university of kansas school of music

Directed Performance. 1-4 Hours. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Prerequisite: MTHC 315 or MTHC 316. Clinical observation and application of techniques will be course components. 3 Hours. Interventions will include, among others, approaches for stress management, medical procedural support, pre-operative and post-operative support, follow-up care in catastrophic illness, interventions in post-traumatic stress disorder, and others. 3 Hours. LAB. MEMT 349. Successful completion of six months of full-time clinical experience (minimum of 1,040 hours) as a music therapy intern in an approved setting. Introduction to Music in World Cultures. MUSC 315. Consent of instructor necessary. 1 Hour. 3 Hours HT GE3H. A supervised teaching experience in an approved school setting, with level and subject area to be selected from either elementary general music or a secondary teaching area not covered in MEMT 496. PCUS 921. Knowledge and skills needed to rehearse and conduct band ensembles. CHUR 824. Study of advanced techniques in jazz improvisation, including third relationships, Coltrane changes, advanced reharmonization and altered pentatonic patterns and scales. Prerequisite: JAZZ 406. MEMT 160. The Business of Music. JAZZ 612. Prerequisite: MTHC 732 Introduction to the Analysis of Contemporary Music or permission of instructor. MTHC 643. All KU students are eligible through audition for placement in a choir. 0-1 Hours. May be repeated for credit. LEC. May be repeated for credit. MEMT 116. (Same as BAND 459.) IND. MUSC 302. Advanced Pedagogy and Materials: _____. Advanced Percussion Techniques. Program in Music Therapy. Contemporary Piano Literature. 1 Hour. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. LEC. For juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Music Education and Music Therapy Research Project. For graduate students majoring in voice. Prerequisite: MEMT 250. For juniors, seniors, and graduate students. The study of piano literature focusing on music of mid-century modernists through the present day. 3-4 Hours. Continuation of PIAN 148. Prerequisite: MTHC 732 Introduction to the Analysis of Contemporary Music or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: Corequisite: CLAR 622. May be repeated for credit. 3 Hours. GUIT 100. Lecture-Recital. Curriculum and Pedagogy in: _____. Henry W. Bloch School of Management. Graduate Review: Renaissance. May be repeated for credit. New Music Ensemble. For freshmen and sophomores. Accompanying for Dance. LEC. Artist Certificate Recital. Prerequisite: Admission into the Music Education Professional Sequence; or with permission of the MEMT division. Audition required. MEMT 311. ORGN 803. May be repeated for credit. VOIC 720. Normally offered during the summer session. CHOR 830. 2 Hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in MTHC or permission of instructor. Music of the Renaissance. VION 120. Doctoral Recitals. Advanced Rehearsal/Conducting Clinic: Band. A study of eighteenth century style with analysis and original work. LEC. LEC. Open to junior and senior pianists with permission of instructor. DBBS 799. PIAN 747. 2 Hours. Deals with chord scale theory, synthetic scales (creation, analysis and harmonization), advanced poly-rhythm, transcription (analysis, deconstruction performance and utilization), Coltrane matrix (tri-tonic), and singing/ear training over chord progressions and standards. Two hours of rehearsal per week. 1-4 Hours. LEC. Applied music lessons. IND. 1 Hour. THE. The school acquaints undergraduates with music as an important field of a liberal culture, either as members of a discriminating public or as trained practitioners. 3 Hours. A comprehensive music program with a world-class faculty offering performance and academic opportunities with the support of financial aid programs. MEMT 463. Prerequisite: Corequisite: SAXO 811. Collegium Musicum, Vocal. 1 Hour. May be repeated for credit. Music Therapy in Medical Care and Wellness of Adult Persons. University Chamber Orchestra. A class in the performance of advanced piano repertoire. Development of rehearsal conducting techniques and leadership skills through collaboration with other musicians. Applied music lessons for undergraduate performance majors (Bachelor of Music). LEC. 2 Hours. Advanced General Music Teaching. 3 Hours. The school nurtures and advances the art of music through creation, performance, scholarly inquiry, entrepreneurship, and enhancement of the artistic skills and experiences of the university and regional cultural communities. Summer session limit one to three hours. Knife sharpening and tool maintenance will also be covered. Acoustics of musical instruments and auditoria, systems of tuning, wave phenomena in musical environments, behavior of the ear, and electrical analysis, synthesis, and recording are included. VION 961. This course examines the history, culture, and musical traditions of Mexico and the Caribbean. 