nys pistol permit holders database

So yeah, there's a very real public interest to having that information. I'll refrain though, and just point out that you are naive and uninformed. There may be more comments in this discussion. Surely we should register those and make maps of who owns them? I never understood the burglar example. There is no public interest knowing if a woman has had an abortion. As of January 1, 2018, the NYPD License Division will only be accepting on-line applications for handgun licenses, rifle/shotgun permits, and renewals, at the "NYPD Permitting & Licensing" public portal. Obviously, we need to incorporate mental health records into state checks and do a background check on everyone who wants to buy any firearm, but "registering" them is a different animal and IS fraught with problems that the 2nd Amendment was created for. They're from publicly available records. The argument that this somehow puts gun owners in danger or subjects them to unfair scrutiny is absolutely ridiculous. A dog is way more effective than a gun for keeping the home secure. You'd have to tell anyone you were trying to rent from that you were a convicted sex offender, too, so most places wouldn't take you as a tenant. Oh - you're just name calling, because you don't have an argument of any type to offer. The government cannot be trusted to maintain confidentiality of the data. It's your lack of knowledge that Europe also has non-european descent minorities. In fact, in this age of our country, they have chosen to go into our military voluntarily so that our pacifist friends don't have to. I think not. I obtained it from the NYPD two-and-a-half years ago via a Freedom of Information Law request. A newspaper has removed an interactive online map of handgun permit holders in two New York counties that drew nationwide anger and prompted threats … not every member of our society needs to take on the moral burden of killing others, even if it is for a justified purpose. With taking revenge on the complainers by, er, dumping the adress of every permit holder whether they're part of the discussion or not? If you have a valid reason, you may have the right to opt out of disclosure of your pistol permit information prospectively under the NY SAFE Act. Civilized Western countries (in this case, as with most cases related to criminal law being even remotely reasonable, US is not on the list) tend to have a legal process which causes loss of ability to inflict any more crimes of this nature for a period during which they try to rehabilitate that citizen so he will not commit those crimes when his freedom to act is restored. The paper also tried to publish gun permit owners' information from Putnam county, but the city refused to fulfill the FOIL request. Is that anti-pacifistic? The issue is if you have the right to know. yes, we're aware. i have to say i agreeall a criminal would have to do is sit there wait till you leave and go get a few. is almost always excessive. This is bad for the good guys and good for the bad guys. As such trying stupid shit to do things that are bans but not in name, or to harass or make things difficult for gun owners are counter productive. If I were buying a house, I would see high gun ownership in a neighborhood as a very bad sign, because it means that a large percentage of the people live in constant fear for their lives. Owning a gun without any sort of training is like owing a cyclotron - ok so you have one, now what do you do with it? I'm more of an authoritarian, than I am an anarchist. All you idiots are doing is invading peoples' privacy, advocating vigilante justice against people who have broken no laws, and providing a database of places that criminals can go steal guns that won't be traced to them. If Christ really does descend from Heaven again, that fruitcake Muhammed is going to look like a candy ass child, in comparison with what the Christ does. Gun control has no significant effect reducing either of these numbers. Police Headquarters. The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. They just put her life in danger. Mind you, I'm not proposing that as an ideal solution, merely the "fairest" one. And I want a pony. Do you honestly believe that giving the government all the wealth that gets created by private citizens on their death is better than letting individuals decide what's best for their families? I guess there are many things I still don't understand about guns. Pistol Licensing Bureau. The list is back online and even worse, it basically taunts Assemblyman Ball for trying to get it taken down. Or, if you want to up the "obnoxious" factor, what if they published the names and addresses of women who have had abortions? The maps are still visible on the site, however they are simply static images. The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot converted into a crime" Miller v. U.S. 230 F.2d 486 At the time, a militia was an improvised collection of citizens, drawn together in small towns to defend themselves from the British. No, instead they simply re-define what rights an "individual" has, and look to disarm you. I'm sure he doesn't want every BG he put away having access to his home address. No new comments can be posted. It is not the only indicator (bars on windows are another good one), but it is a good indicator. and yet they still do not believe they did anything wrong. Q: I mailed in my paper recertification form. We're talking about neighborhoods. That said, I don't agree with the GP that it should be used when deciding who to buy from or other such nonsense. Like, for instance, gun crime? It seems like police carrying guns to protect society from violent people is no different than society itself carrying guns to protect themselves from aggression. Isn't it curious that many, if not most, of those same people argue that