reddit aaron swartz

Don't Panic! Remembering Aaron Swartz, Forgotten Reddit Founder and Freedom Activist. You see Aaron thought that information should be very free. This scared Aaron a lot. Ce petit génie de l’informatique a co-développé la spécification RSS 1.0 à seulement 14 ans, a participé à la mise au point du langage Markdown et a co-fondé Reddit.. Aaron Swartz. Januar 2013 berichtet. Have an upvote. But in order to check out those books, he had to go behind the desk, which was a no-no. Surveillance shot that ruined tragic Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz's life: Moment he was caught breaking into MIT archive in sting that left him facing 30 years in jail posted by Aaron Swartz … Le forum d'agrégation d’actualités et de discussion en ligne, baptisé Reddit, rencontre un succès immédiat. What Aaron wanted to do was check out every book, and make sure that everyone around the world had the same chance to read them that he did. The co-founder of social news website Reddit committed suicide in New York City. It’s convenient to be able to work from planes, for example. She actually started it, but you're the one that made the amazing sculpture out of it (with help from your friends, of course). Derrière le Geek génial, l'entrepreneur Web engagé et le militant pour la liberté sur la toile, se cachait une personnalité, certes audacieuse, mais particulièrement déprimée à en croire ses proches. Furthermore, reddit’s author is not a “pythonista” but a long-time dedicated lisp fan who wrote a thesis with the language. GRATIS Versand durch Amazon. Fuck you man. technology; Reddit founder Aaron Swartz commits suicide at 26, family blames prosecutors for death. Aaron Swartz, the late digital rights activist and hacker, did not kill himself because he was depressed, according to his girlfriend. October 12, 2020 11:58 pm - by Basil Brink - Blog. Press J to jump to the feed. I still think that what happened was sad and that the prosecutors were being way too harsh, but he did commit a crime of more than 1's and 0's. Aaron Swartz was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organiser, and internet hacktivist. She studied Politics at Queen’s University Belfast before completing a Journalism MA at the University of Ulster. He helped to make a thing called "RSS" which helps people learn all the stuff they want to without going to all the different websites that that takes. United States recently decided a very difficult free speech case now, it 's been discovered that Westboro! 236 likes. NEW YORK — After reports of Aaron Swartz’s apparent suicide circulated around the Internet this weekend, investigators found evidence of foul play. They started to investigate Aaron, but eventually stopped when they realized Aaron was right. Murderers of Aaron Swartz tried to disguise his death as a suicide. Aaron Swartz, internet activist and co-founder of Reddit struggles with continuing his activist role as he becomes a target of the U.S. justice department Users of Reddit’s “ Watch Reddit Die ” community have spotted that the social network now excludes Aaron Swartz from the page listing the names of its co-founders. Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist.He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, and the website framework, and joined the social news site Reddit six months after its founding. La justice américaine vient d'annoncer avoir inculpé Aaron Swartz, qui avait rejoint Reddit lorsque sa société Infogami avait fusionné avec le site d'actualités. RSS makes it so you can get that all at once (and enjoy your sandwich much more easily). Aaron Swartz joined Reddit six months after it was founded. By Chris Gentilviso. La start-up le rend célèbre et est rachetée par Condé Nast. Swartz's death was confirmed to the newspaper by his uncle, Michael Wolf, and attorney, Elliot R. Peters. Over 6 years on antidepressants now and it's like night and day. If Aaron did all this awesome stuff how did Aaron not have a lot of money? He thought that the work that scientists did at colleges should be seen by everyone! Some people think it was because he was so sad that he just wanted it to go away. (In fact, I’m posting this from one.) The programmer Aaron Swartz on Aug. 19, 2009. We’re here to break down the Reddit controversy and try to make sense of it all. 4,6 von 5 Sternen 27. Après un passage éclair d'un an à la prestigieuse université californienne de Stanford, Aaron Swartz se greffe, en 2005, à un projet qui va changer sa vie. 236 likes. – Ce vendredi, Aaron Swartz , activiste, programmeur et co-fondateur de Reddit , se suicide dans son appartement à New York à l'âge de 26 ans. 320 votes, 43 comments. Januar 2017 . Aaron Swartz avait déjà évoqué son état dépressif par le passé. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Jane is a freelance journalist from Belfast, Northern Ireland specialising in news, culture and politics. I used to think about suicide a lot and never knew I had depression until I found that last straw and tried killing myself. Aaron Swartz was facing a possible sentence to decades in jail and a $1 million fine over the alleged theft of journal articles with intent to post them online. Who was Aaron Swartz? Kindle 1,02 € 1,02 € Sofort lieferbar. This is where the controversy lies. On a related note, this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I always took ELI5 to mean "please explain this in a very simple, straightforward manner, one that does not assume the reader has any prior information" and not necessarily "literally explain like i'm five with metaphors that refer to play doh and your mommy. Aaron also entered the program separately, trying to found Infogami. Reddit co-founder and internet activist Aaron Swartz committed suicide in New York on Friday, MIT's The Tech reports. From a young age, he found himself fond of and adept with computers and the computing world. Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist.He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, and the website framework, and joined the social news site Reddit six months after its founding. Questions must have a definitive answer. Aaron Swartz was many things, among which he was a programmer, a developer, an activist, an open source contributor, and a human. The librarian didn't answer as quickly though, so the cops stuck around and kept asking Aaron questions and checking through his pockets for stuff. Im Alter von 14 Jahren wurde Aaron Swartz durch seine Arbeit an RSS bekannt. ", I like how you made RSS into the Internet's fridge. But, even though all of this information should have been free, they charged people for it. Tumblr A few weeks ago, Internet activist and Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz committed suicide. They came up with and started Reddit in their senior year of college. On Friday, Aaron hung himself. Aaron did some more stuff, too. reddit; contribute code; about this site; one year later; Tweet. Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz's request for a plea deal was turned down by federal prosecutors just two days before he committed suicide as he … From a young age, he found himself fond of and adept with computers and the computing world. Reference questions answered here. Heute vor einem Jahr haben wir über den Selbstmord von Aaron Swartz am 11. There are a lot of people talking about it now though, because if the cops hadn't been so mean to Aaron, he'd probably still be alive today. They're like the cops that might come to the library. The father of Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz spoke exclusively to CNN's Laurie Segall after his son's suicide. von Justin Peters | 3. Le dépasser. By … Aaron also was part of a group of guys who helped give out information from "PACER", which is a big system full of information about what happened at courts. Well actually he was a multi-millionaire from selling reddit...... EDIT: he even said so himself, see: He believed in using the internet to express free speech. Everyone's different and I'm not going to pretend to have the answers to the questions he left behind but typically the longer you think about suicide, the more comfortable you become with the idea, and if you have depression that remains untreated long enough, you're almost looking for a straw to break the camel's back. Patriot Of The Web. I nearly cried at parts. Januar wurde Aaron Swartz tot in seiner Wohnung in Brooklyn aufgefunden. Swartz was involved in the development of RSS, the organisation Creative Commons, and was believed to be a co-founder of social news website Reddit. TL;DR, you can skim it and you'll get the gist. A graphic available on the website instead declares that Reddit was founded in 2005 by Steve Huffman (who continues to serve as CEO) and Alexis Ohanian. La disparition d'Aaron Swartz en janvier 2013 a laissé orpheline la communauté numérique. Aaron Swartz was many things, among which he was a programmer, a developer, an activist, an open source contributor, and a human. Le Monde Publié le 12 janvier 2013 à 17h31 - Mis à jour le 11 juillet 2014 à 15h54 He can check out as many books as he wants, right? Taschenbuch 18,00 € 18,00 € Lieferung bis Freitag, 22. It was a special kind of sad that doesn't go away with a tight hug from mom, so it was especially hard to deal with. Aaron Swartz, 26, war ein Pionier der Hacker-Szene. But most people think it was a combination of the two. So what happened is that Aaron got in trouble with JSTOR, the library, and with MIT, who is pretty much the librarian. Aaron Swartz was a computer programming prodigy and activist who played an instrumental role in the campaign for a free and open Internet and used technology to fight social, corporate and political injustices. Official obituary and funeral notice. So he went to MIT to access JSTOR, basically a virtual library of science, and went "out of bounds" according to MIT. Aaron Swartz joined Reddit six months after it was founded. Aaron Swartz is the founder of Demand Progress, which launched the campaign against the Internet censorship bills (SOPA/PIPA) and now has over a million members.He is also a Contributing Editor to The Baffler and on the Council of Advisors to The Rules.. However, commenters were quick to dismantle this claim. Aaron Swartz, an Internet savant who at a young age shaped the online era by co-developing RSS and Reddit and became a digital activist, has committed suicide. Thank you in advance. Aaron Swartz, internet activist and co-founder of Reddit struggles with continuing his activist role as he becomes a target of the U.S. justice department Aaron Swartz Suicide: Reddit Co-Founder Dead At 26. He was 26 years old. De Boston à New York, retour sur le parcours d'un homme qui voulait propager le savoir. Reference questions answered here. This was especially tough for Aaron because he had been really sad for quite some time. WTF, man? 235k members in the answers community. Was he removed from the list of original Reddit founders, as the latest drama storm claims? This is where the controversy lies. Er gehörte zu den Entwicklern von Reddit und verdiente an dem Verkauf ein kleines Vermögen. Am 11. Reddit merged with Swartz’s company, Infogami between November 2005-January 2006. I've been a heavy internet user for over half my life, and I still have no idea how RSS works in the slightest, or how to set it up. Aaron Swartz is the founder of Demand Progress, which launched the campaign against the Internet censorship bills (SOPA/PIPA) and now has over a million members.He is also a Contributing Editor to The Baffler and on the Council of Advisors to The Rules..

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