3 Hours NW / W. An introduction to music as part of the cultural experience in India, Southeast Asia, the Orient, and Africa, with comparisons to Western traditions and influences on contemporary music. The normal maximum enrollment is 20 hours during fall or spring semesters or 9 hours during the summer session. (Same as COND 820.) For graduate students not majoring in French horn. ORGN 921. May be repeated for credit. MEMT 596. A research course designed primarily for doctoral students in musicology. A comprehensive study of the elements that contribute to current practice in music therapy, but not limited to, professional competencies, code of ethics, assessment and implementation of interventions, leadership, organizational structure, budget and finance, scheduling and management of contracts, grant writing, and other administrative practices. Applied music lessons for juniors and seniors majoring in performance. LEC. Laboratory class lessons in pedagogy and performance. LAB. Prerequisite: Prior graduate course work in the area of study and consent of Instructor. ACT. IND. Prerequisite: MUSC 801, or its equivalent. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in SAXO 811. LEC. LEC. Prerequisite: First-time freshman status. Prerequisite: Permission of director. May be repeated for credit. LEC. OBOE 810. 3 Hours. Membership by audition. 0-1 Hours. LEC. Prerequisite: MTHC 410 and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. 3-4 Hours. Philosophy and Theory of Music Therapy. 1 Hour. May be repeated for credit. VOIC 120. Comprehensive resource for research on the music … 3 Hours. 1 Hour. 1 Hour. Clinical Internship. Seminar in Music Therapy Professional Development II. The Symphony Orchestra performs works from the standard symphonic repertoire on campus. LAB. ACT. Open only to candidates for the D.M.A. If the instructor specifies that repetition of a portion of the classroom work is required, the student may attend classes but should not officially enroll in that course again. In most cases, you will use the catalog of the year you entered KU (see your advisor for details). MEMT 818. Clinical observation and application of techniques will be course components. IND. Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Contemporary Piano Literature. Studio Class in Carillon. Must be taken in semester the senior recital is being performed and as required by the degree program. The main goal of this course is to learn about how these varied musical styles are interconnected. 3 Hours. CLAR 970. LEC. curriculum in double bass. LAB. Bassoon Reed Making. Focuses on the synthesis and integration of materials from the other classes while also dealing with the use of melodic and rhythmic motives, use of space and pacing, group interaction, performance preparation and success, and dealing with performance anxiety. May be repeated for credit. Understanding the self and environment as management factors. Locating and selecting artists, reading and negotiating contracts, fund raising, grant writing, working with support groups, marketing techniques, publicity, personnel, and finance management. May be repeated for credit. MEMT 296. 1-3 Hours. 1-5 Hours. IND. On KU’s west campus at Irving Hill Road and Constant Avenue, it is the venue for the Lied Center Series. Artist Certificate Recital. Most degree programs accept up to 6 hours of electives in music ensembles and performance. Prerequisite: Corequisite: JAZZ 622. IND. Prerequisite: Corequisite: PCUS 811. Study and performance of ensemble literature for the tuba and euphonium. For freshmen and sophomores. 3 Hours. PIAN 921. IND. MUSC 477. 1 Hour. Prerequisite: Corequisite: OBOE 622. Applied music lessons for freshmen majoring in music. LEC. May be repeated for credit. May be repeated for credit. Seminar in Performance. Harp Performance Class. Graduate advising is handled by the student's major professor. The list is compiled each spring and includes July, December, and May graduates. Small group instruction. D.M.A. Studio performance of solo, ensemble, and orchestral audition repertoire for students concurrently enrolled in violin (viola, etc.) in performance and conducting. Open to both majors and non-majors. The full explanation can be found in the KU Policy Library under University Senate Rules and Regulations. 1 Hour. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. MEMT 826. IND. Doctoral Recitals. Prerequisite: MUSC 320. MUSC 311. Proper care and maintenance of the instrument will be stressed. LEC. 3 Hours. Summer session limit three hours. Investigation of a subject by means of directed readings of primary scholarly sources. The scientific basis for the neurological influence of music on behaviors in physical functioning and cognitive functioning will be explored in rehabilitation and learning models. 2-5 Hours. IND. A formal audition is not required. Summer session limit three hours. Curriculum includes idiomatic writing, tonal balance, scoring for large percussion sections, and analysis of wind colors and instrumental combinations found in music of Holst, Vaughan Williams, Grainger, Stravinsky, Hindemith, and C. Williams. LAB. 1 Hour. Performances, lectures, and discussions of all aspects of performance. Knowledge and skills needed to teach voice, with particular attention to lifespan voice anatomy, physiology, and acoustics, diagnosis and correction of vocal inefficiencies, teaching styles, repertoire choice, professional development, and acquaintance with current research in voice science and vocal pedagogy. May be repeated for credit. A review of basic theories and techniques relevant for understanding post-tonal music. 