDS. Yes, it does. “I was eighteen and felt like I was a queen too,” she wrote in an essay published in her 1993 seminal monograph, The Other Side , which Steidl recently reissued in an expanded volume featuring additional images and texts. Because humans basically no longer evolve because of our technology and the belief that absolutely everyone should live as long as possible, we will probably never see the end of this. The HIV virus never kills its host, it only opens the flood gates for other diseases by killing the immune defense system.

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