prohibition simply fuels a black market, like the "War On (some) Drugs" and alcohol prohibition? Of course, odds are good that even if you have a firearm you won't be able to actually protect someone with it. Comment removed based on user account deletion. Hell, why not publish data on who has large coin collections at home while we're at it. We should never just got with what the vast majority of people think simply because that is the majority for a couple of reasons. replace gun with knives. Want to be a crack head that robs people for crack money? Comments owned by the poster. These records include those which: FYI - I also got information that confirmed that current and retired cops are also publicly listed on this database along with their home information. Funny thing is after someone scoured the list and found a lot of politicians on there (including a lot of democrats among the usual republicans), they're scurrying fast now to pass legislation to make this info required to be private. I'm certain you won't mind telling me all about them, as you see nothing wrong with sharing this kind of information. If anything, it would probably act as deterrent to the jealous ex. If the government collects the information against people's will, it's not "nanny state" to prevent them from doing even more harm by releasing it. Yeah, that works fine until someone shows up with a gun at your door. It doesn't defend you from public opinion. Hardly. I'm actually pretty pro-gun, AND reside/work in NYC but I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Apparently not. I'm actually pretty pro-gun, AND reside/work in NYC but I see absolutely nothing wrong with this...The argument that this somehow puts gun owners in danger or subjects them to unfair scrutiny is absolutely ridiculous. Proper education and required licensing country-wide is the direction you should be going in. And don't forget all the evil that men wielding guns have done in this world either. Yes, I'm sure you and everyone else would have nothing to fear at all when you leave your house, leaving your valuables unprotected. New York's law is clearly unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution. Burglar's goal is stealing your stuff with as little risk as possible. All that list shows, as some-point in time, a firearm was potentially known to be at that location - it doesn't mean that it is still there, it doesn't m. Agree with what? JavaScript is disabled. The recertification process will be conducted by the New York State Police but, in order to help Monroe County Pistol Permit holders, information is available at the County Clerk's Office. Do you really think that you would have been agreeing to all that when you decided to step behind a bush and take a leak? Gun ownership rates and gun control laws, have little to no correlation with rates of violent crime. edit: they put it on the internet archive as public domain? This is one of many databases that simply never should have been compiled. Nothing but the gun safes were touched, coincidence? Therefore, one would expect most of the permits on that list to not be concealed carry. The Orange County Sheriff's Office conducts background investigations into Pistol Permit applications for presentation to the Orange County Court Judges, who make issuance determinations. Because the NYPD is more interested in raping and/or eating ladies and spying on Muslims than it is in honoring public records law, the list contains only the names, and not the addresses, of the licensees. In the weeks following the Sandy Hook school shootings, the New York Journal News published an interactive map displaying the names and addresses of gun permit owners in Westchester and Rockland counties. If you're unarmed, there might not be an incentive for the criminal to shoot you. but I won't bother. There are a few issues here, not least of which is that this approach to privacy isn't tenable in the modern age with its proliferation of convenient data mangli. Today that happens to be anyone convicted of a felony, no matter how victimless that crime may have been, or unrelated to protecting ones self or family. The NYSAFE Act protects the privacy of pistol license holders by permitting them to notify a County Clerk that they do not wish for their information to be released publicly. It would allow for some tracking and accountability, and in the event someone becomes a prohibited person easier allow courts to determine if they have any guns that need to be surrendered." Cool, I guess, 'cause it means I win. This list was made in their own words "so readers could decide where it is safe" which is kind of a weighted line in the context. The list itself was searchable via a form on the website including names and addresses. What if I out a business's record of consumer complaints? surely this a public service for burglars - now they know which homes *not* to target because they stand a chance of getting shot by the homeowner when they go to in take his valuables. And their weapons are probably stored in their bedside tables, fully loaded, just waiting to be stolen and used by someone who didn't pass a background check. This is EXACTLY why gun owners are against registration. There isn't a database of permit holders because some marketing person decided to figure out who they can best sell gun range memberships to. It is mostly in aggregate that the information is relevant. All they do is polarize things, convince gun owners that any and all controls are bad because they'll be abused. Not any more so than now, as far as I've read, unless you have some citation otherwise. And on the same note, if you really NEEDED to know this, why wouldnt you simply ask your neighbor?? In the US, we have no real numbers on gun control and suicide rates, homicide rates, or pretty much anything else because the gun lobby has worked to destroy any public funding for such research, and to end careers of anyone who tries to independently study them. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. And why are there many places in the US with fairly comprehensive gun bans, like Chicago? Your neighbor, instead of hiding the fact that he has weapons like criminals do, follows the law and registers his legally obtained weapons. In the case of sex crimes, the lifelong punishment that comes after all jail time has been served, fines paid, etc. For example you try and say "Hey, we really should register firearms. Some people will argue that because guns are a high value commodity on the black market, they are a lucrative target for theft. Or it's a list of homes to burgle to get their hands on a gun they otherwise wouldn't be able to get due to background checks. This is one thing I really cannot stand for people to say. New York Pistol Permit Owner List Leaked 899. Let's analyze that name though. Why wasn't it "leaked" .. well.. before all this pressure to ban guns ?It's "published", not leaked. In what world does one NEED to know that his neighbor has a gun? Blvd., Room 340, White Plains, NY 10601. > many legal products are far more dangerous. Its goal is to strengthen and improve the accuracy of recordkeeping at both the state and local levels. If you have a gun, and it is loaded and ready to use when someone assults you, your family or your home the difference between having the gun taken away from you or it being used to defend you, your family and your home is training. Unfortunately, there are many people who disagree with you on this. Like any other tool, it has limited uses. Is shooting paper somehow not pacifist? Under the law, current licensees and new applicants may make this notification to their licensing officer using a form approved by the Superintendent of the New York State Police. To me, a gun is a tool. You don't commit rapes because you are sexually attracted to women (or men), do you? Yes. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — The Monroe County Clerk’s Office is warning pistol permit holders about a new scam carried out via text message. And here I thought people bought guns to protect themselves against crime. By contrast, out of those registered gun owners, assuming they represent a random sampling of the population, 26.2% will "suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year." what happens when pacifism meets aggressive violent people? Most of them never commit any crimes. I really don't see how posting this kind of information is harassing, or making things difficult for gun owners. I use each tool for it's intended purpose. No, it's not your racism I draw attention to. We need to stop blaming actions on inanimate objects and demand that people accept personal responsibility for their actions. There's a reason we create police forces and military forces. If I were a gun owner in New York, I'd refuse to comply, based on the Supremacy of the 2nd Amendment. Any category of outing where the information is only available because of the nanny state in the first place. Below is a 446-page list of every licensed gun owner in New York City. It already happened. Slashdot is powered by your submissions, so send in your scoop. I just said this so anyone reading your post would stop and think a minute. FYI: one of our guys went and notificed NYPD's licensing division and they were unaware of this. They're now on it. Of course not. ...when thieves break into their houses looking for guns. This is when going by modern Western model of rape, which counts raping family member and such as rape, and is fairly common regardless of culture. These statistics are either cooked, completely ignore the elephant in the room while focusing on the fly on the wall or just plain pulled out of your ass. When did all sex offenders become pedophiles? We would still be honoring Queen Elizabeth as our monarch. Gun nut? I own a gun to shoot paper. more children are killed by firearms each year than by the people listed in certain databases who have already fully paid their debt to society yet will continue to be persecuted by the public, by the media and by the government, forever. (Watch some idiots raise "racist" smokescreen out of my factual observation. I suggest others do the same. Certain records or portions thereof are excepted from disclosure under authority of Public Officers Law Section 87.2(a-i). I read there are many people killing other people with a hammer. If it's in the public interest to keep those records private, they're going to have to change the law to make it so. Having sufficient training to pick. If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt. And the public certainly does have an interest in regulating firearms. The message asks recipients to click a link […] Intentionally. Believe the story or not, believe in God or not, that's your choice, but if you're going to tell the story, tell the entire story. shut down the interactive maps which contained the names and addresses of licensed gun owners, licensed gun owners in New York City without addresses, leaked the raw data used to build The Journal News maps, Trump Fires Election Security Director Who Corrected Voter Fraud Disinformation, House Votes To Impeach President Trump a Historic Second Time, Trump To Congress: Repeal Section 230 Or I'll Veto Military Funding, New York Post's Hunter Biden Laptop Source Sues Twitter for Defamation, Submission: New York Pistol Permit Owner List Leaked, Idealists survive on the backs of realists, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_driving_in_the_United_States#Statistics, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/26/us/26guns.html?pagewanted=all, I really hate gun control morons like these, Re:I really hate gun control morons like these, Let's publish