2 Hours. CHAM 829. MEMT 858. Focuses on the synthesis and integration of materials from the other classes while also dealing with the use of melodic and rhythmic motives, use of space and pacing, group interaction, performance preparation and success, and dealing with performance anxiety. JAZZ 705. The Judeo-Christian Tradition and the Arts. LEC. IND. ORGN 720. Collaborative performance and analysis of recent art song.Collaborative composition and performance of new art song. Study and performance of vocal jazz compositions and arrangements with emphasis on vocal jazz improvisation. Prerequisite: Participation/enrollment in the Marching Jayhawks, BAND 210/410. IND. May be repeated for credit. Rehearsal and performance of string chamber music repertoire. It will begin the spring of the Senior Year right after the new year. Students can make full use of music and dance information resources. IND. IND. ACT. LEC. May be repeated for credit. The band studies and performs music from the standard band repertoire. Physiological factors of woodwind playing, teaching materials and techniques, practice methods, solo and chamber music repertoire, mouthpieces and reeds, discography, techniques of tone production, articulation, embouchure, and intonation. In addition to the regular course work, students must participate in one of the university concerts bands, attend all rehearsals each week and play in concerts. LEC. A pedagogical approach to guitar literature of medium difficulty. The Dane and Polly Bales Organ Recital Hall is acoustically designed for the teaching and performance of organ music. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. For graduate students not majoring in bassoon. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CLAR 811. Audition required. MUSC 136. IND. FLD. 1-4 Hours. JAZZ 630. Individual Study in: _____. FLD. Prerequisite: MTHC 474. A choral ensemble for tenors and basses. MUSC 494. An independent course in preparation for the non-thesis M.M.E. Recorded grade for MM Composition recital. FRHN 799. Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Choral literature from 1450 to 1650. Measurement of Musical Behavior. Open to graduate voice majors with consent of instructor. Studio Instruction. CLAR 961. May be repeated for credit. 1 Hour. A select choral ensemble of 16-20 singers specializing in challenging music of all periods. D.M.A. A survey of selected band works from the standard repertoire. Elective Master's Recital. Performance Media: Guitar. Orff Applications in Music Education and Music Therapy. At the end of the semester in which the student has been on probation, he or she is dismissed for poor scholarship if the grade-point average for the semester is below 2.0. For more information regarding Probation and Dismissal, see the Graduate Studies Policy library. 2 Hours. Course may be repeated for zero credit. LAB. IND. The development of keyboard skills in sightreading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation, score reading, and playing by ear. Students may be dismissed at any time by the dean for excessive absences or for failure to make satisfactory progress in their studies. The Collegium Musicum specializes in early music, both vocal and instrumental, using KU’s collection of replicas of early instruments. ACT. Summer session limit three hours. For graduate students majoring in harp. Non-degree elective recital for Master's students. ORCH 400. Audition required. 0.5-3 Hours. The letter W indicates withdrawal for which no credit or grade point is assigned. RSH. 3 Hours. Required of all candidates for graduate degrees. Beginning Group Guitar I. (Same as CHOR 254.) Performances, lectures, and discussion of all aspects of performance. Repertoire, performance practice, pedagogical, and stylistic concerns relating to the music for brass instruments throughout their history. The student assumes the total professional role as a teacher of music in an approved school setting. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. LEC. Prerequisite: MTHC 315. May be repeated for credit. IND. 3 Hours. Advanced Analysis of Contemporary Music. PIAN 447. May be repeated for credit. RSH. Open only to candidates for the D.M.A. LEC. IND. MEMT 117. May be repeated for credit. Junior/senior credit in applied music involves a prerequisite of 4 hours of university credit in sequence in the field concerned. May be repeated for credit. 3 Hours. The course will include directed readings, writing, and performance. A choral ensemble for treble voices. 1-4 Hours. LEC. A study of the interpretive problems encountered in percussion music from the various historical periods, and a study of the performance practices in orchestral, band, chamber ensemble, and solo literature. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Corequisite: BASN 622. Vocal Performance Class II. May be repeated for credit. Seminar in New Art Song. Classical and innovative methods for establishing reliability and validity. Open to junior, senior, and graduate pianists with permission of instructor. 3 Hours. MUSC 476. For juniors and seniors. MEMT 714. Designed to aid non-music majors in developing skills needed for listening to music. 