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He carries Mononoke out of the Ironworks and back to the wolf gods who raised her, before passing out from his wound (The Ordeal). Gaki is a yokai that was once human, cast down to Gakido upon dying due to the sins it committed during its lifetime. He gets caught up in a battle with samurai and discovers his cursed arm gives him increased strength, and a traveling monk tells him to seek the mountain of the Deer God to find answers. Ashitaka leaves under the cover of night, bringing his loyal elk, Yakul, with him (Finding Allies). However, Ashitaka won’t surrender so easily. Dwellers are humans turned into yokai by the foul miasma in the depths of a mine. Despite how useful Campbell’s work is on its own, there have been some important additions that have not only clarified his ideas, but added new and unique interpretations. It follows a character as they’re called on an adventure, face a series of trials, and undergo a final challenge where they prove they’ve grown into the hero’s archetype. If the hero succeeded during The Ordeal, they’ll receive a reward. He begins the story when the demon boar Nago arrives at his village (The Call to Adventure). In the process he enters the demon’s path and it touches his arm. Daidara Bocchi is a giant that features in folktales all over Japan. Tate Eboshi, the yokai that haunts Suzuka Pass, was once a bandit. Ashitaka goes to the wolf gods and tries to explain that humans and nature can coexist, but they refuse to believe him. In particular, Vogler helped create the idea of the hero’s character arc by separating the Hero’s Journey into two halves: The Outer Journey (story structure) and the Inner Journey (character development). Soldiers that have come to harness the power of yokai by using Spirit Stones. Ongyoki is one of the four demons said to have been employed by Fujiwara no Chikata. Karasu Tengu, giant Tengu with wings like a crow's, has been known to humans since ancient times. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Miyazaki’s work, and this movie is no exception, but this time I saw the movie in a new light. A Mezuki is a demon with the head of a horse. Whatever it is, this stage helps push the hero to recognize reality by showing them another example of the conflict, both Inner and Outer, that they’re being called to face. A yokai taking the form of a monk playing a biwa lute. The stages of that progression, the natural stages of life and growth, make up the Hero’s Journey.” — Christopher Vogler. While working on the first draft of this article, I was watching Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki. The Snowclops are one-eyed yokai that leave behind bizarre tracks in the snow- a trail of single footprints that ends abruptly. When you sit down to write a hero of your own, start by considering what flaw, sickness, or weakness their society has. Ashitaka isn’t sure what to think (Approaching the Cave). Ko-umi-bozu, literally "small-umi-bozu" are the resentful souls of samurai who died fighting at sea. This also comes with the freedom for the hero to live their own life at last, often with a foot in both the outside world and their own community. A Kamaitachi is said to ride the wind, slashing at its victim with biting gales. The harinobo is a yokai formed by worn-out needles and broken blades. They can no longer remain naive if they’re to survive here. A yokai composed of smoke and darkness, born from the grudges of humans who met their untimely ends in the Dark Realm. They’ve overcome their temptation, and now must show that through action. Let me know in the comments! Lin from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a 13-year-old Teen Genius who, as part of the Shield Trooper class, wields a Gatling gun as her ranged weapon of choice. Here they’ll learn a lot about themselves, and will come face to face with the conflict they were warned about in the Call. The hero will refuse to return home, unwilling to give up their new life (or sometimes unwilling to jeopardize up their old life, depending on the Inner Journey of the hero). On one side feudal lords wage war against each another, and on the other the spirits of nature struggle to survive against encroaching humans. The Oboroguruma is a yokai in the form of an ox carriage. That evening, Ashitaka meets with the elders of his village (Meeting with the Mentor) and they tell him the curse will eat away at him, eventually killing him. You can find his Hero’s Journey at work in nearly every myth, novel, movie, and play out there—and, despite Campbell’s views, there’s absolutely no requirement for the hero character to be male or female. Koroka were once old stone lanterns, and are considered a type of "tsukumogami" (an item that has acquired a spirit.). The results, however, aren't quite what she intended. Having officially left home, Ashitaka makes the long journey west, facing a variety of challenges along the way. Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫 , Mononoke Hime) is a feature-length animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli.It is considered one of Miyazaki's masterpieces, taking sixteen years to design and three years to produce, with a recorded box office revenue of ¥19.3 billion yen, breaking box office records in Japanese cinemas at that time. Haku is the deuteragonist of Spirited Away. Not only are the forests healed, but the sick people of the Ironworks are as well. The elders talk about how their bloodline is weakening, and how all the human kingdoms outside their isolated village are in decay as well. Ashitaka isn’t sure what to think (Approaching the Cave). They’ve overcome the flaws of their world and of themselves, and will help steer their community on a new and better path. The Underworld Soldiers, are demons who form the army of Yomi, the Japanese underworld. A huge red oni born from a pack of angry ghosts. Heroes are an integral part of our storytelling language, and this pattern of the hero’s character arc provides a guide to help you create the type of memorable, compelling heroes readers can’t get enough of. The Road Back is, in many ways, a mirror of the first five stages of the hero’s character arc. 9. The fox spirit is a fox-based yokai that is highly intelligent and possesses strong magical powers. Nausicaä (ナウシカ Naushika, pronounced [na.uɕika]) 1 is the princess of the Valley of the Wind. She was born to an unmarried mother, who eventually died in an epidemic. She is the eleventh child of King Jhil, and the only one to live to maturity. It has a single large eye at its center and a single leg in place of a handle. Ashitaka is loyal to his mission to preserve the spirituality of the forests, San resents humankind and Lady