a list of the newspaper employees, Re:Let's publish a list of the newspaper employees. if I go to your house can I go through your belongs and take what I want if i leave some cash on the counter? Pistol Permit Recertification. That's why they employ countless techniques, such as calling, ringing the bell and so on before trying to enter. To be fair, I don't think foot fetishists kill many children at all. yup looks like the cease and desist only worked for the one webhost, but he's now hosting on a host that is known for being a lot harder to shut down (needs an actual court order rather than a cease and desist). If this guy was rude, it would be a different story. You're right that an area with lots of concealed-carry permits is probably an area where mostly retired LEOs live, which is probably low crime. There's a prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment in the Bill of Rights for a reason; the punishment must fit the crime. An individuals pistol permit record including application, amendments, and transfers are available to be viewed in the County Clerk’s Office only by the permit holder. "Outing" people is free speech in action. Step 1: The pistol permit recertification provision of the SAFE Act was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2013. How to Renew a New York Concealed Carry Permit. You are a pacifist only because there are others willing to use violence to keep the peace. Here is the site to recertify: https://firearms.troopers.ny.gov/pprecert/welcome.faces. Most people watch far too many hollywood movies. A suburban New York newspaper that outraged gun owners by posting the names and addresses of ... removes gun permit database from ... law that included privacy provisions for permit holders. Let em rot in jail. They represent an elite group of people with the proper training and psychological stability to use firearms for the public good. Thats a perfect hypocrit campaign commercial right there. In Australia, they had real, significant reductions in suicides when they implemented their gun controls. Usually anything that passes in November becomes law in April. Neither of those are "straw men." Right back at ya! I fear the next evolution of this will list the firearms we own along with the serial number. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/26/us/26guns.html?pagewanted=all [nytimes.com] And that involves posting your Congressmens' e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Perhaps you have a nice collection of diamonds. A: Please return the completed form to: New York State Police Pistol Permit Bureau Building 22 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226-2252. This is going to get interesting. Once you're on the sex offender list, your name, address and photo would be made available to anyone who cares to look for registered sex offenders in the area you live in. An anonymous reader writes "On Friday, The Journal News caved under pressure of gun advocates and shut down the interactive maps which contained the names and addresses of licensed gun owners in upstate New York. In order to recertify your Pistol Permit it will be necessary for you to provide accurate and timely information in the required fields. I'd love to see a cross-reference between the democrats who own guns and how they voted for particular gun legislation. Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The other thing to consider is that the likely reason the newspaper published this list was to invite retaliation against the firearms owners. All Rights Reserved. So, you won't mind if I publish a list of everyone who has a jewelry insurance rider for high-dollar valuables in their home, right? If you read more detail in history, you'll see that the "historically high rates" from earlier years weren't actually extracted from those with wealth, as they all managed (and still do) to gain loopholes. At the neighborhood level, safe communities very rarely meet aggressive, violent people. What if we had a list of all gay people, or all people who buy porn because "we want our readers to know where its ok for the children to play" I dont think that would fly. Just found a name on that list of a criminal judge that I know. Then OBVIOUSLY, the government shouldn't be in control of the information. In the second section: But after a few years, felons can get their rights restored through a judicial process. There also was no legitimate public interest in disclosing these names, such as there would have been if say, you published everybody who made a campaign contribution to $POLITICAL_FIGURE in excess of $AMOUNT. For example, Brazil has recently amended its rape law to include these, and has observed. The New York State Police website: www.troopers.ny.gov/Firearms; Any New York State Police location; Q: What address should the recertification form be sent to? The system needs work, but registering isn't the so. Agreed, I live in the area, and i know the 2 homeowners who have been broken into since this has happened. Should we seal every single damaged sidewalk complaint too? I'm in Canada and own no guns. We're not talking about the broader scale of one nation attacking another nation here. In my limited understanding (I've never bothered to look it up) all felons lose the right to own firearms, and to vote. You'd be required to admit that you were convicted sex offender on job applications, which would severely limit your employment opportunities. Pretty much this. Keeping it in a box on a high shelf and not knowing what to do with it is useless. I'm more of a socialist than an anarchist too, as far as that goes. Buffalo Office: Old County Hall- 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm . 30 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980. Then, this happens, in a place that has a gun registry. Insurance riders are generally part of a private contract between an individual and another private, *non-government*, entity. Did you know that when you are willing to deny some people their rights, you also say that it's okay to deny you your rights when you disgust enough people? The site doesn’t publish a list of The Empire State’s concealed carry permit holders. Besides, if he has a concealed carry permit, the whole point is that you don't know. It seems this poor fellow was modded "troll" for expressing a legitimate opinion that is contrary to that of many of the gun proponents on this site. Pacifism doesn't mean not being armed; it means not being aggressive. A forum dedicated to and laser-focused on Heckler & Koch firearms, Heckler & Koch accessories and the owners and enthusiasts that love them! Should those companies be liquidated to pay that tax, in order to achieve your vision of "fairness" and "equality" simply because "it's worked before" (it really hasn't)? It's even written into the s, "That's silly, it would be used only for lawful purposes by the proper authorities.". They are still humans, and still citizens of the country with all the legal protection granted to all other citizens. They are actively monitored for psychological problems, they are trained to distinguish friend from foe, and they are trained to store their service weapons properly. He most likely would have died young, and as a nobody, had he done the exact same thing while under the rule of another country. Copyright © 2021 SlashdotMedia. Submit two (2) original copies of the Pistol License Recertification Form, along with the required fee, to the Westchester County Clerk Pistol Licensing Division, 110 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Others will argue that there is an increased risk of getting injured or killed in an attempt to rob these homes. You must complete a NYS Firearms License Request for Public Records Exemption form; To complete the Request for Public Records Exemption form: In the first section: Enter your name, date of birth, address and the county in which you are applying. Real methods of fighting burglars usually involve either convincing them you're home when you're not, or getting security setup that makes them think they have a high chance of getting detected during the crime. In some places, you'd no longer be able to live within 1000 feet of a school or day care center. The purpose of the 2nd amendment, if you haven't read any of the works of Jefferson and the other founding fathers outside the Constitution, was to allow ordinary citizens the means to defend themselves from an oppressive government. Do you know the recidivism rate for child molestation compared to other crimes? BTW, Certain members of Slashdot that want to get rid of all guns not owned by the government would do well to read this page [mgoa.com]; but they won't... You can only have pacifism, because someone else has a gun. How does being born poor as hell into a family that can't provide you with any opportunities and having to take out. Criminals often carry guns for the same reason gun owners claim they carry guns - self-protection. The only reason John Cook didn't publish them is because the NYPD didn't give them to him.. John Cook made it pretty clear that he would have published the addresses if he had them. We are not a democracy. Anyone who really objects to a nanny state wouldn't want the government collecting the information to begin with, and if they didn't collect the information, nobody would be able to out anyone using it. First off, this is the path that leads to tyranny. Local counties are in charge of issuing the permit based on discretion. You don't use a hammer to clean windows, you don't use a gun to clean windows, you don't use a screwdriver to clean windows - all of these tools would cause more destruction than a window cleaner can tolerate. Guess it never expires.. yes they always keep your info and fingerprints on file... just in case. New York Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW): Gun Laws, Application, Requirements & Online Training New York has a May-issue policy for pistol licenses in the state. I'm sure nothing bad would happen. Thus speaks someone who thinks with his guts and not his brain. You should have your Pistol Permit and your New York State Driver License or Non-Driver Identification, as providing specific … You seem to be ignorant of the fact that they will not fight to repeal the 2nd Amendment. All kinds of arguments have been tried and all have failed, the supreme court has ruled that the 2nd does in fact mean that gun ownership is a protected, individual, right. Indeed, they were mostly just predictions based on knowing how people think and act. Killing someone is right near the bottom of my list, but permitting someone to harm me or. But even if that correlation did not exist, a high number of gun owners would still be a red flag. What I DO NOT LIKE, is the government infringing on the lives of law abiding citizens. A New York State appellate court ruled Tuesday that the home addresses of gun-permit holders and hate-crime victims must be redacted from databases released under … And they decided to hire guards who have guns to protect them. Come join the discussion regarding HK pistols, long arms, NFA arms, HK accessories, HK history and trivia and more. I'm a pacifist too, but I have no beef with private ownership of firearms. no the public is "interested" but there is no "public interest" as defined in law. (Source: NIH [nih.gov]) Most of them lack any formal training. Gun haters have to accept and get over the fact that guns are NOT going to be banned, period, end of story, unless the second amendment is repealed. The list of long-term affects on your life goes on and on, but basically you're screwed for life.

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