1-2 Hours. MUSC 744. Last of four classes covering advanced concepts in jazz improvisation, theory, and performance. Enrollment controlled by the instructor in charge. (Same as EALC 308.) May be repeated for credit. Emphasis on a conceptual framework for human behavior and the ameliorative aspects of music. LEC. Prerequisite: Corequisite: Applied instruction for the appropriate instrument. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. IND. Introduction to Jazz Piano. Literature includes wind music, transcriptions, and other standard concert band literature. 1-3 Hours. May be repeated for credit. D.M.A. 0.5-3 Hours. IND. 3 Hours. Open only to non-music majors. Organ literature and organ design in the Dutch and German Baroque with special emphasis on J.S. History of Chamber Music. The group will study, rehearse, and perform traditional and contemporary choral music for tenors and basses. The group will study, rehearse, and perform traditional and contemporary choral music for tenors and basses. Prerequisite: MEMT 330 and admission into the Music Education Professional Sequence; or with permission of the MEMT division. TROM 970. Investigation of a special topic or project. A study of repertoire and performance practice relating to the baroque oboe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Consideration of recent trends in research methods and their place in the schorlarly schemata will be reviewed. IND. Chamber Music for Pianists. MEMT 711. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. ACT. MTHC 477. May be repeated for credit. A formal audition is not required. Rehearsal and performance of string chamber music repertoire. 3 Hours. Advanced repertoire and appropriate level of vocal and musical comprehension shall be expected from the graduate student. May be repeated for credit in different specific media. May be repeated for credit. PENS 252. Rehearsing and conducting non-traditional/ORFF ensemble appropriate for music education and music therapy. 1 Hour. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: 321-level until the music major has accumulated 12 credits. Its aesthetics are enhanced by three magnificent stained glass windows designed by Peter Thompson, former dean of Fine Arts. MUSC 340. MUSC 450. May be repeated for credit. IND. Summer session limit one to three hours. Knowledge and skills needed to teach jazz techniques in music education settings. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Applied music lessons for freshmen and sophomores not majoring music. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EUPH 811. This seminar style course will focus on supervision, Ethics, and Professional Involvement in AMTA. Directed Performance. 1 Hour. LEC. This course provides an overview of pedagogical philosophies in music composition and is designed to prepare students for a teaching position in higher education. 1 Hour. LAB. Open only to students who have been admitted to the D.M.A. 1-15 Hours AE61. May be repeated for credit. LEC. 3-4 Hours. May be repeated for credit. LEC. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Corequisite: CARI 811. LEC. IND. It is a 5-level facility with offices for faculty members in applied music, music theory and composition, musicology, opera, music education, music therapy, and ensembles. MEMT 821. Prerequisite: Corequisite: SAXO 622. May be repeated for credit. Scoring for Field Band. For juniors and seniors. LAB. THE. curriculum in oboe. A comprehensive overview of the arts management field. Prerequisite: Audition and permission of instructor. 1 Hour. May be repeated for credit. 3-4 Hours. PIAN 799. May be repeated for credit. 2-4 Hours. Physiological factors of brass playing, teaching materials and techniques, practice methods, solo and chamber music repertoire, mouthpieces, discography, techniques of tone production, articulation, embouchure, and intonation. PIAN 430. May not be repeated for credit. 0.5-1 Hours. Directed Performance. 0-1 Hours. LEC. 2021 Best Colleges for Music in Kansas About this List The Best Colleges for Music ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S. Department of Education. 3 Hours GE3H. IND. Advanced Music Bibliography and Research. Church Music Seminar I. IND. Group instruction at the beginning level, two hours per week. MEMT 772. LEC. 0-1 Hours. LEC. Applied music lessons for undergraduate performance majors (Bachelor of Music). The letters W and I may be given. A class in the performance of vocal repertoire. Individual instruction. Comprehensive examination of vocal anatomy, respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, and voice development, with particular attention to research-based vocal/choral pedagogies for working with child through senior adult voices. Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint. EUPH 799. MUSC 337. LEC. ACT. Music of the Baroque Era. 3 Hours. Master Class in Organ - Lab. Only one enrollment permitted each semester; a maximum of four hours will apply toward the bachelor's degree. LEC. Application of research-based skills for curriculum development, content selection, and development of teaching strategies for choral music programs to students in early childhood through adulthood including those with disabilities. For freshmen and sophomores. 3 Hours H. A detailed study of the most innovative and influential figures in the history of jazz.

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