Eboshi is a self-starter only looking out for the advancement of human industry. The hero has learned the secrets of the outside world, but their community is still suffering. Ashitaka’s time in his ordinary world is short. Gyuki is an enormous yokai with the legs of a spider and head of a bull. Though appearing to be a young boy, Haku is actually a river spirit -- the "God of the Swift Amber River" (or "Spirit of the Kohaku River" in the English dub). Lady Osakabe is a yokai that has possessed an entire castle, lending the building her life force. Thank you Marta. She and the wolves take him to the Deer God’s forest, where the Deer God heals him. . This is when the self-sacrifice of the hero’s character arc really comes into play, as the hero often has to risk losing their newfound life and allies to return home. Magatsu Warriors are armored warriors and corpses that have transformed into yokai by the power of the spirit stones. In the hero’s Inner Journey, the Call to Adventure marks the first time they’re asked to come face to face with the flaws of themselves and their world. The White Tiger is one of the four legendary beasts-gods of the cardinal directions, said to be protector of the West. At first, Ashitaka helps around the Ironworks, unsure if he should stay or go. Here, most heroes will refuse to believe the flaws they saw through the Call. Upon reaching the forest, Ashitaka saves Mononoke from certain death, but cannot stop Lady Eboshi, who kills the Deer God and steals his head. Their journeys are always ones of service and self-sacrifice. The world around Ashitaka was decaying because humans and nature were at war, so his Hero’s Journey ties into a quest to unite the two. Also known as a form of oni, a muscular, horned humanoid dwelling in the mountains. It should reveal the answer they set out to find after the First Threshold. They’ll be unwilling to answer the Call at this stage. Classic heroes such as Robin Hood and King Arthur mix with modern variations like Simba and Shane to form a formidable pantheon. While Eboshi hates San and the forest spirits, she keeps a garden in her town. Most importantly, what does their society need to learn to become better? You see, the success of society is just as important as the success of the hero themself. Their reward could be anything, but it must have both plot and character related aspects. At its most basic, the Hero’s Journey is a common pattern all hero characters follow, popularized by Campbell. Some believe her to be "The Blue Clad One" from Dorok legends. Whenever someone asks me how to write a hero, I immediately point them towards Joseph Campbell. Ashitaka and Mononoke are both alive and Ashitaka’s cursed arm is healed. Most importantly, this hero’s character arc is something you can use to write memorable, compelling heroes all your own! However, before he goes they tell him to journey west in hopes of lifting his curse. At this stage the hero is often ignorant of the outside world, but still feels a certain level of discontent. Ippon-Datara is a one-legged, one-eyed yokai. Here they’re introduced to the conflict and pushed to engage with it. Ashitaka even sees the Deer God while traveling through their woods, and discovers that his cursed arm moves on its own, still imbued with the raging spirit of the demon boar (Road of Trials). Yatsu-no-kami is a serpent god with a horn made of countless blades protruding from its foreheard. As soon as he loses his head the Deer God becomes a massive demon, consuming and killing everything it touches. Not only does he follow every beat of the hero’s character arc, but he shows how the Outer and Inner Journeys of the hero interact and weave together into a powerful story. Instructed by the village elders to travel westward for a cure, Ashitaka arrives at Tatara, the Iron Town, where he finds himself embroiled in a fierce conflict: Lady Eboshi of Tatara, promoting constant deforestation, stands against Princess San and the sacred spirits of the forest, who are furious at the destruction brought by the humans. This much like the traditional First Plot Point of the Three Act Structure. Finally the hero has returned. When he passes the Ironworks and sees that it’s under attack, he steps in to protect it—Ashitaka races to find Lady Eboshi so she can send reinforcements to protect the people at the Ironworks. When he is about to leave, however, the wolf-princess Mononoke arrives intent on killing Lady Eboshi. Ashitaka and Mononoke race to retrieve the head and warn the Ironworks of the coming calamity. Kappa are diminutive Yokai with green skin, a dish-like depression on their heads, and a turtle-like shell on their back. This Inner Journey is the foundation of the hero’s character arc, and you can see it at work in any of the three different primary character arcs. This is the hero’s darkest moment, when they’re unsure what all of this has been for and if they’re really capable of fulfilling the hero’s role. Lady from the Devil May Cry series hefts around the Kalina Ann, a full-fledged machinegun/rocket launcher that happens to be larger than she is tall. In the Taiheiki, Fujiwara no Chikata is described as a very powerful noble of the Heian period, who controlled the region surrounding the border of Iga and Ise. They mourn Ashitaka’s loss, but know he cannot stay. Before the hero can set out on their journey, they need allies to support them. This Outer Journey is all about the plot of the Hero’s Journey, which we discussed above, while the Inner Journey focuses on the growth and psychological state of the hero. With that information you can build the basic framework of your hero. The Call to Adventure is a pretty well know plot point within the hero’s Outer Journey. Meanwhile, the war between the humans of the Ironworks, the opposing samurai, and the nature gods escalates into a massive battle. Bakegani is giant crab yokai that have made many an appearance in folktales told all over Japan. It is most commonly encountered in the vicinity of mines and it is believed to have gained its unsightly form after years of harsh labor as a blacksmith. Missing: Onyudo (the huge yokai with the tongue), Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, To check the compendium of both friendly and hostile Yokai that are encountered, check our. The Giant Toad is, as its name implies, a yokai in the form of an enormous toad. Kinki is one of the four demons said to have been employed by Fujiwara no Chikata. However, unlike similar story structures like the Three Act Structure, the Hero’s Journey doesn’t stop there. Of course, there are plenty of other archetypes beyond the hero archetype, and Campbell and Vogler discuss many of them.

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